Day 8, Corydon to Nitro, May 23, 2018
A gorgeous day for anything you wanted to do except playing in the rain. Beautiful Kentucky and West Virginia sky with white fluffy clouds against the beautiful green forest areas. And oh yes, that sweet smelling honeysuckle vine that adds an air of mystique and or elegance to the country side. Truly a post card day for riding.
What a beautiful country we live in, not just the country side but the people who come to our rallies or meetings are some of the most hospitable people I know. Nitro tonight, every server, greeter and etc. made sure you got good meal, ice cream, a hug and or handshake with a smile. It was one of those moments in the history of the RUN that seems to be repeated often, in each place we meet, and we are so glad it is. It seems to me, as someone who has been on 11 times now, that the RUN has grown in size and scope by about 1/3 to ¼ in the last year. Unofficial, of course. Not only have the number of bikes increased from about 350+- last year to 600+- this year. But what impresses me are the number of people who come out to support us and the genuine outpouring of affection and love from every source. It seems so many more people and companies step up to help with food and gas and other expenses. There also is a renewed expression of patriotism, nothing fake but a genuine heartfelt excitement, appreciation and enthusiasm, seemingly at every turn. We are most thankful for the great spirit of cooperation that exists now and we realize that it is not by accident that these things happen. Much of our success is due to much planning and hard work at every turn and we have very good leaders who do much work and planning. Harlan, our route coordinator, has done an excellent job in organizing and keeping thins running smoothly and directing all the moving parts. Sure, there are always problems when dealing with the many issues of a RUN this size. He could not do it by himself and he has surrounded himself with good talented people who have a heart to do things right and to get them done without fussing and problems. Still I am reminded of the proverb that says “that unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it”. I know that all this has not happened by accident but there certainly has been much prayer behind what is being done. I believe God is blessing this organization because people are being healed and are being helped and He loves people and He will work through any person, group or organization that has a real mission of helping people. This RUN is a place where people can find healing and that original and sustaing source of healing is of course the Holy Spirit. All are to be commended for their spirit of cooperation in this the “Greatest Run In America”.
The temp was hot and humidity moderate and many of us were very tired as it took some concentration to stay alert, but still great to be riding. Our trip to Robley Rex V A Medical Center was another treasure. I think about every nurse in the building came out to welcome us and we were able to go in and meet some of the patients. It is good to so many of the medical staff with great attitudes and who love their work and people.
The engineering marvel of the Kentucky Vietnam Memorial is a must see.
I usually type up my report and add the pictures later. Last night my ability to pull up pictures has stopped due to my overloading it with too much of the wrong stuff. But, this will be to your advantage because we have a lady in our RUN who is an expert in doing her blog and she has a lot of pictures posted so I want you to go to You will be amazed at what she puts together each day so look at all her posts from days past and going forward. You will be able to enjoy her posts now and going forward into next year as she will be the sit rep next year. And that will be a good thing for everyone.