Hello to the Midway Route Family and everyone else interested in our route.
The Midway Route Welcome VIDEO got posted this week and it is ready for viewing. I hope it is welcoming and informative. Special thanks to Denise “Zoom” Murray for production and to Mike “Bonehead” Kyzer, Jim “Hoofer” Mcrain and “Pawkee” for letting us use their video and photos. We would have been lost without their help.
We have had two very productive Board of Directors meetings since the last newsletter. They have approved three new State Coordinators. They are Ed Butler for Tennessee, Gary Whaley for North Carolina and George Doyle for New Mexico. We congratulate and welcome them to their new positions and thank them for volunteering. They have done much planning and hard work already. We are planning some new experiences for the route this year to possibly include visiting some active military bases. We will continue to visit our other amazing places along the way every other year perhaps. This will take the fundraising load off those communities and organizations that provide us with food and fuel along the way. Those things are always very much appreciated every year and we would not function without them.
The Board of Directors has also approved Don “Tennessee” King as our Road Guard Captain. 10-A-SEE has been the Midway Route Asst. Road Guard Captain since 2019 and the Sandbox Road Guard Captain since 2019. He has helped get us across country all that time without accidents or incidents. It is a remarkable safety record. He has been planning the details of moving our Midway pack through the new experience mentioned earlier. Congratulations 10-A-SEE and thank you for volunteering. He has a hard job ahead but he has been known to create miracles or something close.
We are thinking about having a day off in Cookeville, Tennessee for rest, laundry, and several outreach visits. We all know we are getting tired about that day on the run. This often adds up to safety issues the next few days. We have been talking to a lot of people about the idea and are getting some very positive feedback from our riders and leadership. We would spend two nights in Cookeville, our adopted town, or rather they adopted us. The hotel rate there is the cheapest on the route and they would feed us if we stayed. We already have three or four outreach opportunities available and the riding in the area is beautiful. You would not be obligated to participate in anything that day. You could just rest. We would leave California on Tuesday instead of Wednesday and have our meetings on Monday. It is one less day in California at the most expensive hotel on the route. We would also relieve pressure on the Central Route who usually bumps up against us all the way to Williams, AZ that day. We have most of the details worked out already and it could be done. There are lots of things to consider, so think about it. This should make our lives easier and not more difficult. We will still attempt to shorten our run days where possible. We will make a decision soon.
The President and Board of Directors have posted a rider SURVEY on the RFTW website. If you automatically receive RFTW emails you should have already gotten it. Please complete the survey as soon as possible. Please only do it once as it messes with the system if you try to take the survey twice. The SURVEY closes on August 31, 2022. This survey will be used to make some important Board of Director decisions, so please participate. This is your opportunity to have input into the decision making.
Well, this newsletter is chock full of stuff. Everything discussed is intended to make the run easier and more enjoyable but still keeping in mind that you continue to have a meaningful experience within the context of the four goals of the Run for the Wall.
Jim “Bruzer” Bruzewski
Midway Route Coordinator 2023