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Day Rider Registration

MR Feature - We Ride For Those Who Can't

Greetings from beautiful Colorado Springs, CO

On February 1, 2025 registration fees will increase for regular participants and the Day Rider Registration will open. If you haven’t yet registered, take advantage of early bird pricing and register before the end of January. Registration numbers are used by State Coordinators and Route Coordinators to plan logistics of the Run and stops. The earlier we all register, the easier the planning is.

We are currently running about 13% behind registration numbers for the same time last year and in 2023 so please get the word out to everyone you know and encourage people to get signed up. One leg, one day, one week, ATW, the mission is the same.

The Day Rider program was implemented a couple of years ago due to excellent feedback from participants.  Knowing that the “Last Minute Moe” fee in effect after May 1st might turn people away, we took that great feedback and turned it into a plan. The Day Rider program remains unchanged from last year and the requirements are explained here.

Day Rider Registration

A Day Rider will be defined as anyone who rides with or participates in RFTW activities, at or between up to three consecutive overnight stop locations on Central, Midway, or Southern Route or two consecutive locations on SandBox Route.  The ground rules are as follows:

  • May be applied to any Motorcycle, 4 Wheel or Auto-cycle Participant.
  • Maximum duration: Check-in on the evening of first location, participate through morning of the last location, but does not depart with the pack.
  • The 3 (or less) overnight stop locations must be consecutive and on the same Route.
  • The overnight stop location decides your Day Rider start and stop location, it does not matter if you spent the night there or not.
  • Overnight stop locations include Ontario, Washington DC, and Marseilles
  • Day Riders will be issued a special wrist band and ribbon to signify their participation.
  • Day Riders will have full access for participation on all Route events during their registered period.
  • The Day Rider Registration Fee will be equal to that of the Early Bird fee of the respective Route, i.e. $60 for Central/Midway/Southern & $20 for SandBox

Day Rider Registration Extension

If a Day Rider completes their registration period and decides to extend further down the road (yes, it has happened) the Route Check-in Teams will be prepared with a special in-person registration process that will allow the rider to apply their already paid Day Rider fee toward full registration.  After paying the difference in price to current full registration, they will be issued the regular wrist band and ribbon covering the rest of their journey.  This option may be exercised only during the Run.

How the Process Will Work

On 01 FEB 2025, when the fee structure shifts to “Regular Registration” pricing, there will also be a new selection on the registration pages for a Day Rider check box that will allow for the reduced fee as noted above.  To be eligible for Day Rider status, the registration MUST indicate a Ride-to location as either one of the next two overnight stop locations after the Sign-in location on the selected Route.  For example, on Midway route, a Day Rider may Sign-in at Albuquerque, NM and Ride-to Memphis, TX.  With that selection, they may check-in at Albuquerque (evening or the next morning) and ride with the pack Memphis, TX and even join in morning activities the next day – two full days of the Run.  If they would like to continue with the pack beyond Memphis, the Registration Extension option will allow them stay on the Run.  The Day Rider Registration Option will be available starting 01 FEB and will be in effect throughout the full execution of the Routes in May.

Don’t wait till May!

If you plan to register as a Day Rider or are coordinating a group of Day Riders, please get everyone registered as soon as possible.  It won’t make a difference in your cost, even if you register today, but it will help our State Coordinators with getting the best attendance info possible to our supporters along the Route.  Our awesome State Coordinators need your support! ALSO – if you registered before 01 FEB even for just 2 days on the road, you’ll have the option to extend past those 2 days on the Run at no additional charge, all part of the Early Bird deal!

Of Special Interest

I receive and personally review and answer every contact form directed to registration. I will work diligently to ensure the particulars of each registration are correct and help riders make changes when needed. Many of these forms have asked why the confirmation email was not received by the rider. Junk/spam filters in various email servers have caught many of these emails. For all the things technology is good for, there are also challenges. I’m happy to re-send confirmation emails when needed, and I encourage every registrant to check junk/spam folders in the 24 hours after registering if you have not seen the email come to your inbox.

The way forward

Like every organization, Run For The Wall has made adjustments for the changing environment in which we all live today.  Even so, your Board and Route Leadership keep the Mission at heart and keep those people who benefit from their efforts as their focus for all decisions and actions.  Your feedback and constructive suggestions are taken very seriously and will turn into course corrections whenever they reveal a path that better serves both Mission and People.  Every one of the Board and Route Leaders are also participants just like you, and they want to see our Run and its Mission continue long into the future.  Mutual respect and confidence that we will each perform our role in getting there is the fuel that will keep us all moving forward.

I’m excited to see all of you in May!


Lance ‘Batman’ Wheeler
Run For the Wall
Director of Risk Management
Together We Ride!