Hello RFTW Family!
Many of you may have received an email from Docusign with an attachment to sign. If you are a volunteer, in any position, on any route, you will receive this attachment for your signature. This is a requirement of our insurance carrier for the 2025 policy.
This is not spam and the link/associated attachment is not a phishing email or malicious link.
Please open the attachment and Docusign will indicate where your signature belongs. Once completed, I will receive a confirmation email with your signed attachment. I will collect these and provide them to the insurance carrier to comply with their requirements.
If you did not sign the attachment, or deleted the email, never fear, Docusign is set up to send reminders every 5 days until signed, so you will have another opportunity.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email at risk.management@rftw.us
Lance ‘Batman’ Wheeler
Director of Risk Management/Registration