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Day 12.  Arlington National Cemetery and Washington D.C.

Today, all three routes of Run For The Wall gathered together for a few final acts in our Mission.  First, one hundred and fifty FNGs rode into Arlington National Cemetery to lay a wreath at the grave of an air crew that had remained unaccounted for, for over 30 years after the Vietnam War.  We offered a dignified ceremony to honor their remains, and the sacrifice of their families.

We then proceeded to the Reflecting Pool in front of the Washington Monument for a group photo of all three Routes.  We are Brothers and Sisters.  We are Family, and it is only fitting that we have this one, last moment together before we solemnly make our way to The Wall.

And we did.  The Route Coordinators for each of our three Routes were joined by the Sandbox Route Coordinator.  Together, they walked quietly down to the apex of The Wall and placed a plaque there, denoting all that we have done for the past 11 days, and why.

The last act performed was for and with all of those wonderful Fine New Guys and Gals.  Each FNG received a pin at the start of the Run that signified their status as “new” to our Mission.  For each of these people, they have met someone that has become a mentor or close friend: someone that has meant a lot to them during their journey.  The FNG chose that special person, and had them turn their FNG pin upside down.  It is this final symbolic act that truly demonstrates that we are all one big Family.

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The Midway Route has now completed our cross-country Mission to raise awareness for our Prisoner of War and Missing In Action personnel.  We healed some of the cares and burdens of our Veterans.  We demonstrated to their Families and supporters that we care, and that we expect our Nation to live up to it’s promise to take care of our Veterans.  We visited Veterans Homes, we talked to school children about the importance of honoring our Nation and our Veterans, we laid wreaths and presented honors at memorials as we travelled across the land.  We said their names, and remembered their sacrifices.

We did precisely what we set out to do.

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It has been my extreme honor to write up these little Situation Reports for you each day.  I have tried to convey not so much the minutia and details of what we did each day, but instead tried to capture the spirit and energy of what our Riders experienced along our way.  I hope that these writings will inspire you to join us next year.  And if you can’t, then I hope even more fervently, that you will take up our Mission for yourself.  Stand up when you hear our National Anthem.  Say the Pledge of Allegiance.  Talk to a Veteran.  Tell them that you respect their service to our Country.  Talk to an MIA Family Member.  Let them know that their sacrifice has not been in vain, and that we honor them and their loved-one.  Thank God that you are an American, and live in a country where our freedoms have been paid for by the brave Men and Women that have served our country so faithfully.


Jim “Hoofer” McCrain
Midway Route Photographer and SITREP Author






You can find many more photos from our time at The Wall by following this link.



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