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Important Announcement Regarding Proposed Route Changes

Run For The Wall 1989 Feature

To all RFTW Participants and Supporters.

Since we released the 2027 route change announcement on January 9th in a Special President’s Message we have received a lot of input, comments and feedback via the RFTW Forum, social media, email, phone and text. We hear you! The good, the bad and yes, the ugly. We have taken all of your input under serious consideration. While the “Valor Route” scenario is one potential option, we have also come to acknowledge that there may be other options that deserve deeper study and consideration.

2025 is a historic opportunity to make the 35th Run For The Wall the best run yet, and we can only make this happen by coming together with 100% focus and unity.

Any changes to future route structure are hereby tabled until the conclusion of this year’s run. Beginning in July 2025, we will restructure the Sustainment Committee to examine the “Valor Route” scenario as well as other possibilities. This deep examination will include conducting rider surveys (similar to what we did in 2022) so that you, the RFTW Family, can have an opportunity to provide your input.

Now is the time to zero in on RFTW 2025 without distraction. United, we honor the legacy of RFTW and carry out our Mission: To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

Change is inevitable. RFTW must continue the Mission for generations to come. And we want to be sure that we have considered all options and make the right change(s) to ensure this outcome. There will be more on this to follow, but for now we need to come together to make RFTW 2025 a run to remember for all the right reasons.

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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Waiver of Liability – Director of Risk Management

RFTW 2024 Mission Accomplished

Hello RFTW Family!

Many of you may have received an email from Docusign with an attachment to sign. If you are a volunteer, in any position, on any route, you will receive this attachment for your signature. This is a requirement of our insurance carrier for the 2025 policy.

This is not spam and the link/associated attachment is not a phishing email or malicious link.

Please open the attachment and Docusign will indicate where your signature belongs. Once completed, I will receive a confirmation email with your signed attachment. I will collect these and provide them to the insurance carrier to comply with their requirements.

If you did not sign the attachment, or deleted the email, never fear, Docusign is set up to send reminders every 5 days until signed, so you will have another opportunity.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email at

Lance ‘Batman’ Wheeler
Director of Risk Management/Registration

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Midway Route RC Announcement

RFTW Midway Route

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the confirmation of Ed “Wind Dog” Brundage as the new Route Coordinator for the Midway Route 2025. Ed brings years of leadership experience and RFTW experience dating back to 2008. During his service to RFTW, Ed served as a team member and leader on the fuel team and advanced team and has ridden both Central and Midway Routes.

Welcome Ed!

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Run For The Wall® Podcast Season 1 Episode 10 – Ambassador on the Run w/ Sonia “Old Girl” Ammann

Run For The Wall Podcast

Run For The Wall® Podcast Season 1 Episode 10 – Ambassador on the Run w/ Sonia “Old Girl” Ammann.

Welcome to episode 10 of the Run For The Wall podcast. In this episode we have the pleasure of sitting with Sonia “Old Girl” Ammann who has over 20 years of experience with RFTW and is an Ambassador extraordinaire.

Listen to the RFTW Podcast on Spotify

Watch The RFTW Podcast on YouTube

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions please send them to

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“Every Day is May!”

American Flag with a POW-MIA Logo.


“There isn’t a single ‘season’ to be a Patriot.  Paying honor to our Veterans, showing respect for our Active Duty Personnel, and remembering our nations Fallen should be at the forefront of our daily activities.  It should be such a part of our character that we don’t even realize that we are doing it.”   Hoofer

In February 2024, I took a trip to Alaska.  As I approached the TSA security screening area, I was told to take off my shoes, belt, empty my pockets, and step into the scanner.  The Agent looked at me and said “You need to take off that bracelet.”  Since it was early and there wasn’t anyone waiting behind me, I took the opportunity to tell them that I was wearing a POW-MIA bracelet, and I preferred NOT to take it off.  Before they could object, I told them the significance of the bracelet, how it was both a physical reminder of a lost Soldier as well as a psychological remembrance.  I told how I was allowed to wear that bracelet even while undergoing a minor surgery just a few months before, and that IF I had to take it off, it would be the VERY first thing that I put back on, even before I left the screening area.  The agent quietly said “It’s okay.”, waved me through, and gave me a small but sad smile.

April found me sitting in a Chapel in Arlington National Cemetery.  After a short service, I walked with 200 other mourners to the final resting place of an American Hero, Col Bernard L Talley, Jr..  “Bunny” as his friends called him, had spent six and a half years in the infamous Hanoi Hilton Prisoner of War camp during the Vietnam War.  He endured incredible hardships during his captivity, but always held his head high and kept his spirits strong.  He came home with “Strength and Honor.”  I was privileged to get to know Bunny and his Family during the final years of his life, and through them learned a new level of Patriotism.

A few months ago, several RFTW Riders gathered together in Omaha, Nebraska to visit the DPAA Laboratory on Offut Air Force Base.  We were there to visit the Men and Women that actively pursue answers for our MIA Families.  It was an incredibly humbling and emotional day, for all that attended.  We were able to get a better understanding for just what these Heroes do on a daily basis, including the physical AND emotional hardships that they endure.  We were able to let them know how much they were and are appreciated, and how valuable their services are, not just to the MIA Families, but to us as RFTW Riders, and to our Nation as a whole.  For more than four hours, the Riders and Technicians laughed together, cried together, and strengthened each other.  No one that was there will ever be able to forget that momentous day.

After we parted from our new-found Heroes, we sat around discussing the events of the day.  One of the key topics of conversation centered around the fact that THIS was precisely the type of event that we profess to support with Run For The Wall.  Meetings such as this are critical to keeping our Mission in the forefront of the American public, and we need to do this all of the time, not just during our annual motorcycle trip.  Several of us stated, almost simultaneously, that “Every Day (should be) May” and we quickly adopted this new phrase.

So what does this mean?  Well, the Run For The Wall mission statement clearly says “To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  NOWHERE does it state that this should take place ONLY during the annual event!

The people that attended the DPAA “Off-Season Outreach Mission” try to keep the spirit of the Run alive every day of the year, as do so many other RFTW Riders.  This is good and admirable.  But during our talks that day, we realized that more emphasis was being put on the activities in the month of May, and that the rest of the year was just a prelude to our Run.

Why is that?

Why do we (collectively) wait until May to tell the world what we want to accomplish?  Why aren’t we actively promoting our Mission with as much enthusiasm the rest of the year?  How can we keep this momentum going?  HOW do we keep our Mission alive when NOT on the Run?

Well, it’s actually very easy.  Try some of these ideas:

Join a riding group, such as the America Legion Riders, AMVETS, CVMA, or CMA.  Wear your RFTW Vest and explain who and what we are.  These organizations will understand.

Go to your HOG Chapter, and do the same thing!  Don’t wait for someone to ask about your patches: just go tell them!  Wear that vest with pride and make them listen!

Go visit a VA Hospital!  There are people there that both want AND need to see someone.  Listen to their stories.  Tell them some of your own.  Let them know that we appreciate what they did for our country and our freedoms.

Talk to your church group, your book club, or any group of interested and active citizens.  Tell them about both RFTW and what it has meant to you personally.

Go talk to that “old guy” wearing a faded military cap.  Just say Thank You, and then listen to him!

Join the Patriot Guard Riders.  You do NOT need to be on a motorcycle.  Just show up, pay respect, and stand in that flag line.

Wear a POW-MIA bracelet.  Never take it off, and show it to everybody!

Do something for yourself and join the “Tour Of Honor.”  This is a self-paced motorcycle “rally” that will take you to as many memorial sites as you can ever want, all over the nation.  Each State chooses seven new sites each year, as well as having hundreds of “optional” sites to visit.  You will see a true cross-section of America as you travel, and will get a renewed sense of patriotism as you see some of these small towns and the way they are honoring our Veterans.  (And you will get a really nice “finishers pin” and certificate at the end of the year.)

Call the people that you have ridden with during the Run, just to see how they are doing.  Do a monthly “Buddy Check” to make sure that they are alright, and to assure them that YOU are alright.  Use those connections and friendships that you have developed within your Platoon!

Stand up, no matter where you are, when you hear our National Anthem!

Do everything that we do DURING the Run, but do it every day!  It isn’t hard!  Remember how by Day Four or Five, you just “expect” to do all of these things, without even having to think about doing them?  The same thing will continue throughout the rest of the year, if you just don’t stop doing them once our “mission is completed” at the Wall.

Keep the mission alive in your heart, at all times.  Honor, Respect, and Remembrance need to be a part of our daily routine.

On that special day in October, sitting around a table with that small band of Patriots, each of us trying to understand and compartmentalize the range of emotions we had just experienced, we decided that we don’t like the phrase “Is it May yet?”

Our reasoning was simple: “EVERY DAY IS MAY!”

Jim “Hoofer” McCrain
Photographer and SITREP Author
Midway Route

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President’s Message – January 2025

RFTW Feature Midway Route

As I write this, we are 112 days away from KSU in Ontario.

January begins the “winter” weather season here, and it arrived without hesitation. Texas, Alabama, and Tennessee have received measurable snow this year. It was 0 degrees this morning, and the morning lows are slated to continue in the single digits next week. The power went out at about 0620 this morning and didn’t come back for three hours. But I have it pretty good compared to so many across our great nation.  There are tens of thousands of our fellow citizens that I am sure would gladly trade places with me. Having spent 41 years in the emergency response and disaster management world, my heart goes out to them.  I ask that you also keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

RFTW Mission Statement

To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

RFTW Philosophy

We strive to maintain a safe, supportive and private atmosphere in which all participants can reflect and heal on their journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois in the hope they can return home to a new beginning.

In 2015, Ken “Wish” Hargrove included the following in a newsletter update. I ask that you carefully read it and reflect on each sentence.  It speaks volumes and is as appropriate today as it was then:

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— Six simple words with a very deep and wide meaning. You first-timers, or “FNG’s” as you are known, should be prepared to laugh, to cry, to have your breath taken away and to be humbled.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for the veteran or family member who is unable to make the ride themself, When doing so we are responsible for carrying their need for healing cross-country to The Wall or from Wall to Wall.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for our fellow riders who are in need of healing and in need of support as they are welcomed home, many for the first time ever.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride to bring awareness of the POW/MIA issues and the thousands of our brethren who have yet to be brought back home and to shine a light on the government’s lack of attention to this solemn commitment to leave no one behind.

Let’s talk about getting ready for Run 2025.  I scheduled my bike to go in for regular annual maintenance, tire change, and a general going over to prepare for warmer riding weather, especially the Run.  112 days will go by in an instant, and I can’t wait that long to refamiliarize myself with formation riding, slow-speed riding, riding in twisties, etc.  While it is too cold to ride (at least for me), I try to keep up my mental preparation by viewing training videos at links (not endorsing them) like Ride Like a Pro, Moto Jitsu, and others.  YouTube has many, many training videos available.  And while nothing is better than getting out there and riding and enhancing your skill set through practice, there are alternatives to keep the thoughts flowing during weather conditions.

A couple of rumors are floating around regarding the Vietnam Veterans’ platoons.  Each C2C route will have a Vietnam Veteran platoon as the first element behind the Missing Man formation. The riders in this platoon must be in-country Vietnam Veterans who have been awarded the Vietnam Campaign Service Medal, not Vietnam-era vets. We won’t be checking for the service medal award; everyone is expected to be forthright about their service.

Click here to access the recording of our recent Town Hall. I invite everyone, especially those unable to attend, to listen in. We had over 170 participants. Thank you all for attending and providing feedback. We have already started addressing the takeaways. More to follow.

Let’s take a moment to discuss social media.

The rules for followers on the various RFTW FB group pages are posted on each page and open to review by everyone.  They outline conduct expectations for civil discourse without disparaging comments or remarks toward other participants, leadership, or groups of people.  To be perfectly clear here, we will NOT tolerate any further hatred, vitriol, unfounded nasty comments, etc., on our social media pages. You are NOT free to attack anyone or everyone. We are not silencing anyone but will act to ensure civility and mature conversations that promote the RFTW Mission through temporary cool-down suspensions if necessary. Our admins will offer appropriate assistance if you cannot comply with these rules. If there is an unclear rule, please email an Admin from the page, and they will help you better understand.

Now, let’s get back to RFTW 2025.

The registration fee structure changes on Feb 1, 2025.  If you plan to ride, I invite you to register as soon as possible. If you don’t intend to ride yet and would like to donate your registration fee to RFTW or one of RFTW’s routes, please do so by clicking here.  In the last few years, our RCs and State Coordinators have been challenged by the number of no-shows: 360 in 2023 and 304 in 2024. This also challenges the thousands of nationwide volunteers who work so hard to provide us with donated fuel and food.

As we all prepare for Run 2025, the forum’s How-To videos (How-to VIDEOS for Programming the BTECH GMRS Pro for RFTW—GMRS Radios & Helmet Comms—RFTW Forum) mention a coupon code for direct purchase from B-Tech. The only caveat is that you must use the BTECH online store, not Amazon. The coupon code is good for purchasing the radio and PTT button combined and will get you a 17% discount.

The RFTW Podcast with Boots and Hitch highlights what makes RFTW a special organization. I encourage you to check it out. Each episode addresses a unique aspect of RFTW, with interviews of various folks who made RFTW what it is today.  Check it out!!

Merchandise is still looking for a person to assist on the Midway route.  If you are interested in volunteering, please email

Finally, please remember that we are looking for a new Treasurer. Here is the public announcement. If you meet the qualifications and are interested in genuinely serving RFTW, this might be an excellent opportunity you have been waiting for. We look forward to hearing from you.

I leave you with this:

Whereby our dead shall sleep
In honour unbetrayed
And we in faith and honour keep
That peace for which they paid
         ~ Rudyard Kipling ~

It is not the worst thing to die in war; it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.

No one left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know finds themselves struggling with mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988, then pressing 1, or texting 838255 to speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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Day Rider Registration

MR Feature - We Ride For Those Who Can't

Greetings from beautiful Colorado Springs, CO

On February 1, 2025 registration fees will increase for regular participants and the Day Rider Registration will open. If you haven’t yet registered, take advantage of early bird pricing and register before the end of January. Registration numbers are used by State Coordinators and Route Coordinators to plan logistics of the Run and stops. The earlier we all register, the easier the planning is.

We are currently running about 13% behind registration numbers for the same time last year and in 2023 so please get the word out to everyone you know and encourage people to get signed up. One leg, one day, one week, ATW, the mission is the same.

The Day Rider program was implemented a couple of years ago due to excellent feedback from participants.  Knowing that the “Last Minute Moe” fee in effect after May 1st might turn people away, we took that great feedback and turned it into a plan. The Day Rider program remains unchanged from last year and the requirements are explained here.

Day Rider Registration

A Day Rider will be defined as anyone who rides with or participates in RFTW activities, at or between up to three consecutive overnight stop locations on Central, Midway, or Southern Route or two consecutive locations on SandBox Route.  The ground rules are as follows:

  • May be applied to any Motorcycle, 4 Wheel or Auto-cycle Participant.
  • Maximum duration: Check-in on the evening of first location, participate through morning of the last location, but does not depart with the pack.
  • The 3 (or less) overnight stop locations must be consecutive and on the same Route.
  • The overnight stop location decides your Day Rider start and stop location, it does not matter if you spent the night there or not.
  • Overnight stop locations include Ontario, Washington DC, and Marseilles
  • Day Riders will be issued a special wrist band and ribbon to signify their participation.
  • Day Riders will have full access for participation on all Route events during their registered period.
  • The Day Rider Registration Fee will be equal to that of the Early Bird fee of the respective Route, i.e. $60 for Central/Midway/Southern & $20 for SandBox

Day Rider Registration Extension

If a Day Rider completes their registration period and decides to extend further down the road (yes, it has happened) the Route Check-in Teams will be prepared with a special in-person registration process that will allow the rider to apply their already paid Day Rider fee toward full registration.  After paying the difference in price to current full registration, they will be issued the regular wrist band and ribbon covering the rest of their journey.  This option may be exercised only during the Run.

How the Process Will Work

On 01 FEB 2025, when the fee structure shifts to “Regular Registration” pricing, there will also be a new selection on the registration pages for a Day Rider check box that will allow for the reduced fee as noted above.  To be eligible for Day Rider status, the registration MUST indicate a Ride-to location as either one of the next two overnight stop locations after the Sign-in location on the selected Route.  For example, on Midway route, a Day Rider may Sign-in at Albuquerque, NM and Ride-to Memphis, TX.  With that selection, they may check-in at Albuquerque (evening or the next morning) and ride with the pack Memphis, TX and even join in morning activities the next day – two full days of the Run.  If they would like to continue with the pack beyond Memphis, the Registration Extension option will allow them stay on the Run.  The Day Rider Registration Option will be available starting 01 FEB and will be in effect throughout the full execution of the Routes in May.

Don’t wait till May!

If you plan to register as a Day Rider or are coordinating a group of Day Riders, please get everyone registered as soon as possible.  It won’t make a difference in your cost, even if you register today, but it will help our State Coordinators with getting the best attendance info possible to our supporters along the Route.  Our awesome State Coordinators need your support! ALSO – if you registered before 01 FEB even for just 2 days on the road, you’ll have the option to extend past those 2 days on the Run at no additional charge, all part of the Early Bird deal!

Of Special Interest

I receive and personally review and answer every contact form directed to registration. I will work diligently to ensure the particulars of each registration are correct and help riders make changes when needed. Many of these forms have asked why the confirmation email was not received by the rider. Junk/spam filters in various email servers have caught many of these emails. For all the things technology is good for, there are also challenges. I’m happy to re-send confirmation emails when needed, and I encourage every registrant to check junk/spam folders in the 24 hours after registering if you have not seen the email come to your inbox.

The way forward

Like every organization, Run For The Wall has made adjustments for the changing environment in which we all live today.  Even so, your Board and Route Leadership keep the Mission at heart and keep those people who benefit from their efforts as their focus for all decisions and actions.  Your feedback and constructive suggestions are taken very seriously and will turn into course corrections whenever they reveal a path that better serves both Mission and People.  Every one of the Board and Route Leaders are also participants just like you, and they want to see our Run and its Mission continue long into the future.  Mutual respect and confidence that we will each perform our role in getting there is the fuel that will keep us all moving forward.

I’m excited to see all of you in May!


Lance ‘Batman’ Wheeler
Run For the Wall
Director of Risk Management
Together We Ride!

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Reminder – RFTW Town Hall January 15, 2025

RFTW Feature Midway Route

Zoom link for the RFTW Town Hall

Topic: RFTW Town Hall Meeting
Time: Jan 15, 2025 1900 Hours Central Standard Time
Join Zoom Meeting 12

Meeting ID: 893 7852 2580
Passcode: 172977

One tap mobile
+16694449171,89378522580#,*172977# US
+16699006833,89378522580#,*172977# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
• +1 669 444 9171 US
• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
• +1 253 205 0468 US
• +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
• +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• +1 719 359 4580 US
• +1 386 347 5053 US
• +1 507 473 4847 US
• +1 564 217 2000 US
• +1 646 931 3860 US
• +1 689 278 1000 US
• +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
• +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
• +1 305 224 1968 US
• +1 309 205 3325 US
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
• +1 360 209 5623 US

Meeting ID: 893 7852 2580
Passcode: 172977

Find your local number: 5

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Merchandise News

Well folks, we’re four months out from the 35th annual Run For The Wall! I know for me the time will go very quickly. A few things that I’d like to bring up on the Merchandise front.

First, as you’ve seen in multiple RC newsletters, I still need volunteers to help with sales on the Midway and Southern routes. This is really important as our merchandise sales are a big part of how we fund our operations and without being able to support a route, well the result would have a significant impact, not only on the route but on our operations in general. So please, if you are interested, or know of anyone that is, please contact me at

Next is over the next couple of months I’ll be working with my team on establishing operating hours for merchandise in Ontario, DC and while on the Run. For Ontario, one merchandise trailer will be open on Saturday, May 10th at the host hotel which is the Holiday Inn Ontario Airport. On Sunday, a second trailer will open in the back parking lot of the Elks Lodge #1419. Both locations are the same as last year and the trailers will remain open until Wednesday, when the Central and Souther routes depart Ontario.

The next thing is a reminder on a couple of policies. First, there is no smoking within 50′ of the trailers. This is a courtesy for those standing in line, my team and protecting the merchandise we sell.  Second, we have a no return policy because Run For The Wall is not able to manage returns and goods that have been damaged. You are happy to look at shirts at the trailers, even try them on while you’re there, but once you pay and leave, the item is yours. I appreciate your cooperation and support for both of these long standing policies. Any questions, please contact me.

So onward to some good stuff. The new RED shirt is coming and should be available within the next week! It will be in the performance material and offered as a long sleeve shirt. The women’s version will be a v-neck. Also, when I conducted the poll on Facebook, the women were close to 50/50 on a long sleeve vs. short sleeve. As a result of that, I am in works of a new navy blue women’s short sleeve shirt. See below for the RED and new women’s shirts. Look for posts by me in the forum and on Facebook when these products are available.

Finally, I’m not sure if you saw my posts in the forum and Facebook, but the store now has a limited edition 35th Annual challenge coin for sale. This will be available thru the end of this year’s Run so be sure to get one while you can.

In closing, I hope everyone had a great holiday season and happy new year. 2025 is a special year for Run For The Wall. Not only because it’s our 35th Run but because it is 50 years since the last battle of Vietnam ended. Rarely do we get two significant years that align with each other. Let’s remember our mission on why we ride and be kind to each other. I encourage all of you to refresh your memory on our mission and history as well as the Rider Code of Conduct.

Ride, practice and be safe out there!

Alan “Xbox” Steiner
Director of Merchandise
Run For The Wall