Name: Edwin Musto
Road Name: THUMB
FNG Year: 2016

How many times have you been All the Way? Three times all the way.
On Which Route (Routes) did you ride? All three times on Central Route – 2020 would have been my 4th time on Central Route as well as Sandbox.
What is your favorite Run for the Wall memory? On RFTW there are so many memories made. However I must say that arriving at Ontario CA on my FNG year I was blown away of the camaraderie and the Brotherhood shown to me being a boy from South Africa and now living in New Zealand. The other memory is after my accident in Topeka KS and catching up with the pack at Rainelle and then being offered a ride into Arlington. Not only was this just a ride but a ride being in the Missing Man Formation. I will never forget the tears seeing all the white markers and then going to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall and being assisted to find the name of RICHARD FRANK MUSTO whom I had ridden for. These memories I will cherish forever and I will NEVER forget. Another memory is my wife riding with me on RFTW and us both going to the wall together, and many more!

Me at the wall on my FNG year 2016

Have you held any positions as a volunteer on the Run? Yes.
If you have, which Positions have you held? In 2017 I was on the Ambassador Team and in 2018 I was on the Communications Team. 2021 I will be on the Communications Team and an Ambassador on Sandbox Route.

Are you a Military Veteran, or do you have a military background or a relationship with a member of the Military? Yes. I served in the South African Defense Force (Army) 1980-1982 as a Corporal.

Are you a Gold Star or Blue Star family member? I lost my cousin Edward Leslie Mayo on 17 January 1977. He was accidentally shot by friendly fire at Kwando in the East Caprivi which is the far North Eastern corner of what is now called Namibia.

What inspired you to participate in the RFTW the first time? I had read about Run for the Wall while doing research on a book I am writing about my family history. I first discovered the name of Richard Frank Musto on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall and after that found out about the run and wanted to ride in honor of him. I have found no trace of any links to our direct Musto family.
What brought you back? Like many FNG’s I was only going to do this once. As for me the cost and logistics to do this Mission is way out my reach. However, with a supportive wife and a very supportive Brother from another mother aka Kevin (Speedbump) Bowman I have been blessed to return to do the run and ride for those who can’t.
Have you participated in Rolling Thunder? No.
Are you planning on participating in Rolling to Remember (the AMVETS event that replaces Rolling Thunder)? Unfortunately not as will be participating in Sandbox Route.
Give us a few words about “WHY YOU RIDE.” I ride for those who can’t who have given the supreme sacrifice so we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. I also ride for many Brothers who I served with in South Africa who gave the supreme sacrifice.
Anything else to Add??
I am passionate about Run for the Wall and share about the Mission where and when I get the opportunity. I hope I can do the Run a few more times in the future. Thanks to the BoD of RFTW and all the many volunteers who work tirelessly year-round so that we can continue to RIDE FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T.