The Run for the Wall Board of Directors, and the 2018 Route Coordinators would like to wish everyone of our supporters, riders, and especially our new FNGs for 2018, a wonderful Thanksgiving and beginning to the Christmas and Holiday season.
At this time of year, for most us, marks the time that we start to buy gifts for family, friends, and loved ones.
We wanted to make you aware about our partnership with, should any of you use for purchases in the future.
Amazon will donate 0.5% of the value of your purchases to Run for the Wall for FREE.
- When shopping at Amazon, make sure you use:
- If you’ve never registered who you want to support via, make sure you type and search for: Run for the Wall (Hamilton, OH).
- Logon with your same amazon username & password.
All items are the same price that they would be regardless. Using is a painless way to help support Run for the Wall.
So, remember… when shopping at Amazon: Please ALWAYS use:
Doing so, helps support our Mission and our Three Routes, as We Ride for Those Who Can’t.
Thank you. Have a wonderful Holiday!
Run for the Wall Board of Directors
P.S. This only works when ordering via a computer and/or a web browser. It does NOT work if using the amazon app for iPhone or android.