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Merchandise Sales Help & Driver Needed for 2025 RFTW

If you are looking for a way to contribute or know of anyone that would like to help Run For The Wall, there are several positions that need to be filled for the 2025 merchandise team. These positions will require each individual to register for the specific route they will be participating in and by doing so, will be eligible for all the same benefits as the riders including meals while on the Run. Team members ride out ahead of the pack to allow time to park and set up before the pack arrives at each stop. This gives supporters, participants and day riders a chance to buy merchandise prior to the pack arrival.

Merchandise sales will be open at each designated stop for up to 30 minutes prior to pack departure to give pack riders an opportunity to buy merchandise as well. Typically, stops that the merchandise team will be at include all lunch and dinner locations as well as designated memorials and VA hospitals.

Upon arrival in DC, your help is needed to unload merchandise from the two trailers not participating in Sandbox and stock the trailer assigned for Sandbox. Once completed, enjoy the celebrations when the pack arrives!

Southern Route Driver

  1. All hotel and fuel is paid for from the time you leave Ontario until the trailer is returned to Ontario.
  2. You will need a truck capable of towing a max of GVWR of 9990lbs with a minimum 2″ hitch ball, 7-pin light plug and brake controller (mounted in truck). Expect the actual trailer load to not exceed 7200lbs. It is recommended that the vehicle towing setup support stabilizer bars which are provided but is not a requirement.
  3. Your truck must in good condition and meet all DOT requirements.
  4. You must have a valid driver’s license, registration, and vehicle and towing insurance good throughout the Run from the time you hook up in Ontario until the trailer is returned.
  5. You will pick up the trailer in Ontario, CA and be responsible for taking it all the way to Washington, D.C. and then returning it to Ontario at the end of the Run.
  6. You will coordinate with the Southern Route sales lead and Route Coordinator regarding all stops and where to park each day during the Run.
  7. Having familiarity with generators is a plus.
  8. You will also be a sales member as described in the next section below.

Sales Help for All Routes

  1. You are customer focused and will represent the face of the RFTW and the merchandise team.
  2. You will need to be able to operate the point-of-sale system and manage cash and credit card transactions. Training is provided.
  3. You will need to be capable of reconciling all transactions for each day and provide the Treasurer, or appointed person, with the cash received each day. Reporting format will be determined by the Treasurer.
  4. You will be required to be in Ontario, CA the Friday before the Run for training and to help set up and sell merchandise at either the Elks, host hotel or both.
  5. You will need to provide your own transportation unless other arrangements are made with the merchandise truck driver for your route to ride along.

Please reach out to me if you or someone you know is interested or has any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!

Alan “Xbox” Steiner
Director of Merchandise, RFTW
2024 SB Road Guard
2023-2024 CR Photographer
2022 CR Plt 2 Tailgunner
2012 CR FNG

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Southern Route October Newsletter

RFTW Southern Route

Happy Halloween to all you ghosts and goblins,

First, I want to thank Juice and Pickles (Phillip and Belinda Tutton) for their great job Hosting their first year of the Texas Riders Reunion in Kerrville, Texas.  It was a great time.

It’s also important to remember and support our family members on the East Coast who have just been through a devastating hurricane. We travel through these areas, and many of our RFTW family live there, not to mention the strong supporters of our mission.  Prayers go out to all who have been affected.

The planning and preparations for 2025 are well underway.  State coordinators are busy securing hotels, fuel stops, and meeting with community leaders for meals.  Be sure to thank these folks when you see them during the run.  They work all year long to help pull off the magic of the run.  Early Registration is open.  Please register as soon as possible, as this helps us plan for our stops and hotel accommodations.  Remember, the price goes up on February 1st of next year, and you lose the early bird discount.   You can Register Here.

As part of the 50th anniversary of the last battle of the Vietnam War, we will have a Platoon just for Vietnam Vets and Vietnam-era vets; this platoon will be for 2 or 3-wheel motorcycles and Can-Ams, sorry, no bikes with trailers. This platoon even gets to be towards the front of the pack, for a lot of the run.  So, when you finalize your registration in Ontario or wherever you join the run, ask to be assigned to the Veterans platoon if you qualify.

If you’d like to ride in honor of a fallen loved one or friend in the Missing Man Formation, you should contact Bill “Maverick” Leonard at preference will be given to FNG’s (Fine New Guys / Gals).  Also, many wreath ceremonies at our memorial stops will need Honor Guards to help with the wreath laying.  if you’d like to volunteer for one of these slots, please get in touch with Brian Turner, our Honor Guard Coordinator, at  No prior experience is required.  It’s a rewarding experience, and if you don’t have the marching experience, or you think it’s been so long you won’t remember, this is a good opportunity to re-remember or learn what it’s like.  Brian is a great drill instructor (DI) , uh, teacher!!

We also have a new patch being developed and manufactured.  This patch will be available on the run, starting in Ontario.  Looking forward to seeing everyone there, wearing a patch by the time we get to DC!We are still looking for Medical team members, if you are a credentialed RN, Para Medic or EMT and you’d like to volunteer, you can contact me at; also still in need of an RMO  (Risk Management Officer).  This position requires detailed report writing, drawing, law enforcement background is a plus.

Southern Route Moto for 2025 Will be “To Honor and Remember Their Sacrifice”

“Say Their Names, Tell Their Stories, Never Forget”

Lennie “Big Red” Hodson

Southern Route Coordinator 2025

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Special Post: Funeral Arrangements for US Marine Corps Capt. Ron Forrester

Below is a message from Karoni Forrester regarding her Dad’s Funeral Service.  There’s a lot of details in this message.  If you’re planning to attend, please read carefully.

This is why we ride!  Never forget!  Say their names!

Lennie Big Red Hodson

—————— From Karoni ——————-

Hi all –

As October 7th is now just around the corner, I want to share additional details about Daddy’s funeral for all planning to join us in DC.  For those who can’t make it, both the funeral and graveside services will be live streamed with the funeral home.  More details on that as they are available.

First, if you didn’t the update about the start time change, the funeral service will be held at 1:30 p.m. and the graveside service will be a 3:00 p.m.  The change is due to finding a creative solution to an unfortunate oversight.

For anyone planning to come that has not booked a hotel, Dad’s family and friends will be staying at the Sheraton Pentagon City (link at the bottom of the email). Many have asked if we’ve got anything planned prior to the service.  I do expect people will gather around the hotel, restaurants in the area, etc.  The only “official” gathering is a reception after the services.

To gain access to Fort Myer, you will need to pre-register as a guest to get a pass unless you have a military ID.  The link to pre-register/obtain pass is also at the bottom of this email. My understanding is you can pre-register as much as 7 days in advance.  You will need a photo ID to gain access on base, even with the pass.  All passengers in/on the vehicle must also have their ID (if old enough to have an ID).

Entrance to Fort Myer should be through the Fort Myer Hatfield Gate:

19 Carpenter Rd

Fort Myer, VA  22211

Plan to arrival an hour ahead of time for access onto base (aka 12:30 p.m.)

The funeral will be held at the 1:30 at the Community Activities Center:

228 McNair Road, BLDG #405

Fort Myer, VA  22211

We have budgeted enough time between the funeral service and our entrance into Arlington National Cemetery, but JUST enough time.  There is a fly-over planned (weather permitting), so our schedule has no wiggle room for visiting at that time.  I kindly ask you save visiting for the reception, because we’ve got to get a move on!

We will exit Fort Myer and swing around to the front/main entrance into Arlington.  We will have maps, but also – follow the car in front of you!  When you get onto Memorial Drive, you’ll stay to the right and line up alongside the road as instructed by ANC officials directing traffic.  Simply tell them you’re there for the Forrester 3:00 service.  Yes, there is some “hurry up and wait” going on, but it’s a military base and military funeral, so it’s to be expected. Semper Gumby!

After the graveside service, we will go back to Fort Myer for a reception.  It will be a nice to for reflection, to see old friends and make new ones.  Your pass used for the funeral will get you back onto base.  Don’t lose it!

The reception will be held at Patton Hall Community Club:

214 Buffalo Soldier Avenue

Fort Myer, VA 22211

I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!  I greatly appreciate all of the love and support our family has received through the many years, and especially now as we finally lay Dad to rest.  Words can’t adequately express our gratitude; know we are thankful. Please forward as appropriate.


PS – YES, motorcycle vests and jeans are appropriate attire!  No concerns.  I do appreciate those who asked to confirm.

Sheraton Pentagon City:

Fort Myer Guest Access:

Access Control & Gate Information :: Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (

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September 2024 – Central Route Newsletter

The end of August and early September is typically quite busy for RFTW riders.  As I mentioned in my last newsletter, we were getting ready to do our Annual Reunion and Brick Laying at the Vietnam Memorial in Angel Fire, NM.  This event happened over Labor Day Weekend a couple of weeks ago, and it was a success again. We laid a little over 500 memorial bricks on the grounds around those walkways. RFTW adopted this tradition over this weekend in 2008, and we have been doing it ever since.

For our new people and FNGs, we will also be stopping in Eagle Nest / Angel Fire, NM in May 2025, as this is also one of our official overnight stops.  At this stop when we arrive, we will lay one memorial brick at the memorial  as part of our arrival ceremony.  Memorial bricks can be purchased for any veteran living or deceased and from any era.

There are several individuals that deserve extra special recognition in helping make this a success.

Thank you to: Patti Finley, Kenny Keelin, Kathryn Ewing, Kevin Riley, Blanca Alas-Riley, Harry Steelman, Mike McDole, Coreen Wood, John Grimes,  Mike Sekiya, Eric Ammann, and Sonia Amman. You all went above and beyond. Thank you.

I noticed after I got home that Sonia Ammann did a very nice write-up on her personal Facebook page, and took some wonderful pictures. You can see that below.

Sonia, and her husband, Eric, are our Central Route Ambassador leads.  They lead a team of seasoned RFTW  riders that meet and greet our supporters that line overpasses and wave to us, as well as do community outreach to say THANK YOU to those that support us along our Mission across the US from Ontario, CA to Washington, DC, and the Vietnam Memorial.

Registration for our 35th Annual run is now open.  We open registration every September 11th in remembrance of that fateful day.  Please register early!  It helps us tremendously to plan for logistics, meals, number of platoons, etc.

I do have an open need for a special position that we did not have last year.  I am looking for a VIDEOGRAPHER.  If you have experience in making quality videos and cinematography,  please shoot me an email or call me.  My contact info is on the Central Route Contact page.

In the next 30-days I will be holding a leadership zoom meeting with our state coordinators, and another for our Central Route leadership platoon, team and crew leads. Be on the look our for those meeting invites. Before that time, please start thinking about what you are going to need in order to make RFTW 2025 a success.

As you may have seen or heard, Ted Kapner and Taisha Harmon have started the new RFTW podcast, which you can view on Youtube, or listen to on Spotify and Apple Podcasts among other platforms.  Take a listen… its pretty great!

That’s about all I have for now. See you next month.

Honor and Remember Them All,

Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olson
RFTW Central Route Coordinator – 2025
Asst. Route Coordinator – 2024
Road Guard Captain – 2023
Asst. Road Guard Captain – 2019
BoD of Directors – 2016-2019
Road Guard 2010-2018
FNG 2009

If you have not seen from previous newsletters by me or the other Route Coordinators from Southern, Midway, and Sandbox, RFTW is moving to GMRS for our on-road communications. This is not as big of a transition for us on Central Route this year in 2025, since we piloted the GMRS radios in 2024, and they worked very well.  My advice to you all is to get the radio now, and learn how to use, pair, and connect them to your helmet speakers or ear drums.  Also, help our friends on Southern, Midway, and Sandbox get theirs set-up and paired. Personally, I use a Sena 50S paired to the radio, and I paired the radio as PHONE 2, to the radio. See Sena directions, on how to do this.

**See this post on Where and What to Buy, and all things GMRS for RFTW.**

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Central Route August 2024 Newsletter

Happy August Run for the Wall Riders and Greetings from the Central Route!
Immediate things that are happening this month that you need to be aware of are the Angel Fire / Eagle Nest, New Mexico Reunion and Brick laying.
This reunion will take place Friday, August 30 – Sunday, Sept 1, 2024.

We could use strong backs on Thursday, Aug 29 at 1PM at the Memorial to lay out the base coat of sand for the bricks and some more help Friday to sort the bricks in order and load them on a trailer.

If you have not done so, time is running short to register, and please do so here.  It is imperative you do this in a timely manner, so the people preparing our food have an accurate count.

Go here to register for the reunion:
** We would like all people registered no later than August 19, 2024.

Here is a tentative schedule for the reunion:

Reunion: Friday, August 30th Sunday, September 1st with Taco Bar on Friday night, and DINNER on Saturday, August 31st, 2024
Dinner Address: 74 N Tomboy Dr, Eagle Nest, NM

Thursday and Friday 29 August & 30 August
Preparation of grounds and Bricks. Location-Memorial
1:00 PM Thursday-Need some volunteers to shovel and rake the base layer of sand.
9:00 AM Friday– General Area Preparations and Sorting of Bricks

Friday Evening, 30 August
5:30 PM Memorial Service for Don “Bullet” Pierce and Frank “Friendless” Silva at outdoor Pavilion behind Senior Center by Arnie Swift & Kevin Riley
6:00 PM Reception & Dinner at Laguna Vista Saloon

Saturday, 31 August
All times are approximate and subject to change. 

7:00 AM Pre-Program Activity & Set Up (Breakfast Sandwiches/Coffee Provided)
9:00 AM
Opening Ceremony. Followed by Brick laying of Westphal Foundation Bricks.
9:30 AM Medal of Honor Brick Laying.
3:00 PM (Approx.) End of Workday – After last brick is laid the workday will conclude. Volunteers to help clean up and put away equipment will be needed and appreciated.

5:45 PM Meet at outdoor Pavilion behind Senior Center for a brief Ceremony (Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Announcements) (50 N Tom Boy Dr, Eagle Nest, NM 87718).

6:00 PM Dinner and Rider’s Forum (Senior Center- 50 N Tom Boy Drive) (Dinner cost is $35.00 per pre-registered person-Includes Reunion Patch). Any registrations received after August 18th will  be $45 per person (if the caterer can accommodate the addition).

Sunday, 1 September
8:00 AM
Church Services at Angel Fire Memorial Chapel (by Kevin Riley)

There is another reunion opportunity on Sept 27-29, 2024 in Kerrville, TX.  This reunion is for all RFTW and is hosted by our Southern Route brothers and sisters.

If you have not seen from previous newsletters by me or the other Route Coordinators from Southern, Midway, and Sandbox, RFTW is moving to GMRS for our on-road communications. This is not as big of a transition for us on Central Route this year in 2025, since we piloted the GMRS radios in 2024, and they worked very well.  My advice to you all is to get the radio now, and learn how to use, pair, and connect them to your helmet speakers or ear drums.  Also, help our friends on Southern, Midway, and Sandbox get theirs set-up and paired. Personally, I use a Sena 50S paired to the radio, and I paired the radio as PHONE 2, to the radio. See Sena directions, on how to do this.

**See this post on Where and What to Buy, and all things GMRS for RFTW.**

The RFTW Forum is BACK and BETTER than ever!

This is where online RFTW discussion should happen.

The new and improved RFTW Forum is up and running.  This is the FIRST place you should go and ask online questions about RFTW, Routes, Discuss, etc.  It is a much better online community  tool to keep topics organized. Facebook groups are great, but topics get lost in long threads. The RFTW Forum should be your first go to.  It’s yours, it’s free, so please go and register and use it.

Volunteer forms have been coming in for 2025. I send them to the appropriate crew and team leaders when I get them.  That being said, if you are interested in a volunteer position on Central Route, it’s also OK to reach out to that particular team or crew lead, in addition to sending in a form. Platoon Leaders pick their own APL’s and Tail Gunners (with RC approval). Road Guards, Staging, Fuel, Ambassadors, Outreach, Medical, and Chaplain volunteers are brought on by those team leads, and again approved by the RC. Don’t be discouraged if a team is full, there is a lot of time between now and May. Things always change. Central Route crews & teams are now just starting to be put together for 2025.

I can tell you as of now, I have openings for a Raffle Rouser Assistant, and a Videographer.  Staging is also going to need a few more bodies, as of now, as well.

That’s about it for now.  See you in Angel Fire and Eagle Nest, New Mexico in a couple of weeks.

Honor and Remember Them All,

Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olson
RFTW Central Route Coordinator – 2025
Asst. Route Coordinator – 2024
Road Guard Captain – 2023
Asst. Road Guard Captain – 2019
BoD of Directors – 2016-2019
Road Guard 2010-2018
FNG 2009

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2025 Radio Comms – Joint Statement from All Four Route Coordinators

Some of you may or may not know that in May 2024 the Central Route piloted and tested a new communications system for on-road communications while underway during our Mission from Ontario, CA to Washington, DC. GMRS Radios were used, and a GMRS repeater was also tested. This technology has much further range than CB, and with clearer reception and transmission.

CB radio service was originally established in 1949 and their usefulness and heyday of the 1970s has been outlived. A new replacement was needed for the unique communication requirements of RFTW. Motorcycle manufacturers have been discontinuing installing or offering CBs, or if they do, they are very expensive. And third-party motorcycle CB radio manufacturers, like J&M have also stopped making and supporting them.

The purpose of the test was to see how well it worked for RFTW. The results of the test in May 2024 was positive and exceeded expectations in most cases. Communications were clear with no relays needed to pass messages and the comms range was significantly extended with no outside interference.

At the July 20, 2024 BoD meeting, the BoD changed the SOP to allow GMRS as an option, and then left it up to each Route Coordinator’s sole discretion and decision to use CB or the newer GMRS Comms for the Run in 2025 for his respective route.

On July 29, 2024 all of the 2025 Route Coordinators (Central, Southern, Midway, and Sandbox) met in a separate RC only meeting without the Executive BoD.  ALL FOUR Route Coordinators are in lockstep, and unanimously decided that GMRS Radio Communications is the way to go and decided that all routes will use GMRS in 2025 as the primary mode of on-road communications for RFTW.

This means that ALL PACK Leadership WILL BE REQUIRED to have and use a GMRS Radio in 2025, i.e. All Platoon Leaders, APL’s, Tail Gunners, Road Guards, Chaplains, Medics, and Chase will need a GMRS Radio. Pack riders and FNGs are also certainly allowed to get a radio and listen.

Regarding outrider and forward crews and teams such as Fuel, Staging, Ambassadors, and Outreach, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you start to use and get on the GMRS bandwagon as you will be able to hear the pack miles before they get to your location.

There are numerous off-the-shelf radios available that can be made Bluetooth capable if you have a Bluetooth helmet headset, like a Sena or a Cardo. If you do not use a Bluetooth helmet set-up, there are some wired solutions available, as well.

Option 1: (This option is a HIGH recommendation. Bluetooth Capable)
The radio is available at the BTECH website, and at Amazon

Get the wireless PTT Button, and maybe a spare.

Use Coupon Code: RFTW
You will get both the Radio and Wireless PTT button for $152.44.
Must Add Both items, GMRS Pro radio, and wireless PTT button to BTECH online cart.
Deal Available at the the BTECH Website, not Amazon and not an Amazon Cart.

This is an optional adapter cable for K-1 type accessories:

To get “More Range” out of this handheld, it’s all about the ***antenna quality.*** Consider a higher quality antenna, or even an external antenna.

Other Great GMRS Antennas – Here

Midland MXTA26 Antenna – need an adapter, NMO mount and coax with this option. This antenna has the most GAIN.

Option 2: (Also a High Recommendation, but does take skill to install. Bluetooth)
Vero VGC VR-N7500 High Power 50W/40W Transceiver. This a PERMANENT MOUNT Bluetooth unit. It transmits at up to 40W on UHF (GMRS) frequencies. 5X the power of the above handheld.

Get the Bluetooth button for this radio – Here

This unit requires an EXTERNAL Antenna, like the Midland MXTA26 Antenna. I like this antenna for a permanent NMO Mount, (or a handheld radio with an Adapter).

An NMO Mount, and Coax are REQUIRED.

Kirk Olson – Central Route RC is running this set-up on his BMW K1600GT. The radio is Bluetoothed directly to a Sena 50S helmet set-up. The included mic shown in picture is not used.
(See a Picture of the set-up here)

** Currently, the VR-N7500 DOES NOT Bluetooth Connect to a Harley Branded Sena. It does connect to a regular, non-Harley Branded Sena. It must be something to do with the HD Firmware.

** There is a rumor that BTECH is coming out with their version of this radio in the very near future.

Option 3: (Non-Bluetooth GMRS Radios, work and are approx $50 or less)
Any GMRS Radio like, but not limited to, these:
TID Radio H8 GMRS Radio: **Recommended (Value Pack)
Video on the TID Radio H8:
Baofeng UV-5RTP:
*These radios ARE NOT Bluetooth capable to a headset from the manufacturer, so would best be used with a wired set-up, and an earpiece or earbud (not ideal).

A company called Rugged Radios are the BEST wired harnesses for those that do not have or want a Bluetooth helmet set-up, and they also offer Bluetooth for any radio, and are built for motorcycling.

Wired & External Bluetooth harnesses options from Rugged Radios. These harnesses work with almost any GMRS handheld radio.

Option 4:
If you are an Amateur Radio Operator (HAM), you may be interested in the Anytone ATD878UVII Plus. This is a HAM radio, and can be unlocked for GMRS use, and has Bluetooth built-in that will pair to a Bluetooth helmet set-up. This option does require very good to advanced computer skills to program the radio. The radio is also not IP67 (water proof), but the bluetooth piece is great.

Option 5:
Any Four-wheel vehicle can use a GMRS handheld or any Mobile Car/Truck Mounted GMRS radio.

Manufacturers of these are: Midland, Wouxun, to name a few.

These also require:
An EXTERNAL Antenna, like the Midland MXTA26 Antenna
An NMO Mount, and Coax are REQUIRED.

The bottom line is, we are not going to tell you which brand to get.  You just need a radio to get GMRS frequencies into your helmet and your ears.  The above are options that work well, and there are and will be others.

Lastly, listening to a GMRS radio does not require a license from the FCC.
Transmitting on a GMRS frequency currently does technically require a license from the FCC and is easy to get, and is $35 for 10-years.
One license can be used per family.

Video on How-to get a GMRS license:
Click here to establish your FCC FRN Number:
Click here for the FCC Universal Licensing System:

Thank you.
See you in May 2025

Kirk Olson – Central Route Coordinator
Eric Fort – Midway Route Coordinator
Ken Ley – Southern Route Coordinator
William Brehler – Sandbox Route Coordinator

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May 21, 2024 – Day 7 to DC – Wentzville, MO to Corydon, IN

ay 21, 2024 – Day 7 to DC – Wentzville, MO to Corydon, IN

Sorry all. I forgot to post some pics of Junction City from last year since we did not get to see it 2 days ago. Hopefully you will all be back next year to see it. ☺☺☺

Today I went on a breakout to Perryville, MO. This is where they have an exact replica of the Vietnam Wall that is in Washington DC. The big difference is the one in DC is engraved and the one in Perryville is etched. It even has the name that a misspelled in DC, also misspelled here.
We headed out early and the sun was trying to peek out from around the clouds. After the other night, the sun is a very welcomed thing.
We get off the highway and travel back country road. It is kind of nice since we have been on the highways pretty much since we left Ontario.
We stopped for fuel before we arrived at the memorial. I helped a little….new job for me? No thanks, I will let the fuel team keep it. They do such a great job.
We arrive in parade formation with our 3 flags.
This is the wall from off the road. Pretty imperative.

We were greeted by the staff, where we presented them with a check to help them.

On the wall there are multiple panels. Rosie gave me a lot of information.

  • The panels start at the apex from 1959
  • Each panel has the name listed alphabetically with in the day of their loss
    • So if you see : Jones, Murphy, Smith, Brown,…. Brown starts a new day
  • The first panel has 700 names, and it took 5 years to get them
  • Panel 2 took 5 months
  • Panel 3 took 5 weeks
This place on the wall has the same exact name. It is 2 different people,
killed on same day and both from Missouri
A cross denotes MIA


  • 15 was the youngest and 62 was the oldest
  • 22 was the average age but most were 18
  • 3 sets father/son
  • 40 sets of brothers
  • 16 clergy
  • May 1968 was the worst month
  • Coins left:
  • Penny – signifies that someone (veteran or civilian) has visited the grave
    Nickel – signifies that the coin-leaver attended boot camp with the veteran
    Dime – signifies that the coin-leaver served with the veteran in some capacity
    Quarter – signifies that the coin-leaver was present when the veteran died

    As load, Kirk shows me the odometer on his bike.  77,777.  Sounds like he needs to get a lottery ticket.

I love the ride back to regroup with the pack.

Wheat on one side, corn on the other. You can even smell the wheat.

Wheat on one side, corn on the other. You can even smell the wheat.

You can also smell the fertilizer they spray here.

Did you ever wonder how much one of these weighs? We often see a lot on a truck
An average bail will weigh 700-900 pounds. Now times that by the number on a semi.
They are hauling a lot of weight.

We now head of the great Mississippi River. This is always a cool sit

Not sure what this is but I think it is a sprayer.

We comment instead of going around it, we could just go under it.

Caught the pack at the gas station.  Yeah, fuel team is there, I do not have to work.

Lance is ready to go!!
Kids give us a great reception as we leave and head to lunch at Mt. Vernon Airport.
Even the nursing home residents come out to see us.
Heading into the airport

Airport has a great staging area.  Lots of room!!
Leaving here on I-64, the terrain has again changed.  Lots of green!!!! And lots of heat.
At this gas station there is hot dog vendor that everyone talks about.  Again, all donated to the Run.  We just ate chicken, and we are on our way to have a fish dinner, but you have to have a hot dog.


Fun Fact:

Dewig Meats, located in Haubstadt, Indiana began in 1916 by three Dewig brothers. Today, Dewig Brothers Meat Packing is still family owned and operated by third generation Dewig meat processors. Our retail store boasts a fully stocked 12,000 ft. retail meat market, custom-cut orders & butchering & processing services. Our completely updated retail meat market features 18 self-serve cooler doors and 21 self-serve freezer doors LOADED with award winning meat products. Customer service is key, “The customer is always right,” is our motto.

The hot dogs were really good.

I asked this stagger if he gets paid double for this.

He laughed and said “Nope, same as for just the one”.

I am loving this. We are getting so close to home (Cincinnati, OH).

Ok Now I am riding with Jenny.  I should be riding with her now until DC.

We had to head out in front of the pack because

Jenny was a little concerned with her Spyder overheating.

Great opportunity. for me to SEE the pack coming in, instead of being in it.  It was pretty cool.

In 2015, my FNG year, I met Sue at the Wentzville Vietnam Memorial. Sue was in the Navy in 1955.
Served 2 years coordinator of the women’s barrack.

She was the quarter bouncer.  The next 2 years she served as a stewardess

for the commanders. 

This year since we did the breakout, I missed it. My brother and his daughter

saw her and she asked where I was. She was so disappointed since she had made me something.

This is Ron, Sue (age 87), Sherri (her daughter), Courtney.

Here is what she made me.  WOW. This is soooo cool.  I LOVE IT.
She is just another part of this family.
Pic from the day (Thanks Courtney).  This is at the memorial.

Wentzville Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Wentzville takes extreme pride in being home to the first Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the United States. Wentzville was the first city in the nation to realize that the troops who served in Vietnam deserved to be honored.

As it stands today, the Wentzville Vietnam Veterans Memorial consists of a single-column of red Missouri granite, topped by the carved figure of an eagle. Inscribed in the column’s base is:

Vietnam Veterans Memorial December 1967

“Whither thou goest, I will go.”

We are on the road for 10 days on this journey.

Many spend another week plus traveling before and after the Run. 

So a lot of us are away for about 3 weeks.  This is nothing compared

to how long our service men and women are deployed.  Keep all our

active duty in your thoughts and prayers.   

We are now back on Eastern time. Funny thing I overheard today,

I do not care what time zone we are in, just will someone tell me

the current time so I am not late tomorrow.

Temp: 60-hot (about 83)

Route: I-64E

Total Miles: 290

Quote for the day:

Please tell him he is more than just a name on a wall

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From the Chairman: What Does “The Mission” Mean to You?

The Mission of Run For The Wall

We’ve had some great RC Motto’s over the years… “Mission > Self”, “Mission First”, “Remember the Mission” and “CHARLIE MIKE – CONTINUE the MISSION” among others.  But what does “The Mission” mean to you?  We should all be familiar with the Mission Statement of Run For The Wall:

  • To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends;
  • To call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA);
  • To honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars; and
  • To support our military personnel all over the world.

Since the first Run in 1989, our Mission Statement has expanded to ensure that everyone understands that we promote, honor and support all associated with our Armed Forces.  But the fact remains that our Mission originated and still has a primary focus “To call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA).”

Learning about The Mission

Very early in my participation with Run For The Wall, my RFTW big brother, James “Stoney” Stone introduced me to our Founder, James “Gunny” Gregory, USMC(Ret).  Over those first couple years, I was honored to have the privilege of speaking with Gunny privately on several occasions to get a first-hand telling of the story of Run For The Wall and the issues, events and people that brought it together.  If you haven’t recently, I strongly encourage you to (re)read the short History of RUN FOR THE WALL that you will find in the opening pages of your Itinerary Book or here.

How it Started

The primary motivator at that time was the MIA families looking for answers and doing their best to press our government to act based on intelligence that there were still living POWs in Vietnam.  In 1988, Marion Shelton, the wife of Col. Charles Shelton, USAF was one of the early advocates.  Col. Shelton was shot down on 29 APR 1965 flying a RF-101C Voodoo over Laos.  Mrs. Shelton’s situation and her call for action to the veteran and biker community was an early instigator to set Gunny in motion.  Read the history in your Itinerary for the rest of the story.

What’s being done now?

Per the DPAA, in 1973 when accounting started, there were 2641 Missing in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.  As of today, there have been 1064 accounted for leaving 1577 still missing.  The DPAA is still actively engaged in search and recovery operations and reported in an online article that “…in fiscal Year 2023, the agency recovered the remains of 127 service members:  88 from World War II, 35 from Korea, and four from Vietnam.” The article by C. Lopez is worth a read and is linked here:  DOD Won’t Stop Looking Until All POW/MIAs Are Home.

So, what does “The Mission” mean to me?

At the heart of every tenet of the RFTW Mission Statement you’ll find People.  Promote healing among People.  Honor the memory of People.  Support our People.  And most importantly, Call for accounting of our PEOPLE!  In other words, LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND!

We promote healing by ensuring those veterans, families and friends know that there is a strong community of Patriotic Americans who love and support them and will NOT give up on accounting for the ones they love.  We honor those killed in action by keeping the memories of their service and sacrifice at the forefront of our words and deeds.  We support our military personnel with our positive, peaceful and focused Patriotic activism that highlights our CAUSE and not our emotion. Finally, all three of those statements come together as we commit ourselves and our Run to The Mission of ensuring the Accounting continues UNTIL THEY ARE ALL HOME!

What does “The Mission” mean to you?

We all experienced a great homecoming through one of our own a few months ago with the return of Capt. Ronald Forrester, USMC who was accounted for on 04DEC2023 after almost 51 years MIA.  Those of us who were able to attend his Celebration of Life experienced an extraordinary event – Capt. Forrester’s presence in and around Karoni Forrester and the rest of the family was intense.  There are many others in our RFTW family who deserve that homecoming and there are hundreds in our extended family who deserve the same.  Our Mission – The Mission is to ensure our government “Won’t Stop Looking” until 1577 becomes 0.

Unfortunately, Marion Shelton passed away in October 1990, a few years after meeting with Gunny and the beginning of Run For The Wall.  Col. Charles Shelton, USAF is still MIA, officially “Unaccounted For” with Active Pursuit. As is LCDR Dennis Pike, USN.  As is Col. Oscar Mauterer, USAF. As is SSgt Gregory Benton, USMC.  Others just need better answers, like the family of Sgt Joseph Matejov, USAF. And there are hundreds more.  These PEOPLE are our family.  We don’t give up on family.

So, I ask again…

What does “The Mission” mean to you?


Billie "Bugs" DunlapBillie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator


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Online Store Closes 5/1 – 6/15

In my recent newsletter I neglected to mention that the online store will be closed beginning 5/1 and reopening again 6/15. During this time, you’ll be able to shop directly from the merchandise trailers in Ontario, CA and all the way to Marseilles, IL via Washington, DC. There will be a merchandise trailer on each route. Here is the current schedule for Ontario and DC:


Location Hours


Holiday Inn (CA) 10:00 – 17:00


Holiday Inn (CA)
Elks (CA)
10:00 – 17:00
12:00 – 17:00


Holiday Inn, Elks (CA) 09:00 – 17:00


Holiday Inn, Elks (CA) 09:00 – 17:00


Holiday Inn (DC) 09:00 – 16:00


Holiday Inn (DC) 09:00 – 14:00

Please travel safely to Ontario or wherever you will be picking up the Run. Look me up in Ontario or, on either the Central Route (I’m the photographer) or Sandbox.

Is it May yet?

Alan Steiner
Director of Merchandise
Run For The Wall

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Midway Route Coordinator April News Letter Addendum #1

Hi Riders:
I forgot to mention that there would be a shuttle in Ontario this year running continuous loops between the Host Hotel and the Elks  Lodge.
The Hours  of operation are:
May 12th…………….1200 to 2000Hrs.
May 13th…………….0700 to 2100Hrs.
May 14th…………….0700 to 2100Hrs.

Addresses from and to are:
Holiday Inn Ontario, 2155 E Convention Center Way, Ontario, CA 91764
Ontario Elks Lodge, 1150 W 4th Street, Ontario, CA 91762

I will have to say——IS IT MAY YET!!!!

Don “10-A-SEE” King
Midway Route Coordinator
10th Anniversary Run
RFTW 2024