Fellow Participants;
We are near the 90 day mark before our departure for the XXXI Run for the Wall. I hope everyone participating feels the same excitement and anticipation like I do.
There has been many inquiries of those who drive “Sling Shots.” It is the decision of the Board of Directors that they will not be permitted to drive with the platoons. All “Sling Shots” regardless of opinion will be placed behind the Rear Road Guards and Last Man Vehicle. “Sling Shots” registered for the run will be afforded the respect given to other participants, except the Order of March.
The California State Coordinator, Carol Olmstead, has made a request of participants, to submit their photos of loved one’s who have served in the military. Accompanying the photo should include name, rank, year’s of service and a brief biography. These photos will be placed in the RFTW 2019 Biography Book by Carol. Forward your photos to: carol.olmstead@rftw.us
All of the State Coordinators continue to work hard and diligent for you to ensure a memorable journey. They are some outstanding individuals with a true heart for this mission.
A reminder to all FNG’s if you do not have the required documentation at the time of registration, i.e., valid driver’s license, current vehicle registration, motorcycle endorsement and current vehicle insurance you cannot participate on the run. Please ensure you have all of your documentation on hand when you arrive at the registration site. If you register on-line this information must be presented to the Registration Team at the time you join the ride. Save $20.00 by registering in advance. Onsite registration is $50.00.
I have heard and learned over the years that sitting on a motorcycle for many days and miles can cause the “old buttocks” to become sore or uncomfortable. Other than a seat cushion, wearing “wicker” type under garments will ease those “hot spots” and be more comfortable.
The day’s are numbered and the anticipation grows, please ensure your motorcycle is mechanically sound. Don’t take this for granted. Also, look into “under insured” motorcycle insurance added to your existing coverage.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
Glenn “Wombat” Waggoner Jr.,
2019 Midway Route Coordinator
“Our Duty to Remember”