Greetings from my quarantine compound,
In 1966, Robert F. Kennedy delivered a speech that included, “There is a Chinese curse which says ‘May he live in interesting times’. Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty, but they are also the most creative of any time in the history of mankind.”
The decision reached by the board of directors and route coordinators to cancel 2020 RFTW was absolutely necessary because COVID19 regulations in every state we traverse made it impossible for a group as large as ours to congregate anywhere.
None of us like it, but it is what it is.
The state coordinators were given several hours notice of the board’s decision, so that they could contact our host hotels and those organizations that support us along the way. It is your responsibility to cancel your own hotel reservations. It is my understanding that all of the 2020 registrations will be rolled over to 2021. The board asked that Bruce and I continue to serve as Route Coordinator and Assistant Route Coordinator for 2021. It is our hope that we see each of you on the run next year.
One last point: the six elementary schools we support along the way will really miss the generous donation they receive from Central Route when we visit. Jenny Ward, our Central Route Treasurer told me Cochiti, a reservation school we support, did not even have funds for pencils and paper before we presented them with our first donation. If you would like to individually contribute to our schools, you can send a check to RFTW and write “SCHOOLS” in the memo. Checks should be sent to Jenny Ward at 1766 South Erie Highway, Hamilton, Ohio 45011. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Ride safely and stay well. God Bless the United States of America.
Tom (Boomps) Miller
Run for the Wall
Central Route Coordinator