Happy New Year to RFTW and Central Route Riders! We are 4-months and 1-week until kickstands up, and the commencement of RFTW 2025 – The 35th Annual Run!
(This newsletter is best read at this link.)
The hotel list officially will be released on Jan 10. Remember, if some place is full, there are always neighboring hotels and options that may not be on the list. Let Google be your friend.
I’d like to start the New Year – 2025 with a bit of reflection on 2024. Personally, for me it was a challenging year, at least in my professional life. I still work full-time, unlike all of you “retired” guys and gals out there. I was laid-off, but I look at it this way… I would not be where I am now if it had not been for that little bit of discomfort. After the layoff happened, I reached out to the company I used to sell against, one thing led to another, and they snapped me up immediately. And I am much happier and better for it.
I’ve been doing RFTW every year since 2009. I’ve seen it all; sun, heat, rain, snow, and cold, and even hail. It does not matter which route you do, we’ve all had our share of mother nature’s wrath. Southern Route years ago had a Run now known as, “To Hail and Back”, and several years later a thunderstorm followed them almost literally from coast-to-coast. They were drenched when they got to DC. On Central Route years ago (2011) we encountered a little bit of snow in ARIZONA of all places! A year later we rode thru a storm on the way to Junction City, KS, and we were drenched when we got there. I looked like I jumped into a swimming pool with my clothes on. My point in telling you these stories, is that you as a rider need to be prepared. As leadership, we have the safety of the Pack always on our minds. Most years it’s quite normal. In my opinion, I think overall we have some of the most temperate weather, like Goldilocks… Not too hot , and not too cold. I’ve done RFTW many, many times with pleasant weather coast-to-coast, where it didn’t even rain. 2024 was a different story. I was the Asst Route Coordinator in 2024, and our RC then, Nick told me to take the pack from our lunch stop in Oakley, KS to our fuel stop in Bunker Hill, KS. Before we left, myself and several others checked weather radar, and there was no weather ahead on the route. 30-minutes into our leg a storm blew up around us out of nowhere, and it started to hail. We eventually, made it to our stop, and all riders were accounted for. We had to wait for the storm to pass, and we made it into Junction City later in the evening. People in the local area called this a once in a 75-year event. So, the good news is we should be clear for 2025!!
I reflect on this because a local, someone in Kansas saw us and posted about us, and we found out about it the next day. This guy was part of a storm watch group. Anyway, he posted, from his vehicle on I-70, “West of Hays, KS. 3-inch hail and tornado warning. POW/MIA bikers are built different.”
That really stuck with me because YOU the people that do RFTW, that come back year-after-year, you FNGs that do this for the first time, YOU ALL ARE DIFFERENT. We are on a Mission, and We Ride for Those Who Can’t. You/We ride with honor, pride, and integrity, never forgetting those that came before us, and those that paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we all enjoy.. And that gentleman from Kansas was right — Run for the Wall Riders ARE BUILT DIFFERENT. I tell you this because that will also be our motto for the 2025 Central Route 35th Annual Run.
Click this link if you can’t see the embedded post below from that gentleman in Kansas:
Route planning continues to be underway. As early as a couple of days ago, we were going to have a small detour around Albuquerque, NM, from Route 66 Casino gas stop, but our State Coordinator, Patti Finley continued to work with NM DOT, and they have assured us the route thru Albuquerque will now be the same as always. The issue was major construction at the interchange of I-40 and I-25. For you FNGs, the entire State of New Mexico gives us a border-to-border escort brigade of police and state troopers that shutdown I-40 and I-25 for us. I share this story with you, so you get a glimpse of what our hardworking State Coordinators do all-year long. They assist with the route plan, work with hotels for special rates, gas stops, meal coordination with volunteer organizations, and are the go-to persons in their respective states. When you see them, please give them a big thank you!
Central Route is in need of a Route Photographer and a Videographer. These can be one or two positions. If you have an eye for photography, or are a photography hobbyist/enthusiast, please get in touch with me directly at: kirk.olson@rftw.us. (If no one steps up we may have to resort to taking up a collection fund and/or start a Go Fund Me page to bribe Jerry Lanier from Southern Route, or Jim McCrain from Midway Route to be the photographer on Central Route for 2025.😂 In all seriousness, I hope to find as dedicated individuals as those guys, and our past and now retired photographers, Dan Eckstein and Alan Steiner.) Again, if you have the photo and/or video bug, please reach out to me.
Additionally, I am also seeking a TRIKE Platoon LEADER for Platoon 9. Same goes here, email me directly, kirk.olson@rftw.us.
For you new riders and FNGs, in the next coming month or two, you will be contacted by our Platoon Coordinator and Registration team. We like to pre-assign platoons before you join us, so you will know who your platoon leader will be and what platoon you’ll be in. You will be then able to get to know your platoon mates and leaders before you even show up.
Volunteer forms have been coming in for 2025. I send them to the appropriate crew and team leaders when I get them. That being said, if you are interested in a volunteer position on Central Route, it’s also OK to reach out to that particular team or crew lead, in addition to sending in a form. Platoon Leaders pick their own APL’s and Tail Gunners (with RC approval). Road Guards, Staging, Fuel, Ambassadors, Outreach, Medical, and Chaplain volunteers are brought on by those team leads, and again approved by the RC. Don’t be discouraged if a team is full, there is a lot of time between now and May. Things always change. Central Route crews & teams are now just starting to be put together for 2025.
See you next month. Drop me an email anytime.
Honor and Remember Them All.
Remember, RFTW Riders are Built Different.
Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olson
RFTW Central Route Coordinator – 2025
Asst. Route Coordinator – 2024
Road Guard Captain – 2023
Asst. Road Guard Captain – 2019
BoD of Directors – 2016-2019
Road Guard 2010-2018
FNG 2009
If you have not seen from previous newsletters by me or the other Route Coordinators from Southern, Midway, and Sandbox, RFTW is moving to GMRS for our on-road communications. This is not as big of a transition for us on Central Route this year in 2025, since we piloted the GMRS radios in 2024, and they worked very well. My advice to you all is to get the radio now, and learn how to use, pair, and connect them to your helmet speakers or ear drums. Also, help our friends on Southern, Midway, and Sandbox get theirs set-up and paired. Personally, I use a Sena 50S paired to the radio, and I paired the radio as PHONE 2, to the radio. See Sena directions, on how to do this.
**See this post on Where and What to Buy, and all things GMRS for RFTW.**
**See this Post for Videos on how to Program the radios** or here.