Greeting’s from Southern California, I am hopeful your Christmas was blessed and your New Year has been plentiful thus far. Here in So Cal, we have had some decent riding weather from time to time, and it provides the opportunity to knock the rust off and hone our riding skills. Run For The Wall is not your typical weekend ride. I urge you to visit the Run for The Wall website at www.rftw.us and read the FAQ page to find preparation tips for riding in the Run.
It’s 128 days until we depart Ontario. Midway Route Leadership is putting the final polish on the Route itinerary to ensure safety and efficiency as we continue the Run For The Wall Mission.
On Day 7, Monday, May 22, 2023. Midway Route will have an extra day in Cookeville, TN to continue the Run For The Wall Mission like never before. We will have the opportunity through our Outreach Missions to visit VA Hospitals, Schools, and Memorials. We are hopeful to have a positive impact on support and expansion of our mission opportunities. Your Tennessee State coordinators (Ed Butler & Phil Friedli) along with the leadership team have developed 3 to 4 Outreach opportunities for that day. Those Outreaches would start about 9-10 AM and end by 2-3 PM. You can have breakfast at the hotel, and it appears as if each outreach will have lunch provided. These outreaches are for 100% of the riders. This includes the Staging, Fueling, Advance Teams, and Trikes and Bikes with trailers who may unhook for the day, so they also have the opportunity to participate in an outreach they otherwise may not be able to do, and thereby experience its healing value. I would urge everyone to consider joining us on this incredible day.
If you have completed RFTW All The Way at least once, Midway Route needs you to consider volunteering to help with either the staging or promotions teams. The Staging process will be changed for 2023. Staging has come into the modern era with changes to the platoon placement markings making the job physically easier and less stressful. We will also improve hydration opportunities and provide medical support. Staging is such an important aspect of daily organization on the route and we need your help. Please contact Gina Cutrer by email at gina.cutrer@rftw.us or call her directly at 225-202-5328. If you would like to volunteer for any position on Midway Route, please fill out the Volunteer Request Form (CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER). Between now and May 2023 there will be openings on different teams. By volunteering now, you will be on the ready list to be asked to join a team. In addition, Midway Route needs a volunteer to assume the responsibility of Quartermaster. Quartermaster distributes equipment, i.e. brassards, hats, windshield banners, and placards in Ontario and insures all required equipment is returned in DC. The Quartermaster must be going All The Way. If you are interested in volunteering for Quartermaster please contact me at jerry.wilkins@rftw.us.
HOTEL DRAWING. This was an fantastic fundraiser ! Congratulations to Donald Greman for having the winning ticket, well done. The money raised from this drawing will go to support our adopted schools and our fuel stops.
SUPER BOWL DRAWING fundraiser is underway. We are hoping to raise the money to support the fuel cost for every rider on the Midway Route this year by conducting various fundraising activities. So, we are offering a Super Bowl Football Board opportunity to support the Midway Route fuel costs. Winners will be receiving a gift card to use during the 2023 RFTW ride. Buy a Super Bowl 2023 square for $25.00, $100.00 buys you 5 squares, or buy as many entries as you like! The winning square at the end of each Quarter will receive a $100.00 Walmart Gift Card. End of game score is the fourth quarter, no overtime.
The Board will be filled out from the top to bottom and left to right based on the time and date of the receipt of your entry and payment. The numbers will be drawn from the hat after a board is complete, so there will be no particular order. All entries must be received by January 31, 2023.
How to enter:
- Send check made out to RFTW Midway Route to:
Gina Cutrer
33538 Nancy Drive
Walker, LA 70785
- Or pay via:
WWW.VENMO.COM (APP) to @Gina-Cutrer-1
Once the Board is filled and numbers assigned, the Board will be emailed prior to game start and posted to RFTW Facebook. Those receiving gift cards will be contacted the day after the game to ensure we have the correct contact information for mailing the gift card to you. Thank you all for your continued generosity in this fundraising effort and GOOD LUCK. We appreciate and need your support for the Midway Route.
Also, please see just below for information on an additional fundraiser with the opportunity to win a set of Custom CFR Motorcycle Pipes. Instructions on entering are on the image. Be sure to specify which fundraiser you are entering in for any donation.
(click on image to enlarge)
Hope that all MIA and POW’s find closure
Honor all KIA
Healing for our Veterans and the 22 per day
Mission First,
Jerry “Corp” Wilkins
“Service Before Self”
RFTW 2023 Midway Route Coordinator
Email- jerry.wilkins@rftw.us
Four Routes, One Mission!