Happy August Run for the Wall Riders and Greetings from the Central Route!
Immediate things that are happening this month that you need to be aware of are the Angel Fire / Eagle Nest, New Mexico Reunion and Brick laying.
This reunion will take place Friday, August 30 – Sunday, Sept 1, 2024.
We could use strong backs on Thursday, Aug 29 at 1PM at the Memorial to lay out the base coat of sand for the bricks and some more help Friday to sort the bricks in order and load them on a trailer.
If you have not done so, time is running short to register, and please do so here. It is imperative you do this in a timely manner, so the people preparing our food have an accurate count.
Go here to register for the reunion: https://forms.gle/txe74T5fRRAzCC9EA
** We would like all people registered no later than August 19, 2024.
Here is a tentative schedule for the reunion:
Reunion: Friday, August 30th Sunday, September 1st with Taco Bar on Friday night, and DINNER on Saturday, August 31st, 2024
Dinner Address: 74 N Tomboy Dr, Eagle Nest, NM
Thursday and Friday 29 August & 30 August
Preparation of grounds and Bricks. Location-Memorial
1:00 PM Thursday-Need some volunteers to shovel and rake the base layer of sand.
9:00 AM Friday– General Area Preparations and Sorting of Bricks
Friday Evening, 30 August
5:30 PM Memorial Service for Don “Bullet” Pierce and Frank “Friendless” Silva at outdoor Pavilion behind Senior Center by Arnie Swift & Kevin Riley
6:00 PM Reception & Dinner at Laguna Vista Saloon
Saturday, 31 August
All times are approximate and subject to change.
7:00 AM Pre-Program Activity & Set Up (Breakfast Sandwiches/Coffee Provided)
9:00 AM Opening Ceremony. Followed by Brick laying of Westphal Foundation Bricks.
9:30 AM Medal of Honor Brick Laying.
3:00 PM (Approx.) End of Workday – After last brick is laid the workday will conclude. Volunteers to help clean up and put away equipment will be needed and appreciated.
5:45 PM Meet at outdoor Pavilion behind Senior Center for a brief Ceremony (Pledge of Allegiance, Prayer, Announcements) (50 N Tom Boy Dr, Eagle Nest, NM 87718).
6:00 PM Dinner and Rider’s Forum (Senior Center- 50 N Tom Boy Drive) (Dinner cost is $35.00 per pre-registered person-Includes Reunion Patch). Any registrations received after August 18th will be $45 per person (if the caterer can accommodate the addition).
Sunday, 1 September
8:00 AM Church Services at Angel Fire Memorial Chapel (by Kevin Riley)
There is another reunion opportunity on Sept 27-29, 2024 in Kerrville, TX. This reunion is for all RFTW and is hosted by our Southern Route brothers and sisters.
If you have not seen from previous newsletters by me or the other Route Coordinators from Southern, Midway, and Sandbox, RFTW is moving to GMRS for our on-road communications. This is not as big of a transition for us on Central Route this year in 2025, since we piloted the GMRS radios in 2024, and they worked very well. My advice to you all is to get the radio now, and learn how to use, pair, and connect them to your helmet speakers or ear drums. Also, help our friends on Southern, Midway, and Sandbox get theirs set-up and paired. Personally, I use a Sena 50S paired to the radio, and I paired the radio as PHONE 2, to the radio. See Sena directions, on how to do this.
**See this post on Where and What to Buy, and all things GMRS for RFTW.**
Volunteer forms have been coming in for 2025. I send them to the appropriate crew and team leaders when I get them. That being said, if you are interested in a volunteer position on Central Route, it’s also OK to reach out to that particular team or crew lead, in addition to sending in a form. Platoon Leaders pick their own APL’s and Tail Gunners (with RC approval). Road Guards, Staging, Fuel, Ambassadors, Outreach, Medical, and Chaplain volunteers are brought on by those team leads, and again approved by the RC. Don’t be discouraged if a team is full, there is a lot of time between now and May. Things always change. Central Route crews & teams are now just starting to be put together for 2025.
I can tell you as of now, I have openings for a Raffle Rouser Assistant, and a Videographer. Staging is also going to need a few more bodies, as of now, as well.
That’s about it for now. See you in Angel Fire and Eagle Nest, New Mexico in a couple of weeks.
Honor and Remember Them All,
Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olson
RFTW Central Route Coordinator – 2025
Asst. Route Coordinator – 2024
Road Guard Captain – 2023
Asst. Road Guard Captain – 2019
BoD of Directors – 2016-2019
Road Guard 2010-2018
FNG 2009