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Sandbox Route Coordinator Newsletter – September 2024

It’s hard to believe that it is already September and Fall is upon us. Even though the Sandbox Leaders have already been busy putting their teams together, to me, September is the actual start of the RFTW planning season.

Registration for all four routes starts on 11 September, and I always go to the website and register on the first day. Due to rising operating costs, the registration fee for all routes is increasing this year. For Sandbox, the early bird fee is going from $15.00 to $20.00 per person, just a $5.00 increase.

It may seem early to start planning, but I find the sooner you start, the less chance you have of forgetting something. Here are some of the things I’m already thinking about.

How is my gear doing? Do I need to replace anything: Rain Gear, Jacket, Gloves, Sunglasses, Helmet, Luggage?  Are my boots comfortable enough to ride every day for three weeks or more?

How is my bike doing? Will I need to replace my tires before the run? How soon before the run should I have my bike serviced? How old is my battery? How will I set up the new GMRS radio on my bike?  When will my registration and insurance expire?

How am I doing? When should I start walking/exercising?  When was my last checkup? How are my riding skills holding up? Should I start looking for a roommate to share the costs?

Yes, it’s still eight months away, but you can never start planning too soon.

As I hinted in my August newsletter, Sandbox has a new departure location for 2025. In fact, RFTW has a new Host Hotel location in the DC area. We will be located in the Springfield VA, area versus the Arlington location. Additionally, American Legion Post 176 is very close by and has opened its doors to us (much like the Elks Lodge in Ontario). All the Sandbox meetings, registration, gear issue, and departure will be at the AL. No more trying to stage in an underground parking garage and deal with the exhaust and noise in a confined area.

If you are like me, you probably have quite a few friends that are veterans. Some of them are very close, and you talk with them often—others you only see or hear from occasionally. Think about reaching out to the ones you are only in touch with occasionally and see how they are doing. Do they need any help or maybe to know that someone still cares about them? Knowing someone is thinking of them can mean a lot, especially if they live alone. Make sure they know they can contact the VA Veterans Crisis line by dialing 988 and pressing 1 or by texting 838255.

 “We Ride for Those Who Can’t” The most predominant component of the RFTW Pack is the Missing Man Formation. This formation is always at the front of the pack and is made up of five riders with an empty slot representing the “Missing Man”. Are you going to be an FNG – Fine New Guy / Gal (first time rider on RFTW)? If so, you should consider reaching out to the Sandbox Missing Man Coordinator, Greg Stenzel “Chaps” at, 619- 822-0167 and request to ride a leg in the Missing Man Formation. Both bikes and three-wheelers are welcome.

Remember the mission: To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.


Bill “COB” Brehler                                           

Route Coordinator

RFTW Sandbox 2025

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Run For The Wall Podcast – Get Ready, Here It Comes!

Run For The Wall Podcast

Run For The Wall is excited to announce a new feature to broaden our reach, further our Mission, and do a little Q & A about why we ride, how we ride, and how you can get involved.

Below is the teaser (Season 1, Episode 0) of the new Run For The Wall Podcast. This is a taste of things to come. The coming full episodes will be a bit longer and we will have regular features like upcoming RFTW events, guests, tech tips, and more… We will be dropping the first full episode (Episode 1) in the next couple of days and we are working on getting the Podcast up on all popular platforms. For now we are on Spotify and You Tube.

Listen to the RFTW Podcast on Spotify

Watch The RFTW Podcast on YouTube

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions please send them to

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President’s Message – September 2024

Run For The Wall® We Ride For Those Who Can't

Happy September Run for the Wall riders!! As we slip into the doldrums of late summer/early fall, I sincerely hope this finds you and yours doing well!

RFTW Mission Statement
To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

RFTW Philosophy
We strive to maintain a safe, supportive and private atmosphere in which all participants can reflect and heal on their journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois in the hope they can return home to a new beginning.

In 2015, Ken “Wish” Hargrove included the following in a newsletter update. It speaks volumes, and is as appropriate today as it was then:

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— Six simple words with a very deep and wide meaning. You first-timers, or “FNG’s” as you are known, should be prepared to laugh, to cry, to have your breath taken away and to be humbled.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for the veteran or family member who is unable to make the ride themself, When doing so we are responsible for carrying their need for healing cross-country to The Wall or from Wall to Wall.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for our fellow riders who are in need of healing and in need of support as they are welcomed home, many for the first time ever.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride to bring awareness of the POW/MIA issues and the thousands of our brethren who have yet to be brought back home and to shine a light on the government’s lack of attention to this solemn commitment to leave no one behind.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride out of respect and support for our current serving military who are in harm’s way and who are at the beck and call of our nation’s needs.

Remember – There remain 1575 still missing which means more than 1575 families who are still looking for answers…Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget

Ann and I, along with many others, attended the Angel Fire reunion and as always, it was a memorable event. 138 RFTW riders and friends from all four routes came together to perform maintenance and lay 537 remembrance bricks at one of the most moving monuments in the country. We said each of their names, their stories were shared. We collectively helped ensure they will not be forgotten. I know many of our riders attend similar events at other locations. If you weren’t able to attend the Angel Fire reunion this year, perhaps you can attend the upcoming event in Kerrville, TX, another great event.

With that in mind, I would like to remind folks that we receive many positive comments about the regional/state lunch or dinner get togethers. These have proven to be a great way to keep the spirit alive and get the word out; some even take practice formation rides post lunch just to keep the skill set active. If you are considering hosting one of these events, we heartily encourage doing so. Just because it isn’t May doesn’t mean we can’t keep the message alive. And if you need assistance in contacting RFTW riders in your area, please send an email to and Lance can assist in providing names and email addresses to support your efforts. Please note that we do NOT and will NOT release registration information other than names and email addresses for those in your area. Once released, that information may be used only to support RFTW focused events.

If you have been to our website recently, you’ll notice that we now have recurring donations in addition to one-time donations. Donations from our website go to RFTW or to a route, and may not be directed to a team or segment of a route, nor used to purchase pre-paid fuel.  The donation links are intended to provide you a convenient direct method of donating to RFTW or your favorite route.

As our registration director was drilling down into the 2024 registration, we again found a significant number of people who were no-shows. As may occur life sometimes interferes with our best plans. If after registering, you find that you will be unable to participate, the donation of your fees will be very much appreciated.  But there were several responses to the survey sent out that indicated that someone  registered simply to “donate” their registration fee to the Run. While we certainly appreciate them, we really need dedicated donations to be made through the donations portal. Our State Coordinators rely on registration numbers in their planning processes, and no-shows can become quite costly to those who are so generously donating food.  If it looks like you will not be able to make the run, please send an email to Lance can then adjust the route numbers, and we can have a more accurate count for planning purposes.

Registration will open on September 11th. Merchandise is working on some “bundle” packages, and our Run 2025 shirt will be available. Remember early registration saves you money.

As much as I hate to be the bearer of not so good news, I need to inform you that our registration fees are going to increase this year by $15. Coast to coast Early Bird registration starting on September 11th is now set at $60 per person (for a complete list of registration fees, click here). Our insurance costs went up nearly 40% this year; we are trying to advertise more on social media to attract new riders, and we are working to keep our merchandise up to date; but rising costs impact nearly every facet of the Run. Considering what a registered RFTW rider receives on a Coast-to-Coast route this amounts to only $6 per day. When compared with other cross-country rides, RFTW registration is thousands of dollars cheaper. We have to respond to these rising costs as we cannot continue to lose money. Keeping RFTW alive and financially solvent since COVID has been and continues to be an uphill battle.

Eric Fort, our Midway RC for 2025, has set up a fund-raising event called A Step to Remember. You can support Eric’s efforts through this Facebook event. I invite you to look at this event and consider contributing to this superhuman effort. This is truly personal for Eric, and that he is contributing to RFTW in remembrance is very special.

New DC Landing

View on Google Maps. In case you have not yet heard, we will be landing at new host hotels in D.C. in 2025. We simply cannot depend on the availability of the former host hotel any longer, and to be quite honest, I, along with many others, was disappointed in the condition of the hotel and the service and menu selections in the dining room. The other three hotels in Arlington were willing to pick up the slack, but room/parking costs and the lack of a place to “land” drove our decision to move. The new hotels, located in Springfield, VA, are very near an American Legion that is within walking distance. Getting onto the interstate to travel to the Mall and ANC is very easy. The AL post is already opening their doors to us, much like the Elks do in Ontario. They plan on serving meals, etc., even to the folks leaving for Sandbox on Sunday. Room rates will follow soon. Here is a link to Google maps showing the location of our DC landing area:

As discussed in my August newsletter, the Board, in concert with our 2025 RCs, found the need to clarify some operational procedures and instructions. We need our riders to understand that first and foremost, RFTW is a MOTORCYCLE event. While cages and Slingshot-type vehicles are welcome, they CANNOT ride as part of the pack or as part of a team. Similarly, if you are a team lead, you must be on a motorcycle riding with and leading that team. If you are in a cage or Slingshot-type vehicle in support of a team, you CANNOT ride with that team; you MUST ride either well-ahead or behind the team. Our RCs will be enforcing these practices as cages and other non-motorcycle vehicles have been observed on multiple routes riding far too close to our motorcycle groups. Doing so is an unsafe practice that is simply not acceptable.

Like the proliferation of cages and non-motorcycle vehicles, dogs seemed to be a bit problematic in 2024. Between unleashed pets bothering people who were trying to eat and owners not cleaning up after their dogs, we have received multiple complaints. Why some folks think it is okay to let their dogs run loose around a large group of people is beyond me. As such, all dogs must always be kept on a leash and under the direct control of the pet owner. No exceptions. Please keep your pets on a leash and under control.

Finally, I hope you have received word that the RFTW forums are again open and ready for you to use. We encourage you to use this community as threads are much easier to follow. If you have not yet taken a look at the new forums, please do so.

I leave you with this: It is not the worst thing to die in war, it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.

No one left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know find themselves struggling with their mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988 then press 1 or text 838255 and speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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Sandbox Route Coordinator Newsletter – August 2024

Wall to Wall

Sandbox Route Coordinator Newsletter- AUGUST 202

Welcome to Sandbox Route’s 4th Annual Run

2025 is already gearing up to be an excellent year for Run For The Wall. Like the three cross-country routes, Sandbox Leaders and State Coordinators are already hard at work putting together their teams and coordinating with the incredible folks who support us on our Mission.

Road Guard Captain

It is my great pleasure to announce that Kris “Cyborg” Borg has been approved as the Road Guard Captain for Sandbox for 2025. Kris is a Sandbox-era Veteran who served 20 years in the Marine Corps, including two combat deployments in the Middle East with operations in Iraq, Basra, and Al Asad. He has served as a Road Guard on the Heartland Tour, Midway Route, and Sandbox Route and, as an Assistant Road Guard Captain on Sandbox for two years.


If you have not heard, all four routes are moving to GMRS radios for 2025. As many of you know, Central Route ran a pilot test during the 2024 Run using GMRS radios vs CBs.  CB radio technology is old, and most bike manufacturers and aftermarket companies (such as J&M) have stopped installing/repairing CBs.  Central Route’s testing results were very positive and proved that the GMRS radios provided further range and clearer communications than CB’s. After much discussion at the July Face-to-Face meeting, all four Route Coordinators unanimously decided this was the direction to move. All pack leadership will be REQUIRED to have and use a GMRS Radio in 2025. Riders and FNGs are also certainly allowed to get a radio and listen. I would highly recommend reading Kirk Olson’s post on the RFTW site as there is a lot of information regarding recommended equipment and licensing requirements  – or click Here. While not required, the BTECH GMRS Pro has been the most popular model. From reliability to functionality to price, this option has received the highest recommendation from those who have tested it. BTECH has been generous enough to create a package deal for Run for the Wall. Using coupon code: RFTW, you will get the radio and wireless PTT button for $140. This deal is available only on the BTECH website. You need to add BOTH items to your online cart.

Volunteers Needed

I need your help.   As I mentioned, the Team Leaders are putting together their teams, and we are looking for volunteers for all positions: PLs, APLs, TGs, Road Guards, Fuel Team, Staging Team, ambassadors, outreach, and medics. If you are interested in helping and being part of a great team, please go to the RFTW website and fill out a Volunteer Form.

Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial (MECWM)

The MECWM is a living wall built by patriotic bikers using donated funds to honor the fallen heroes of conflicts in the Middle East and support veteran organizations and Gold Star families. If you haven’t already, please visit the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial page to become more familiar with the history of this memorial and the names included on it.

Middle East Conflicts Wall

Run For The Wall Forum

Yes, that’s right. The highly missed forum is back up and running and better than ever. There are topics already set up, or you can register and start your own. Find out about communications, buy/sell equipment, find roommates, get information about each route, get information on reunions, find out what type of bike is fastest, etc. Check it out at the RFTW Forum.


New Sandbox Departure Location for 2025

More to come………

Why do we ride


We ride for those who can’t. Remember our mission:  To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.


Say Their Names, Tell Their Stories, Never Forget

Bill “COB” Brehler

Route Coordinator

RFTW Sandbox 2025

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Central Route August 2024 Newsletter

Happy August Run for the Wall Riders and Greetings from the Central Route!
Immediate things that are happening this month that you need to be aware of are the Angel Fire / Eagle Nest, New Mexico Reunion and Brick laying.
This reunion will take place Friday, August 30 – Sunday, Sept 1, 2024.

We could use strong backs on Thursday, Aug 29 at 1PM at the Memorial to lay out the base coat of sand for the bricks and some more help Friday to sort the bricks in order and load them on a trailer.

If you have not done so, time is running short to register, and please do so here.  It is imperative you do this in a timely manner, so the people preparing our food have an accurate count.

Go here to register for the reunion:
** We would like all people registered no later than August 19, 2024.

Here is a tentative schedule for the reunion:

Reunion: Friday, August 30th Sunday, September 1st with Taco Bar on Friday night, and DINNER on Saturday, August 31st, 2024
Dinner Address: 74 N Tomboy Dr, Eagle Nest, NM

Thursday and Friday 29 August & 30 August
Preparation of grounds and Bricks. Location-Memorial
1:00 PM Thursday-Need some volunteers to shovel and rake the base layer of sand.
9:00 AM Friday– General Area Preparations and Sorting of Bricks

Friday Evening, 30 August
5:30 PM Memorial Service for Don “Bullet” Pierce and Frank “Friendless” Silva at outdoor Pavilion behind Senior Center by Arnie Swift & Kevin Riley
6:00 PM Reception & Dinner at Laguna Vista Saloon

Saturday, 31 August
All times are approximate and subject to change. 

7:00 AM Pre-Program Activity & Set Up (Breakfast Sandwiches/Coffee Provided)
9:00 AM
Opening Ceremony. Followed by Brick laying of Westphal Foundation Bricks.
9:30 AM Medal of Honor Brick Laying.
3:00 PM (Approx.) End of Workday – After last brick is laid the workday will conclude. Volunteers to help clean up and put away equipment will be needed and appreciated.

5:45 PM Meet at outdoor Pavilion behind Senior Center for a brief Ceremony (Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Announcements) (50 N Tom Boy Dr, Eagle Nest, NM 87718).

6:00 PM Dinner and Rider’s Forum (Senior Center- 50 N Tom Boy Drive) (Dinner cost is $35.00 per pre-registered person-Includes Reunion Patch). Any registrations received after August 18th will  be $45 per person (if the caterer can accommodate the addition).

Sunday, 1 September
8:00 AM
Church Services at Angel Fire Memorial Chapel (by Kevin Riley)

There is another reunion opportunity on Sept 27-29, 2024 in Kerrville, TX.  This reunion is for all RFTW and is hosted by our Southern Route brothers and sisters.

If you have not seen from previous newsletters by me or the other Route Coordinators from Southern, Midway, and Sandbox, RFTW is moving to GMRS for our on-road communications. This is not as big of a transition for us on Central Route this year in 2025, since we piloted the GMRS radios in 2024, and they worked very well.  My advice to you all is to get the radio now, and learn how to use, pair, and connect them to your helmet speakers or ear drums.  Also, help our friends on Southern, Midway, and Sandbox get theirs set-up and paired. Personally, I use a Sena 50S paired to the radio, and I paired the radio as PHONE 2, to the radio. See Sena directions, on how to do this.

**See this post on Where and What to Buy, and all things GMRS for RFTW.**

The RFTW Forum is BACK and BETTER than ever!

This is where online RFTW discussion should happen.

The new and improved RFTW Forum is up and running.  This is the FIRST place you should go and ask online questions about RFTW, Routes, Discuss, etc.  It is a much better online community  tool to keep topics organized. Facebook groups are great, but topics get lost in long threads. The RFTW Forum should be your first go to.  It’s yours, it’s free, so please go and register and use it.

Volunteer forms have been coming in for 2025. I send them to the appropriate crew and team leaders when I get them.  That being said, if you are interested in a volunteer position on Central Route, it’s also OK to reach out to that particular team or crew lead, in addition to sending in a form. Platoon Leaders pick their own APL’s and Tail Gunners (with RC approval). Road Guards, Staging, Fuel, Ambassadors, Outreach, Medical, and Chaplain volunteers are brought on by those team leads, and again approved by the RC. Don’t be discouraged if a team is full, there is a lot of time between now and May. Things always change. Central Route crews & teams are now just starting to be put together for 2025.

I can tell you as of now, I have openings for a Raffle Rouser Assistant, and a Videographer.  Staging is also going to need a few more bodies, as of now, as well.

That’s about it for now.  See you in Angel Fire and Eagle Nest, New Mexico in a couple of weeks.

Honor and Remember Them All,

Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olson
RFTW Central Route Coordinator – 2025
Asst. Route Coordinator – 2024
Road Guard Captain – 2023
Asst. Road Guard Captain – 2019
BoD of Directors – 2016-2019
Road Guard 2010-2018
FNG 2009

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Public Relations Announcement – The Forum is BACK!

Run For The Wall® We Ride For Those Who Can't

Hello from sunny, rainy, sunny, rainy, sunny Prescott, Arizona!

Yup, it’s August for sure. And in the off season I have been working on a number of things to improve and enhance the Run For The Wall online presence and interaction with our ridership, supporters, and future FNG’s.

The Official Run For The Wall Forum is Back

You asked and we delivered. We just launched the official RFTW Forum on a new platform. Check it out at We pre-seeded the forum with some popular topics but feel free to add new threads as needed. We have a group of moderators who will be monitoring forum activity. We want to keep this Mission focused. If you have rants or raves, praise or prose about RFTW matters this is the place. However, this is not the place to air out political/ideological issues.

Run For The Wall Events Calendar

We just launched a brand-new feature on the website – The RFTW events calendar, which can be accessed at We will be posting everything from local RFTW meet-ups to RFTW reunions, to HFOT and veteran’s support functions. We need your input to add more events to the calendar. To add events, scroll to the bottom of the events calendar main page and click on the button that reads “SUBMIT AN EVENT”. All events submitted will be manually reviewed for relevancy and legitimacy prior to publishing. Again, we want to keep this Mission focused.

Monthly Recurring Donations

Run For The Wall would not exist without the generous support of our donors. As requested, we have created the ability to now make monthly recurring donations to RFTW. This can be accessed at at the bottom of the page or directly at

Stay Tuned In

We have more new and exciting Public Relations campaigns in the works that are targeted at reaching a broader audience of veterans, motorcyclists, supporters, and future FNG’s. We have one in particular that will be launching later this month… But, you will have to wait for that… So stay tuned!

If you have questions or comments, (good, bad or ugly) send them to

Be strong and courageous,


Ted “Boots” Kapner
Director of Public Relations/Communications
Assistant Road Guard Captain- Central Route

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Southern Route August 2024 Newsletter

Here it is August already, and with the face-to-face board meeting behind us, I am happy to say that the preparations for Southern Route 2025 are progressing well. I want to introduce myself as the Southern Route Coordinator. My name is Ken “Radar” Ley, and my assistant route coordinator is Lennie “Big Red” Hodson. We have been sifting through the volunteer request forms and after-action reports, getting them into the hands of individual team leads who can best use them. If you would like to volunteer to assist the route but have not submitted a volunteer form yet, please do so.  I recognize that sometimes, on the run, we say to the leadership team that we will be returning, team leads change, and personal texts and emails get lost or deleted, so please go to RFTW.US and click the volunteer link, fill out the request, and send it in.  Like the After-action-Reports, we read them all.

Ken "Radar" Ley
Ken "Radar" Ley

My journey with Southern Route began in 2000, my FNG year. That year, I rode from New Mexico to D.C. In 2001 and 2002, I could only manage a leg as a day rider due to family commitments. In 2015, I rode from Wentzville MO to Rainelle WV. In 2016, I was planning my first all-the-way year when I was offered a new position on SR in leadership support. Since then, I have ridden on SR every year. This personal journey is a testament to the transformative power of our community and the opportunities it offers.

There are many exciting developments for this year’s ride, and in the coming days, the President of the Board will make some important announcements. I am eagerly looking forward to discussing these in our next newsletter. For now, I encourage you to continue enjoying your summer and riding safely, and I hope to see you in Kerrville this year.

Lennie "Big Red" Hodson
Lennie "Big Red" Hodson

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.

Ken “Radar” Ley


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Midway Route Coordinator August 2024 Newsletter

Greetings all.  I hope this message finds you well and the nation’s continued heat wave is not keeping you from enjoying some riding time!

It is hard to believe we are already into August.  I don’t know about you, but it seems like 2024 as a whole is flying by.  Planning for Midway continues to progress well.  The State Coordinators are diligently working on the travel and stops through their respective states ensuring we have yet another outstanding and safe year!  Java Joe Booktaub, Midway’s Platoon Coordinator, has finalized our 2025 Platoon Leaders and continues to work through assigning Assistant Platoon Leaders and Tailgunners.  Ed “Wind Dog” Brundage has been communicating with the State Coordinators on our various stops as well as with Gina “Le’Spice” Cutrer on the Staging.  Jerry “Corp” Wilkins continues working with the hotels and camping sites across the country.  Leo Rachmel is starting the preliminary review of updates for the route.  Zoe “Hugz” Martino is working with various people and organizations that are connected to the MIA and Gold Star community so that we can include as many of those families as possible during our stops from California to DC.  As you can see a lot goes on behind the scenes to make the Run a success.  This could not be done without a solid all volunteer cadre that Midway is very fortunate to have!  Speaking of all volunteers…no route can complete the mission without volunteers at every level.  If you think this is something you are interested in doing, please visit RFTW’s website –  The link will take you to the Volunteer page where you can find an overview of some of the positions and their respective prerequisites.  At the bottom of the page is the application where you can submit your information for consideration.  If you have any questions about a certain position feel free to reach out to me or Mike “Heavy” King.

If you have not yet seen the most recent message from Run for the Wall President John “Turkey” Staub you can find it on the website at .   John covers a lot of good and new information so please go check it out!  One that I would like to quickly highlight is AARs.  As you will see from John’s post, every AAR is received and read by all the Board members as well as the respective Route Coordinator and Assistant Route Coordinator.  Please keep them coming.  Your input helps us ensure we continue to make sure what is working does not slip while we focus on ways to improve areas where we fall short.   

You will also see mention of radio comms in John’s newsletter as well as a recent post provided by Central Route Coordinator Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olson.  In late July the Board of Directors as well as RC and ARC’s met for our annual face-to-face meeting.  One of the key topics was communications.  As many of you know, Central Route ran a pilot test during the 2024 Run using GMRS radios vs CB’s.  The results were very positive and provided further range and clearer communications than CB’s historically have.  After much discussion, both pros and cons, all four Route Coordinators unanimously decided that this is the direction to move to for 2025.  As Kirk mentions in the post this means that ALL PACK LEADERSHIP WILL BE REQUIRED to have and use a GMRS Radio in 2025, i.e. All Platoon Leaders, APL’s, Tail Gunners, Road Guards, Chaplains, Medics, and Chase will need a GMRS Radio. Pack riders and FNGs are also certainly allowed to get a radio and listen.  I would highly recommend reading Kirk’s post as there is a lot of information regarding recommended equipment, licensing requirements (for those that will be transmitting), and even the channels that we have the options to use (these are normally programmed by default in the radios) – .  While not required, the BTECH GMRS Pro has been the most popular model chosen so far.  From reliability to functionality to price, this option seems to provide the most bang for the buck and received the highest recommendation from those who have tested them.  BTECH has been generous enough to put together a package deal for Run for the Wall.  If you use Coupon Code: RFTW you will get both the Radio and Wireless PTT button for $140.  This deal available only at the the BTECH website.

As many of you have heard 2025 marks the 35th annual run of Run for the Wall as well as the 50th anniversary of the end to the Vietnam War.  RFTW 2025 is the “Year of the Vietnam Vet.”  We will have several merchandise products such as shirts, pins and patches supporting this theme.  Central, Midway, and Southern routes will also be incorporating Vietnam Vet only platoons.  There are a few more announcements to come regarding this and we will be providing you with updates as the information is made public.

Lastly, I have recently announced an event that I am hosting that hopefully aligns well with this year’s theme.  If you have not seen it please go to to find out more.  To highlight…on Wednesday 30 April 2025 I will be walking 58,276 steps, a step for every name that is on The Vietnam Wall.  I will also be walking an additional 1,575 steps as a reminder of those that are still missing and unaccounted for.  The first name is from 1959 and the last name is from 1975.  This represents 17 years of losses our nation, their families, and their friends suffered.  I will be wearing a 17-pound weighted vested during the walk to be symbolic of the weight this war bore on our nation.  There is no cost to participate.  I am simply asking those that would like to join me (I will be conducting this in Birmingham, AL) to simply make a donation to Run for the Wall.  The amount is their choice, and they can choose to make it to a specific route or the general fund.  If you would like to participate but are not local to the Birmingham area that’s okay.  Do it virtually.  If you would like to participate but for whatever reason you are unable to walk that many steps, that’s okay too.  Pick a year and walk a step for each name that was lost during that time.  Create a team relay and complete it as a collective.  The options are many but the goal in doing this is to remind the nation of the accountability of all POW/MIA while honoring the memory of those killed in action, two tenets within the Run for the Wall mission statement.  It is also a way to educate those who may not know about Run for the Wall and the role we play in support and healing.  If you would like more information on the event or how you can participate, please email me at  Also, general donations for support are accepted!!!

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.

Eric “Pitch” Fort

Route Coordinator – Midway 2025

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2025 Radio Comms – Joint Statement from All Four Route Coordinators

Some of you may or may not know that in May 2024 the Central Route piloted and tested a new communications system for on-road communications while underway during our Mission from Ontario, CA to Washington, DC. GMRS Radios were used, and a GMRS repeater was also tested. This technology has much further range than CB, and with clearer reception and transmission.

CB radio service was originally established in 1949 and their usefulness and heyday of the 1970s has been outlived. A new replacement was needed for the unique communication requirements of RFTW. Motorcycle manufacturers have been discontinuing installing or offering CBs, or if they do, they are very expensive. And third-party motorcycle CB radio manufacturers, like J&M have also stopped making and supporting them.

The purpose of the test was to see how well it worked for RFTW. The results of the test in May 2024 was positive and exceeded expectations in most cases. Communications were clear with no relays needed to pass messages and the comms range was significantly extended with no outside interference.

At the July 20, 2024 BoD meeting, the BoD changed the SOP to allow GMRS as an option, and then left it up to each Route Coordinator’s sole discretion and decision to use CB or the newer GMRS Comms for the Run in 2025 for his respective route.

On July 29, 2024 all of the 2025 Route Coordinators (Central, Southern, Midway, and Sandbox) met in a separate RC only meeting without the Executive BoD.  ALL FOUR Route Coordinators are in lockstep, and unanimously decided that GMRS Radio Communications is the way to go and decided that all routes will use GMRS in 2025 as the primary mode of on-road communications for RFTW.

This means that ALL PACK Leadership WILL BE REQUIRED to have and use a GMRS Radio in 2025, i.e. All Platoon Leaders, APL’s, Tail Gunners, Road Guards, Chaplains, Medics, and Chase will need a GMRS Radio. Pack riders and FNGs are also certainly allowed to get a radio and listen.

Regarding outrider and forward crews and teams such as Fuel, Staging, Ambassadors, and Outreach, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you start to use and get on the GMRS bandwagon as you will be able to hear the pack miles before they get to your location.

There are numerous off-the-shelf radios available that can be made Bluetooth capable if you have a Bluetooth helmet headset, like a Sena or a Cardo. If you do not use a Bluetooth helmet set-up, there are some wired solutions available, as well.

Option 1: (This option is a HIGH recommendation. Bluetooth Capable)
The radio is available at the BTECH website, and at Amazon

Get the wireless PTT Button, and maybe a spare.

Use Coupon Code: RFTW
You will get both the Radio and Wireless PTT button for $152.44.
Must Add Both items, GMRS Pro radio, and wireless PTT button to BTECH online cart.
Deal Available at the the BTECH Website, not Amazon and not an Amazon Cart.

This is an optional adapter cable for K-1 type accessories:

To get “More Range” out of this handheld, it’s all about the ***antenna quality.*** Consider a higher quality antenna, or even an external antenna.

Other Great GMRS Antennas – Here

Midland MXTA26 Antenna – need an adapter, NMO mount and coax with this option. This antenna has the most GAIN.

Option 2: (Also a High Recommendation, but does take skill to install. Bluetooth)
Vero VGC VR-N7500 High Power 50W/40W Transceiver. This a PERMANENT MOUNT Bluetooth unit. It transmits at up to 40W on UHF (GMRS) frequencies. 5X the power of the above handheld.

Get the Bluetooth button for this radio – Here

This unit requires an EXTERNAL Antenna, like the Midland MXTA26 Antenna. I like this antenna for a permanent NMO Mount, (or a handheld radio with an Adapter).

An NMO Mount, and Coax are REQUIRED.

Kirk Olson – Central Route RC is running this set-up on his BMW K1600GT. The radio is Bluetoothed directly to a Sena 50S helmet set-up. The included mic shown in picture is not used.
(See a Picture of the set-up here)

** Currently, the VR-N7500 DOES NOT Bluetooth Connect to a Harley Branded Sena. It does connect to a regular, non-Harley Branded Sena. It must be something to do with the HD Firmware.

** There is a rumor that BTECH is coming out with their version of this radio in the very near future.

Option 3: (Non-Bluetooth GMRS Radios, work and are approx $50 or less)
Any GMRS Radio like, but not limited to, these:
TID Radio H8 GMRS Radio: **Recommended (Value Pack)
Video on the TID Radio H8:
Baofeng UV-5RTP:
*These radios ARE NOT Bluetooth capable to a headset from the manufacturer, so would best be used with a wired set-up, and an earpiece or earbud (not ideal).

A company called Rugged Radios are the BEST wired harnesses for those that do not have or want a Bluetooth helmet set-up, and they also offer Bluetooth for any radio, and are built for motorcycling.

Wired & External Bluetooth harnesses options from Rugged Radios. These harnesses work with almost any GMRS handheld radio.

Option 4:
If you are an Amateur Radio Operator (HAM), you may be interested in the Anytone ATD878UVII Plus. This is a HAM radio, and can be unlocked for GMRS use, and has Bluetooth built-in that will pair to a Bluetooth helmet set-up. This option does require very good to advanced computer skills to program the radio. The radio is also not IP67 (water proof), but the bluetooth piece is great.

Option 5:
Any Four-wheel vehicle can use a GMRS handheld or any Mobile Car/Truck Mounted GMRS radio.

Manufacturers of these are: Midland, Wouxun, to name a few.

These also require:
An EXTERNAL Antenna, like the Midland MXTA26 Antenna
An NMO Mount, and Coax are REQUIRED.

The bottom line is, we are not going to tell you which brand to get.  You just need a radio to get GMRS frequencies into your helmet and your ears.  The above are options that work well, and there are and will be others.

Lastly, listening to a GMRS radio does not require a license from the FCC.
Transmitting on a GMRS frequency currently does technically require a license from the FCC and is easy to get, and is $35 for 10-years.
One license can be used per family.

Video on How-to get a GMRS license:
Click here to establish your FCC FRN Number:
Click here for the FCC Universal Licensing System:

Thank you.
See you in May 2025

Kirk Olson – Central Route Coordinator
Eric Fort – Midway Route Coordinator
Ken Ley – Southern Route Coordinator
William Brehler – Sandbox Route Coordinator