Run For The Wall (RFTW) Participant’s Code of Conduct, Version 3.11
These expectations apply to All Participants, including ALL LEVELS of Leadership
No. 1 Rule of the Run: No Attitudes!
All riders must remember that while participating in RFTW, you serve to represent the Veteran community as a whole. As such, you must control your behavior and emotions to the best of your ability. Altercations, either verbal or physical, will not be tolerated. Extreme or repeated incidents or unruly or hostile behavior will be handled by the Route Coordinator. He/she will determine what actions need to be taken to ensure the integrity and safety of the Run. This may include terminating an individual’s participation in this event.
- Respect the Missing Man Formation, in Staging and on the road.
- Inappropriate language, humor, etc., when you are riding with RFTW will not be tolerated.
- Inappropriate patches may need to be covered at certain stops (schools, churches, etc.).
- Attend ALL MANDATORY Meetings.
- No Smoking or Vaping is allowed while in meetings, at presentations or at other gatherings and ceremonies. Smoking or Vaping is also prohibited in motorcycle staging, in formation on the road and in fueling areas. Smoke only in designated areas.
- Avoid political discussions, Your opinions are yours, keep them that way. RFTW is not the place for political discussion.
- If involved in an accident or incident where property damage or personal injury has occurred, you are required to share vehicle insurance information with other riders involved.
- Be respectful and attentive to speakers and presenters.
- Not everyone is as good a rider as you, be tolerant and supportive. We were all FNGs once.
- “We Ride For Those Who Can’t” – be respectful of their sacrifice by not yelling at Memorials or at solemn ceremonies and gatherings.
- Everyone loves a good song, but loud music on the road, in fueling or staging disrupts necessary and vital communication. Save it for the ride home.
- RFTW does not allow or condone consumption of alcohol or recreational drugs during the “riding day”. A rider seen consuming alcohol or recreational drugs during the riding day is subject to removal by the RC.
- There will be NO open carry or public display of firearms/weapons at any location or any time while participating on the mission, to include from the time of Check-in, during any sanctioned RFTW event, and until departing after the end of mission (EOM).
- There will be no posting to social media of pictures or text messages, etc., regarding accidents or incidents while on the Run.