May 14, 2020 – Day 2 To DC – Williams, AZ to Gallup, NM
Williams mornings are always cool and most of the time sunny. Stagers are on duty at every stop we have. Bikes lined up and ready to go.

This is Jim Sloan, aka Sweeper, and Jenny Ward, aka Lady Jen. Jim drives the truck after the last platoon. As the pack gets on the highway, we travel only 35 MPH. This allows everyone to get on the road and get together before going at highway speed. Jim lets the route coordinator know when all the bikes are on the expressway. Then we pick up speed.

The mayor John Moore is in the cowboy hat. He and his son donate breakfast in the morning and has done this for many years. Did I mention that from the time we leave Ontario until we get to DC, breakfast, lunch and dinners are provided to us by the communities of the cities we visit. Unbelievable!!! Last year was Sausage and gravy.

We always welcome the FNGs (First time riders). There are over half.

As we leave William, I always remember the beautiful pine trees.
This is a sight we see as we leave Williams. Beautiful mountains.
Next, we head to Holbrook, AZ. Normally Holbrook has every kid out of school when we roll thru. This year the kids are all home.
The American Legion Post 37 serves us lunch. The high school kids have a small band that play music for us. I guess they will have another year to practice.
As we head into New Mexico the land changes drastically. Beautiful!!
Next stop is Gallup, NM. There is 13 miles to our destination for the ceremony from the Native Americans. Normally there are people that line the street, all the way. I understand why they are called the “Most Patriotic Small Town In the USA”.

As we arrive, we hear them chatting and playing drums. They have been since noon. This is for our safety in our travels.

I always loving coming into Gallup. The native Americans welcome us. Most of the RFTW riders join in. What an amazing ceremony. What an amazing city!

There is a 21 gun salute. Then “Taps”. As many years as I have been on the Run, I still get tears every time I hear it. Where are the tissues?

This is Gunnery Sergeant P.J. James. He represents the Code Talker during WWII. The name code talker is strongly associated with bilingual Navajo speakers specially recruited during World War II by the Marines to serve in their standard communications units in the Pacific Theater. The enemy could not break the code.

Quote of the Day:
Home of the free, because of the brave