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Southern Route Coordinator February Newsletter

RFTW Southern Route

It’s already February, and we are now two-digit midgets. For civilians, that means we are under 100 days until kicks stand up (KSU).



My 2 Cents Worth

There has been a lot of chatter on social media platforms since the BOD announced route changes starting in 2027 (now tabled for further review), with some positive and many negative. If you want to discuss RFTW business, it should be done on the RFTW Forum; airing negative comments about the run or board members in a public format does nothing positive for our Run For The Wall organization. Remember the Mission and Why We Ride.








Missing Man Formation

Our Missing Man Coordinator still has open slots to ride in the Missing Man Formation (MMF). If you are interested in riding in the MMF (FNGs are given preference), please send an email to Mission Nan Coordinator Bill “Maverick” Leonard at Bill will explain the process, requirements, and expectations of riding in the MMF during the run.

Outreach Missions and Honor Guard

During our 10-day Mission across our great nation, there will be Outreach Missions to memorials, VA care centers, Gold Star families, and Honor Guard Wreath Laying ceremonies. These will be listed when the Itinerary is published. If you are interested in participating in these activities, please contact the Family Outreach Lead, Karoni “Hoops” Forrester, at or the Honor Guard Coordinator, Brian Turner, at

Pre-Paid Fuel

We will again offer Pre-Paid fuel on the Southern Route. We encourage all riders to take advantage of the Pre-Paid fuel option. As a direct result of this option, we see a significant decrease in fueling times, which leads to shorter waiting times in the fuel line. This means more time for hydration, snacks, and bathroom breaks. Remember, the Pre-Paid fuel option applies to the scheduled fuel stops we make during the day. All riders are still required to fuel on their own, filling their tanks prior to staging each morning.

The Pre-Paid fuel option will again be $150 ATW (CA-DC). We will pro-rate the cost starting on Day 5, Grand Prairie, to $120, Day 6, Monroe, $90, Day 7, Meridian, $70, Day 8, Chattanooga, $50, Day 9, Wytheville, $30, and Day 10, Lynchburg, $20.

You can take advantage of the Pre-Paid fuel option Starting March 1st by using the Zelle payment app.; send your payment to, and please add SR Pre-Paid fuel 2025 on the memo line. The Zell app is incorporated in many online banking apps; if not, you can download it from your app store. Zelle is the only mobile payment app that RFTW currently uses. You can also send your payment to Bob Nelson, RFTW Treasurer, at 50 Fourth Ave, Unit # 1445, Dayton, NV 89403. Make checks payable to Run For The Wall INC in the memo line, state Southern Route Pre-Paid fuel 2025.

Luggage  Fundraiser

For the second year in a row, Southern Route will offer luggage transport (up to 2 bags) in an enclosed trailer. Riders may pay to have their bags that have been strapped to their bikes, instead, transported to our nightly stops. This adds to the safety of all riders by removing bags that can obstruct the view of other riders, reducing the weight of their bike, making it easier to handle, and eliminating loose items that can fall off their bike.

Riders must drop off their bags at the morning staging/breakfast locations before the morning safety briefings and will not have access to them until after that night’s dinner and programs. Please try to pick up your bags within 20 minutes of being released so the luggage driver/handler can reach his or her hotel on time.

The cost will remain at $7 per day or $50 for all 10 days. If you wish to take advantage of this fundraiser, you can also prepay starting March 1st  using the Zelle app When submitting your payment, please add “Luggage Fundraiser” to the memo line.

If you plan to purchase both Pre-Paid fuel and the Luggage Fundraiser in one transaction, please include both SR Pre-Paid fuel and Luggage Fundraiser on the memo line. If you’re purchasing for more than one bike or person, please also note the name.

Southern Route is looking for a Fundraising 50/50 Raffle Rosser. This is a Leadership Support position. Please submit a volunteer application on the Southern Route web page Hub.  Volunteer Here


“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, T

To call for an accounting of all prisoners of war and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA,

To honor the memory of those Killed in Action(KIA) from all wars and

To support our military personnel all over the world.”




Lennie “Big Red” Hodson

Southern Route Coordinator 2025

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Southern Route January Newsletter

Happy New Year everyone !! May 14th is just 128 days away, as of 1/5/25.

As you know, the hotel list, which is normally released on January 1st, will be released on January 10th. I want to thank all our State Coordinators for working through the Holiday Season to finalize the hotel contracts.  It’s a big job coordinating all the stops and hotels.  These state coordinators are some of our unsung heroes working all year long for the mission.  Also, don’t forget to listen to the podcasts from Boots and Hitch, along with the interesting guests they always have.  Lots to learn from these sessions.

Southern Route leadership teams continue to finalize our itinerary, and state coordinators are busy working with our community partners for our arrivals.  The background work never ceases to put all the details together to make sure we have a safe, successful, and productive mission.

REGISTER FOR THE RUN NOW!! Southern Route now has over 170 registered riders and participants.  Remember, early registration ends January 31. Beginning February 1, the registration cost increases from $60.00 to $75.00. Early registration helps us plan our gas stops and meals.  You can Register HERE.

A prepaid fuel option will again be available on the Southern Route. Please consider taking advantage of this program.  As a reminder, all riders are still required to fuel on their own after the end of the day’s activities so we all start the next day with a full tank. Prepaid fueling gets us through the fuel lines much quicker and provides more time at rest stops.  Pre-paid fuel eliminates the fumbling for cash when at the pump and is one of the reasons the lines move so much faster.  Details for this option are coming soon.







The Luggage Transport Fundraiser will again be offered this year. Riders who normally have bags strapped on their bikes can lighten their load and have the luggage transported to our night stop. This will reduce the overall weight of the bike, allowing for better control and reducing the chance of items coming loose and falling off. Details for check-in/check-out and the cost will be in next month’s letter.



If you are an FNG and would like to ride in the Missing Man Formation (MMF), please email MMF Bill “Maverick” Leonard at Bill will explain the process, requirements, and expectations of riding in the MMF during the run. It is a moving experience that expresses respect and love for those who have been lost or affected while defending our great country.


The Merchandise Team is still seeking sales help; no experience is required. If you are not an FNG and can contribute, please get in touch with Alan “XBox” Steiner at  or submit a volunteer form. We are also still looking for qualified medical personnel (MA, CNA, RN, NP, PA, MD) to join the Southern Route Medical Team. If interested, please fill out a volunteer form. The link for the volunteer form is here.



“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.



Lennie “Big Red” Hodson

Southern Route Coordinator 2025




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RFTW – Two heroes passing

To the RFTW family, here is another sad announcement.  Two more family members of the RFTW passed over this last weekend.  Bob “HD” Conway and Arizona Assistant State Coordinator Tony “Apeman” Testa died.  Prayers and warm thoughts go out to these heroes and their families.  They will be missed.  God Bless all of us.

Lennie Hodson

Southern Route Coordinator

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Southern Route Family news

It’s with a heavy heart that we inform the Southern Route family that Danny MacGillivray, aka Jellybean, the SR Road Guard of yesteryear, passed away at night on 12/11/2024. Robert “Old School” Reavis has been updating us on Facebook, and it sounded like he was improving, but this is a sad surprise.  May God Bless and watch over him and his family.

Lennie “Big Red” Hodson

2025 Southern Route Coordinator

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Southern Route December Newsletter

Where has the year gone? It’s December, and Christmas and Hanukka are right around the corner. Happy Holidays to all!

Our state coordinators are busy with last-minute details to secure our hotels. There’s also good news to report: where we have a new lunch stop on day 6 in Jackson, Mississippi.  The Harley Davidson Dealership we used to stop at had been sold, and the new owner is still organizing the store.  Our state coordinators have lined up the Shriners (Wasabi Center), and they have graciously stepped up to host us.

We still need trained medical personnel for our medical team. If you’re interested or know someone who is, please fill out a volunteer application or contact me directly. The Merchandise teams on all routes also need help. No experience is necessary, and training will be provided. If interested, contact the Merchandise Director, Alan “Xbox” Steiner, at or fill out a volunteer application.

Remember that registration prices go up in February, so if you haven’t registered, do so today. Not only will it save you a little money, but it will also help all the RFTW volunteers and our community partners plan and prepare meals.

In closing, remember to check on family and friends you haven’t spoken with for a while.  We’re a community and checking on each other is important.

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.

“Say Their Names, Tell Their Stories, Never Forget”

To Honor and Remember Their Sacrifice

Merry Christmas,

Lennie “Big Red” Hodson

Southern Route Coordinator 2025

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Southern Route November Newsletter

RFTW Southern Route

An early Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope everyone can enjoy spending time with family and friends. Let’s remember all of our troops deployed around the world and keep them in our prayers.

One correction from last month’s newsletter is that you must have been issued a Vietnam Service Medal (ribbon) to ride in the Vietnam Veterans Platoon. I apologize for the confusion. This special Vietnam Veterans Platoon is being put together in honor of the 50th anniversary of the end of the war.  We will also celebrate the 35th anniversary of Run For The Wall.

The planning and Preparation for the RFTW 2025 Mission continue, and we are still looking for volunteers, especially for the Medical positions. If interested, you can fill out a volunteer form  HERE. We need people with experience as RNs, LVNs, EMTs, etc. You can ride a bike or be in an air-conditioned vehicle.

Also, our Road Guard Captain, Don “Doc” Wood, is looking for a few Road Guard Candidates. You must ride a two-wheel motorcycle and have ridden All The Way at least once. Don’s contact information can be found on the Southern Route Contacts List.

Register for the 2025 Run now

The Southern Route now has over 100 registered riders and participants. If you have not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible. Early registration helps us plan for our stops and hotel accommodations. Early registration ends on January 31, 2025, and registration costs increase on February 1, 2025. You can Register HERE.  If you are in leadership, please register now.  If you are an FNG, please register as early as you can.  We know plans can change.

RFTW Forum

Please know there is a great resource tool for all of us in the RFTW Forum.  It’s a great place to learn from others and ask questions.  There are very good videos from Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olsen showing you how to program the new GMRS radios used on all the runs this year.  Leadership positions need to have the radios, but it’s an option for all others.  Sometimes, it’s nice to hear what’s being discussed so you know what’s going on when we’re starting out and picking up speed.  If you’re not in a leadership position, the request is that you’re in listening mode only, but these new radios are not that expensive and pair to Bluetooth headsets easily.  There are many other reasons to be on the forum.  If you need to share hotel rooms to save a few dollars, there’s a section for that.  Local monthly meetings are discussed, Runs to the run, and good discussions sharing ideas.

In closing, I encourage you to read about The Last Battle of the Vietnam War, the Mayaguez Incident. It’s an interesting read. Here’s a link to a good article about it: The Mayaguez Incident.

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.




Lennie “Big Red” Hodson

Southern Route Coordinator 2025

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Southern Route October Newsletter

RFTW Southern Route

Happy Halloween to all you ghosts and goblins,

First, I want to thank Juice and Pickles (Phillip and Belinda Tutton) for their great job Hosting their first year of the Texas Riders Reunion in Kerrville, Texas.  It was a great time.

It’s also important to remember and support our family members on the East Coast who have just been through a devastating hurricane. We travel through these areas, and many of our RFTW family live there, not to mention the strong supporters of our mission.  Prayers go out to all who have been affected.

The planning and preparations for 2025 are well underway.  State coordinators are busy securing hotels, fuel stops, and meeting with community leaders for meals.  Be sure to thank these folks when you see them during the run.  They work all year long to help pull off the magic of the run.  Early Registration is open.  Please register as soon as possible, as this helps us plan for our stops and hotel accommodations.  Remember, the price goes up on February 1st of next year, and you lose the early bird discount.   You can Register Here.

As part of the 50th anniversary of the last battle of the Vietnam War, we will have a Platoon just for Vietnam Vets and Vietnam-era vets; this platoon will be for 2 or 3-wheel motorcycles and Can-Ams, sorry, no bikes with trailers. This platoon even gets to be towards the front of the pack, for a lot of the run.  So, when you finalize your registration in Ontario or wherever you join the run, ask to be assigned to the Veterans platoon if you qualify.

If you’d like to ride in honor of a fallen loved one or friend in the Missing Man Formation, you should contact Bill “Maverick” Leonard at preference will be given to FNG’s (Fine New Guys / Gals).  Also, many wreath ceremonies at our memorial stops will need Honor Guards to help with the wreath laying.  if you’d like to volunteer for one of these slots, please get in touch with Brian Turner, our Honor Guard Coordinator, at  No prior experience is required.  It’s a rewarding experience, and if you don’t have the marching experience, or you think it’s been so long you won’t remember, this is a good opportunity to re-remember or learn what it’s like.  Brian is a great drill instructor (DI) , uh, teacher!!

We also have a new patch being developed and manufactured.  This patch will be available on the run, starting in Ontario.  Looking forward to seeing everyone there, wearing a patch by the time we get to DC!We are still looking for Medical team members, if you are a credentialed RN, Para Medic or EMT and you’d like to volunteer, you can contact me at; also still in need of an RMO  (Risk Management Officer).  This position requires detailed report writing, drawing, law enforcement background is a plus.

Southern Route Moto for 2025 Will be “To Honor and Remember Their Sacrifice”

“Say Their Names, Tell Their Stories, Never Forget”

Lennie “Big Red” Hodson

Southern Route Coordinator 2025

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Special Post: Funeral Arrangements for US Marine Corps Capt. Ron Forrester

Below is a message from Karoni Forrester regarding her Dad’s Funeral Service.  There’s a lot of details in this message.  If you’re planning to attend, please read carefully.

This is why we ride!  Never forget!  Say their names!

Lennie Big Red Hodson

—————— From Karoni ——————-

Hi all –

As October 7th is now just around the corner, I want to share additional details about Daddy’s funeral for all planning to join us in DC.  For those who can’t make it, both the funeral and graveside services will be live streamed with the funeral home.  More details on that as they are available.

First, if you didn’t the update about the start time change, the funeral service will be held at 1:30 p.m. and the graveside service will be a 3:00 p.m.  The change is due to finding a creative solution to an unfortunate oversight.

For anyone planning to come that has not booked a hotel, Dad’s family and friends will be staying at the Sheraton Pentagon City (link at the bottom of the email). Many have asked if we’ve got anything planned prior to the service.  I do expect people will gather around the hotel, restaurants in the area, etc.  The only “official” gathering is a reception after the services.

To gain access to Fort Myer, you will need to pre-register as a guest to get a pass unless you have a military ID.  The link to pre-register/obtain pass is also at the bottom of this email. My understanding is you can pre-register as much as 7 days in advance.  You will need a photo ID to gain access on base, even with the pass.  All passengers in/on the vehicle must also have their ID (if old enough to have an ID).

Entrance to Fort Myer should be through the Fort Myer Hatfield Gate:

19 Carpenter Rd

Fort Myer, VA  22211

Plan to arrival an hour ahead of time for access onto base (aka 12:30 p.m.)

The funeral will be held at the 1:30 at the Community Activities Center:

228 McNair Road, BLDG #405

Fort Myer, VA  22211

We have budgeted enough time between the funeral service and our entrance into Arlington National Cemetery, but JUST enough time.  There is a fly-over planned (weather permitting), so our schedule has no wiggle room for visiting at that time.  I kindly ask you save visiting for the reception, because we’ve got to get a move on!

We will exit Fort Myer and swing around to the front/main entrance into Arlington.  We will have maps, but also – follow the car in front of you!  When you get onto Memorial Drive, you’ll stay to the right and line up alongside the road as instructed by ANC officials directing traffic.  Simply tell them you’re there for the Forrester 3:00 service.  Yes, there is some “hurry up and wait” going on, but it’s a military base and military funeral, so it’s to be expected. Semper Gumby!

After the graveside service, we will go back to Fort Myer for a reception.  It will be a nice to for reflection, to see old friends and make new ones.  Your pass used for the funeral will get you back onto base.  Don’t lose it!

The reception will be held at Patton Hall Community Club:

214 Buffalo Soldier Avenue

Fort Myer, VA 22211

I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!  I greatly appreciate all of the love and support our family has received through the many years, and especially now as we finally lay Dad to rest.  Words can’t adequately express our gratitude; know we are thankful. Please forward as appropriate.


PS – YES, motorcycle vests and jeans are appropriate attire!  No concerns.  I do appreciate those who asked to confirm.

Sheraton Pentagon City:

Fort Myer Guest Access:

Access Control & Gate Information :: Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (

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September 2024 – Southern Route

RFTW Southern Route

It’s hard to believe we’re halfway through September already. Most importantly, for this newsletter, let me introduce myself.  I’m Lennie “Big Red” Hodson, now the Southern Route Coordinator.  The Board of Directors has approved this, along with some other choices of people filling the roles we need.  Ken “Radar” Ley has stepped down for Personal and family reasons.  I was going to be the ARC in 2025 and have now been asked to step into Ken’s role.  We wish Ken well and know we will see him in the future once again.

A little about myself: I was born and raised in Southern California and have lived in Southern Arizona for the last 6 1/2 years. I served two years in the U.S. Army with a tour in Vietnam as a combat Infantryman and two years with the National Guard.  My RFTW journey began in 2010 on the Southern Route going ATW, and I’ve continued every year since. I’ve worked in leadership since 2012 as a platoon TG, APL &PL.  The welcome home from RFTW has meant so much to me; I am honored to give back as a Route Coordinator and lead you wonderful people through our great country.

Lennie "Big Red" Hodson
Lennie “Big Red” Hodson

David “Buzz” Mullen has agreed to be the Assistant Route Coordinator.  From Buzz:  “I am humbled and proud to be the Southern Route Assistant Route Coordinator for our 2025 Run”.  Buzz’s FNG year was in 2014.  He rode with Roger “Cowboy” Mead in First Platoon, where he was assigned to Tail Gunner when needed.  Buzz was also asked to fill in for the Assistant Platoon Leader when the APL was tasked with an Outreach Mission. His next All The Way (ATW) year was in 2016, when his wife, Blanca (FNG), and he joined Joe “Gump” Hudson in riding portions of all three routes.  That was a great learning experience of each route, which could apply to RFTW roles.  Buzz then held various positions in future Runs from 2017 through 2024, including being a Platoon Leader, Tail Gunner (again), Finance Assistant/Tail Gunner, and his last posting was Road Guard in 2023 and 2024.  We look forward to Buzz as the ARC for Run For The Wall 2025.

David "Buzz" Mullen
David “Buzz” Mullen

Other announcements: Don “Doc” Wood will be our Road Guard Captain.  Bill “Maverick” Leonard will be our Missing Man Coordinator.  More info about these guys who stepped up will be coming next month.  Lee Thatcher stepped up to be our Tennessee State Coordinator.  That’s another important “work all-year” job to have everything planned out for our riding through the state.

As you read this newsletter, please know that Registration is now open.  As with everything in our life lately, increased fees have become necessary because our costs have increased.  Early registration is now $60, and considering all that we participate in along the way, it’s still a heck of a deal.  Please see the President’s latest newsletter for complete details.

Leadership team leads are in place, and their teams are being formed, if you are interested in volunteering, please submit a volunteer form. Volunteer forms can be accessed here.  State Coordinators are working to secure hotel rooms, fuel stops, and working with local communities and organizations to raise funds and provide meals.  The state coordinators are working hard all year long to make all these pieces fit together.  We do have a couple of very important positions open and if you would like to contribute, please put a volunteer form in.  We are in need of a couple of folks with medical training.  RN, LVN or military medic training.  We also need a 50/50 raffle rouser to help sell tickets, which is an essential part of our fundraising to support our mission.  Please consider these needs.  Volunteer forms are available on the RFTW website here.  These positions are under “Leadership Support” category.

We will again be offering prepaid fuel.  More details will be announced in the January newsletter regarding pre-paid fuel. Prepaid fuel helps the fueling process a lot.  Please seriously consider this if you haven’t used it yet or are an FNG going for the first time.  There’s no fumbling for cash at the non-donated stops.  The fueling process moves faster so you can get to the hydration station faster; planning is more straightforward for leadership all around, and it’s simply a nice improvement.   There will be a new host location for our landing spot, which will be in Springfield, Virginia, on day ten, more to come about that.  Hotel information will be released on January 1, 2025.

Don’t forget about the Kerrville, TX Riders reunion on September 27-29. You can find more information on the Facebook page and the RFTW Forum. Yes, the forum is back! It’s a great place to learn about participating in the run. As an FNG, you can ask questions, get hints on how or what to pack (or not pack), find roommates to share hotel costs with if you are traveling solo, and learn about changes like the new communication system we’re transitioning to since CB radios are fading away. I want to clarify that the new communication system is for leadership roles such as the RC, ARC, Road Guards, Platoon Leaders, etc., but anyone can listen. It’s unnecessary if you’re not in a leadership position, but it’s an option if you’re interested in listening. Since it’s a new method, there’s a lot to learn about using it correctly.

I also want to give a shout-out to Ted “Boots” Kapner and Taisha (Hitch) Harmon for a great PodCast.  Episode 1 has been uploaded on many forums.  It’s a fun and informative podcast.  I think I speak for everyone in we look forward to more to come.

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.

Lennie “Big Red” Hodson
Southern Route Coordinator – 2025



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Southern Route August 2024 Newsletter

Here it is August already, and with the face-to-face board meeting behind us, I am happy to say that the preparations for Southern Route 2025 are progressing well. I want to introduce myself as the Southern Route Coordinator. My name is Ken “Radar” Ley, and my assistant route coordinator is Lennie “Big Red” Hodson. We have been sifting through the volunteer request forms and after-action reports, getting them into the hands of individual team leads who can best use them. If you would like to volunteer to assist the route but have not submitted a volunteer form yet, please do so.  I recognize that sometimes, on the run, we say to the leadership team that we will be returning, team leads change, and personal texts and emails get lost or deleted, so please go to RFTW.US and click the volunteer link, fill out the request, and send it in.  Like the After-action-Reports, we read them all.

Ken "Radar" Ley
Ken "Radar" Ley

My journey with Southern Route began in 2000, my FNG year. That year, I rode from New Mexico to D.C. In 2001 and 2002, I could only manage a leg as a day rider due to family commitments. In 2015, I rode from Wentzville MO to Rainelle WV. In 2016, I was planning my first all-the-way year when I was offered a new position on SR in leadership support. Since then, I have ridden on SR every year. This personal journey is a testament to the transformative power of our community and the opportunities it offers.

There are many exciting developments for this year’s ride, and in the coming days, the President of the Board will make some important announcements. I am eagerly looking forward to discussing these in our next newsletter. For now, I encourage you to continue enjoying your summer and riding safely, and I hope to see you in Kerrville this year.

Lennie "Big Red" Hodson
Lennie "Big Red" Hodson

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.

Ken “Radar” Ley
