Ok, somewhere in space I lost my first post so I am starting over at 10:30 to try again. A long day but a very great day in things we have seen. The canyon out of Eagles Nest was spectacular. The fog was lifting, the sun was shining and every tree and blade of grass was sparkling to greet us with a beautiful morning surprise. The Chaplains had been praying and Winky planned it good as we had no wet roads and smooth sailing. Thank you Lord for the good roads. Here is a short video that shows the snow on the ground that fell the night before and yet early the next morning the roads were nice and dry. Icy roads in a canyon with 400+ bikes with some drivers who have never driven on ice would not have been pretty.
We stopped in Cimarron to visit the people there and to see the Cimarron Area Citizens Memorial. Anita, who has lived there most of her life, introduced herself and she is the cochairman of the Cimarron Veterans Group. We so much appreciate their consistent support.
From there we went to Raton, NM and were treated to a performance by the Colfax County Young Marines who did an outstanding job. Thanks guys
Then we were off like a herd of turtles to Fountain Co. to have lunch at the Fir Station. What a sparkling clean building all ready for some 450 bikers who were hungry.
At each place we have gone to for lunch and or fuel and or lodging, we are always treated with great respect and honor and those who are serving us, please don’t think that we don’t appreciate all that you do. Your service to us is a precious thing in our eyes and it is humbling to us that you are always so kind and helpful and generous in your outpouring of your resources to bless the RFTW riders. THANK YOU SO MUCH and may God richly bless each of you.
Next we went to Limon for fuel and in this short video you can get a glimpse of the well oiled machine that our great fuel crew does every time we get fuel.
Next a short 100 miles to Goodland K. A place that is a favorite among many others. A great meal was prepared and enjoyed by all.
Two special ladies, among many that helped there are Dawn Jolly, and Gwen Mai, City Commissioner. (on my left). Dawn had warmly greeted us with hugs and great food for many years now and it is a delight to see her here again. Richard Liess, an American Legion leader gave us a sobering presentation of the Remembrance Table. I will include its description at a later date. Thanks you Richard for the grim reminder, we need to be reminded of those who have paid the ultimate price so that we can go on living. It was special to me!
I am inserting this after the fact a few days later until I got all my facts straight. Richard presented this to us during the meeting and I want to follow up here.
The following tribute to MIA and KIA soldiers was read:
Tonight we have some honored guests who cannot be with us. Please direct your attention to the place setting in front of the podium as a physical symbol of the thousands of American POW/MIAs still unaccounted for from all foreign conflicts. A reminder for us all to spare no effort to secure the release of any American prisoners from captivity, the repatriation of the remains of those who died bravely in defense of liberty, and a full accounting of those missing in action.
-The table is small, symbolizing the helplessness of one person alone against his oppressors.
-The table cloth is white for the purity of their intentions in responding to their Country’s’ call to arms.
-The bread plate where a slice of lemon rests to remind us of their bitter fate.
-Salt, symbolic of the tears shed by those who wait.
-The single red rose in a vase reminds us of the families and loved ones who have kept faith, awaiting the return of our POW/MIAs.
-The yellow ribbon, tied so prominently around the vase, represents the yellow ribbon worn upon the lapels and breasts of thousands who bear witness to our Nations’ unyielding determination to demand a proper accounting of our POW/MIAs.
-The candle is the light of hope which lives in our hearts to illuminate their way home, out of the hands of the oppressors and into the arms of a grateful Nation.
-The glass is inverted for they cannot toast with us tonight.
-The chair is empty, for they are not here.
Remember, we all called them comrades, brothers, sisters and friends. Do not let them be forgotten for surely they have not forgotten us.
After the above reading a moment of silence was taken. Quite a somber moment and one that touched all of our hearts…………………..WE RIDE FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T.
Until tomorrow, Sunday, have a great ride, go to the Church services we are having in the AM and take care.