Greetings RFTW family!
I write this newsletter today as we prepare for Hurricane Delta to hit us here in Louisiana later today. I hope this letter finds you all well and safe and I pray that all in harms way of this hurricane stay safe and free from any damages.
I would like to begin by thanking Cowboy, Sam, Bob and all those involved in putting together the Kerrville, TX reunion. It was a fantastic reunion and it was great to be back with RFTW family.
The Covid-19 shutdowns have taken its toll on another one of our hosts. The Quality Inn in Flagstaff is permanently closed. We are working on finding a new host hotel for Flagstaff. Duke City Harley Davidson in Albuquerque has also closed its doors. However, The ownership will still host us at Thunderbird Harley Davidson and we have obtained LEO support for this change. Our fantastic State Coordinators and their Assist. SCs are working hard for us. It is challenging times for them and I am so appreciative for all of their efforts. We currently have confirmed 25 of our stops and 4 of our 8 night stops (Not counting Ontario and Arlington) have confirmed, signed agreements with our host hotels. Our amazing , “does it all ARC”, Jerry Wilkins is doing a great job coordinating the hotels and working with our State Coordinators.
Congratulations to Richard “Bam Bam” House, our SC State Coordinator, and his wife Christina on the birth of their new baby boy, Coulson! What a beautiful family.
I hope that you all are able to enjoy some nice riding these days. I cannot wait for us all to get back together again.
Is it May yet?
Honor, Hope & Healing
Ken “Six String” Dugas
Route Coordinator – Midway 2020-2021