What a great country we live in and how privileged we are to do what we did today. Leaving Wentzville this morning but not before we stopped at the first Vietnam War Memorial built first in Wentzville. They had just upgraded the appearance of the memorial and these things can look beautiful, it was nice. The people are without equal in their openness and kindness and overflowing with blessing upon the RUN. The wreath laying ceremony took place and a band played several touching songs. We then pulled out and headed towards Jefferson Barracks, going through St. Louis. I have never seen the interstate so empty as they did a rolling block so that the 4 or 5 lane highway was empty and we had it all to ourselves. I don’t know if the newer riders can really appreciate what took place today about the empty interstate. I remember once going through Kansas City in a 3 or 4 lane road and the lane beside us had a full size swing set that had fallen off and was in the road. Cars and trucks screaming by, horns honking, the radio squawking and tires squealing. We earned our stripes that day. But today, no vehicles at all, what a life, look how far the RUN has come. Lets be thankful for the state police and the protection they give us, wherever we are at and thank God for our great Road Guards. Speaking of Road guards, I was going to finish them up tonight but it will have to wait. Time and other things! Sleep? I will try to do some FNG stories next time too. Thanks for your patience!
Let me jump in here and let you know we visited the first in the nation, Vietnam War Memorial. the town has spent about $100,000.00 on upgrading it and if such a thing can be beautiful, it is. You can see it online and here are few pictures.
From here we worked our way to Jefferson Barracks. We had no one, I mean no one on the interstate with us! Poor souls who had to sit in traffic and wait for us and if any of you readers did, Thanks. Here are some pics. They took us in by the cemetery which I really appreciated. Each grave marker was a soul, a son or daughter, a brother? a Dad? a husband? whose lives were cut short so that others like me could have a life. Quite sobering when you think about it, is it not!
From here we went to Corydon Indiana. This, I confess it is in the top ten of my favorites. The entire host of ideal settings come together in this place to make me have a special liking of this place. Thank you dear people of Corydon. I am unsure of which of the many things that you do have one my affections but you do it all so well..
The people on the streets;
These pics or videos will help explain; Since my Instagram will only let me go for 1 minute per video, I had to take 4 and they still were not totally done rolling in. Enjoy. Also a quick video to show you the inside of a new facility that was built last year.
There is a Civil War memorial about one mile south of our dinner site at Corydon. It is worth the trip to it. One of our featured Ambassadors, Dirt, used this setting in the past to relay some of his Vietnam War stories that kept us all in great spirits. Here are a few pictures of that site.
A little heart stealer at the airport
Ambassadors at work.
I would like to share an interview with James “Gunny Gregory” the first man to start RFTW. Some of you may know him but most don’t. Here are some of his thoughts. Because of the time limit on Instagram video of one minute there are four sections.
Medical Excellence? Ha Ha
Sorry for so little writing today, maybe tomorrow. Going to get some sleep.
Thanks so much for checking in. See you tomorrow.
Roger “Pops” Hageman