Name: Gregory Noller
Road Name: r0de_runr
FNG Year: 2018
How many times have you been All the Way? 2018, upcoming 2020 w/Sandbox.
On Which Route (Routes) did you ride? ATW Midway in 2018, 2 days on Southern in 2019 and upcoming ATW SR 2020.
What is your favorite Run for the Wall memory? Being asked to fall in as a Tailgunner when my Platoon Leader needed a fill in, then that becoming an ATW event when another Tailgunner got promoted to Platoon Leader. As an FNG it was truly an honor to be asked and a special memory of successful completion.
Have you held any positions as a volunteer on the Run? Tailgunner 3rd Plt then 6th Plt SR 2018.

Are you a Military Veteran, or do you have a military background or a relationship with a member of the Military? Retired US Army, 1971-1996. Father of an Afghanistan Vet OEF RCP 44 2012-2013 FOB Airborne.
Are you a Gold Star or Blue Star family member? Blue Star, Son-In-Law in the Air Force; Don’t know what Star color for Dad of a Combat Veteran Suicide.

What inspired you to participate in the RFTW the first time? My local Combat Vets Motorcycle Association (CVMA) Det Commander (SAPPER) was a 10-year veteran of the Run, and offered to help me do my first Run. I had just lost my (veteran, police officer) son to suicide just weeks before, and my former spouse was dying of brain cancer. I had somewhat always struggled with survivor guilt after 25 years in the Army and never being shot at. My hometown high school lost three young men in Vietnam. My brother served in Vietnam in the 196th LIB, my other brother served in Thailand during that war. I wanted to do something memorable for my son, so I decided to build a small memorial tribute and carry it from Texas to Ontario and on to Washington to place it at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Most of the nearly 2000 participants in 2018 didn’t realize they were escorting my memorial cross-country to honor my son.

What brought you back? I wanted to do it again so in 2019 I rode with Sapper just from Dallas to Meridian on the SR. This year I want to ride ATW and include the Sandbox Route again to honor my son’s participation in that conflict.
Have you participated in Rolling Thunder? I have sat on the sidelines twice and watched (from the bridge between Arlington Cemetery and the Lincoln Memorial).
Are you planning on participating in Rolling to Remember (the AMVETS event that replaces Rolling Thunder)? No, doing Sandbox.
Give us a few words about “WHY YOU RIDE.”
I ride for my Uncle Fred Noller who died on Okinawa just 5 months before the end of WWII; I ride for the three young men who went to my high school and died in Vietnam: Jim Nufer, Richard Conrardy, and Gregg Steimel; I ride for my two brothers who fought in that war and came home: Gary and Larry Noller; I ride for all the men and women who are missing or died in all of our wars; but mostly I ride for my son Scott, who can’t.
Anything else to Add? “Stop Veteran Suicide – 22 A Day Too Many https://youtu.be/rdTurNfZcQE