Today is a day that I both anticipate and dread during Run For The Wall. I look forward to this day because it signifies that we are nearing our goal of safely crossing our Country while bringing awareness to the needs of our Veterans and our MIA Families. For nine days, we have told America that we are proud of our fighting Men and Women. We have asked, no … We have DEMANDED that our Government do
everything that they can to find our Missing In action. We have talked to school children, trying to educate them on the importance of Patriotism, Loyalty, Duty, and Honor. THEY have reminded us of those very same things! We have grown extremely fond of each other, making familial bonds that will last for a lifetime. We have become close, as close as family, because that is what we are. We are the Midway Route Family.
Everything that we did today was yet again a reminder of all of these things. We have an Active Duty Air Force Rider in our midst. He asked if he could sing our National Anthem this morning. We sang with him! (But MAN, does he have a great voice!) We had a young Man of the age of twelve lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. He did an outstanding job! We
read cards that were sent to us by the children of Milan Elementary School and the Falcon Children’s Home, and we promised to take them to the foot of The Wall, where they can be seen by thousands. And we heard the welcome news that our own “Bruzer” will become next year’s Route Coordinator! (Bruzer is a Vietnam Veteran that was shot down six times, captured by the South Vietnamese, and held in a jungle prison camp only to escape after six months. Who better to lead us next year?)
We were given the gift of hundreds of well-wishers and supporters lining the roadways, streets, and over-passes. We were greeted with shouts of glee and encouragement as we entered a Veterans Park in Weldon, NC. We were invited to place Flags in honor of ANYONE that we wanted to honor. We were asked to help place the photos of young
Soldiers that were lost during the Middle East conflicts on the “Trees of Valor.” And we were giving the time and space to literally “reflect” on an American flag composed of Red, White, and Blue “dog tags” that had the names of our lost Military Personnel inscribed on them.
We took time to recognize our own Leaders, and to Thank Them for their gifts of time, encouragement, and support. We had a few laughs as some people earned new “Road Names.” (Be careful of what you do and say around this group! Wouldn’t you agree Gaiter Bait, Queen Elsa, and Cookie Dough?) We said “farewell” to our out-going Route Coordinator and thanked him over and over for his dedication to the RFTW Mission, having worked for THREE YEARS just for this one “ride.” We were sad to know that our tireless Road Guard Captain has decided to retire from his role. But we also rejoiced in the knowledge that we will be in extremely capable hands with our new Leadership Team next year, and we have promised them our OWN dedication and support.
All of these things are things that I look forward to each year. Today is always the epitome of what Run For The Wall is all about. It is a true physical testament to the ideals of Duty, Honor, Integrity, and Loyalty. It is a re-affirmation of our promise to “Never Forget” those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our Country, and to honor the Families and Friends that they left behind. This day, Day nine, is a good day.
But it is also a day of dread for me, because I know what tomorrow brings. The2022 Midway Route will cease to exist as an autonomous entity. We will join up with the other two Routes in Washington DC tomorrow afternoon. We will not lose our bonds of affection for each other, but we will instead share them with our other Brothers and Sisters. But our Midway Route Family will not be the foremost thought on our minds. And that makes me a little sad.
But tonight, I will head down to the hotel lobby and visit with my Family. We will share our stories, laugh together again, and maybe cry a little bit. We will offer each other a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen with, and a hug to assure ourselves that we are all going to be okay, and that what we have been doing matters. Not just to ourselves, but to the Nation as a whole. We need Run For The Wall. AMERICA needs Run For The Wall. And Run For The Wall needs us, the Midway Route Family. We can’t have one without the other, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Goodnight, my Family. I will see you in the Morning.