We had another great day. Temps started 50 degrees. Every day Eamon asks if there are any Blue or Gold Star families. We have several Blue Start but no Gold today. There is always someone around them to give a hug. I love the RFTW family. We get and give lots of hugs.
Beautiful day but it did not feel like 50 degrees….it felt much colder. I was not the only one that thought so. By now, we dress to the temperature. LOL but today we should have dressed like it was 30.
We departed a 7:30 and look at this…already support for the Run.. What a way to make your day.
As we approach a toll booth, look at the artimis sign. Pretty nice. Also we were able to go thru the express lane this year. Thanks guys this make it a lot easier.
Yeah sun is out and we are starting to feel a little warmer… On our first stop, I was not the only one that said it felt colder than 50.
We have got this gas stop process down now.
Love to watch Deno…. he really gets into his job and moving the bikes to available pumps. The American Legion from Topeka picked up the bill for the fuel and the toll. Thanks!!
Staging crew…this looks awesome….. wow
This next leg, we had the honor to ride in the Missing Man formation. Tom , aka “Bones”, is the coordinator. Every leg of every day is manned. And there is a different person on every leg.
Route Coordinator State Coordinator
Escort Missing Man
Missing Man Coordinator Head Chaplin
The escort “rides for those who can’t.” The name is put in the Missing Man position
This group of 5 leads the pack cross country. They are not allowed to wave , shout, or take pictures out of respect. We were in the State Coordinator position for 2 legs. Since I am the Sit Rep, I was given dispensation to take a few pics to show the great men of our law enforcement from Missouri. Missouri’s escort, like New Mexico, allows only the Run riders on the road. I had a very unique opportunity of being right behind what I call the Flying V ( if any of you remember the movie “Mighty Ducks”).
This is so impressive!!! There are almost 30 officers from county,city,township…
As we roll into Concordia, we go to get fuel. As we turn into the park for lunch, they are all lined up.
We take up the whole park , there are bikes every where. This is a very nice little town.

Cindy is now the leadership staging person. She bedazzled her sign. LOL
This gentleman is 92 and WWII Veteran.
This is another WWII veteran. He is 100. What an honor to meet both of these men. I am sure by the end of the lunch, they will be exhausted. Hundreds of The Run riders thanked them for their service.
Remember it only take a few seconds to say thanks 😊😊
The kids normally give us index cards with well wishes and thanks. This year they made us buttons. They were so cute and I noticed at dinner today, many were being wore by our riders.
Check them out. This one kind of hard to see but it is a motorcycle.
Lunch outside and today it was a bit cool. Beautiful park.
Kids on the left many others from the school made the pins
Eamon hands out the plaques for appreciation to the Run. Linda , the
lady in red, list the name of the people and organization that helped to pull
this off for us. We had pulled pork and chicken, carrot/celery,
cheese,chips, apple, cookies. Some of the organizations donated and others made. The lists was very long. THANKS!!
Here is an example:
You have seen the flags as we come into town, and you know that every state has there own flag. Bud and Tom are the ones riding the bikes that carry them. This is the Missouri flag.
Heading down the main street in Concordia.
On the road with our escorts
I wanted to try an give what the missing man looks like from the State coordinator position.
This was so cool. As they block the entrances ramp, they would peal off to the right. Once done they would go on the left of the group. At least that is what I could figure out. If I get the opportunity, I will ask one tomorrow.
I talked to “Roman” a little bit about who he was. This is his response:
I grew up in Colorado. Graduated high school in 1998 and began Marine Corps Boot Camp. Selected for Presidential Security and worked for President Clinton and President GW Bush until I was honorably discharged. Went into law enforcement in 2002. In 2004 I volunteered as a combat replacement and was assigned to 2nd Battalion 5th Marines. Served as a squad leader in Ramadi, Iraq. Honorable discharged in 2005. Went back into law enforcement until 2010. While in the Marine Corps Reserves, I was activated and assigned as an instructor for the Marine Corps Combat Hunter School. We trained Marines and contractors prior to their deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. I have a total of 9 years in the Marines Corps and 17 years in law enforcement. I was recently working Major Crimes and plan on going back when I get promoted to Detective. Thank you ma’am!
THANK you Roman for your service.
Escorts ready to role.
Pack is ready to role. Last leg of the day.
And the escort on the highway has stopped traffic for us to get on.
More pics of the great people we have in the country
Hear at Wentzville, what another GREAT reception…
Check out the size of this flag.!!!!
Bernadette struggling to get off rain gear. In true Run fashion, there is always someone to help.
Parking lot is full. Be careful guys, gravel is not our friend. LOL
Pledge, appreciations, then dinner. Boys scout did a great job of cleaning up this area. Our future!!
Taps are played. Yes I have a tissue this time.
Great dinner!!! Thanks so much for preparing
Temps:50 – 72
Route: I-70E
Miles: 341
Quote for the day:
Honoring the past,
inspiring the future
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