Well folks, we’re four months out from the 35th annual Run For The Wall! I know for me the time will go very quickly. A few things that I’d like to bring up on the Merchandise front.
First, as you’ve seen in multiple RC newsletters, I still need volunteers to help with sales on the Midway and Southern routes. This is really important as our merchandise sales are a big part of how we fund our operations and without being able to support a route, well the result would have a significant impact, not only on the route but on our operations in general. So please, if you are interested, or know of anyone that is, please contact me at merchandise@rftw.us.
Next is over the next couple of months I’ll be working with my team on establishing operating hours for merchandise in Ontario, DC and while on the Run. For Ontario, one merchandise trailer will be open on Saturday, May 10th at the host hotel which is the Holiday Inn Ontario Airport. On Sunday, a second trailer will open in the back parking lot of the Elks Lodge #1419. Both locations are the same as last year and the trailers will remain open until Wednesday, when the Central and Souther routes depart Ontario.
The next thing is a reminder on a couple of policies. First, there is no smoking within 50′ of the trailers. This is a courtesy for those standing in line, my team and protecting the merchandise we sell. Second, we have a no return policy because Run For The Wall is not able to manage returns and goods that have been damaged. You are happy to look at shirts at the trailers, even try them on while you’re there, but once you pay and leave, the item is yours. I appreciate your cooperation and support for both of these long standing policies. Any questions, please contact me.
So onward to some good stuff. The new RED shirt is coming and should be available within the next week! It will be in the performance material and offered as a long sleeve shirt. The women’s version will be a v-neck. Also, when I conducted the poll on Facebook, the women were close to 50/50 on a long sleeve vs. short sleeve. As a result of that, I am in works of a new navy blue women’s short sleeve shirt. See below for the RED and new women’s shirts. Look for posts by me in the forum and on Facebook when these products are available.
Finally, I’m not sure if you saw my posts in the forum and Facebook, but the store now has a limited edition 35th Annual challenge coin for sale. This will be available thru the end of this year’s Run so be sure to get one while you can.
In closing, I hope everyone had a great holiday season and happy new year. 2025 is a special year for Run For The Wall. Not only because it’s our 35th Run but because it is 50 years since the last battle of Vietnam ended. Rarely do we get two significant years that align with each other. Let’s remember our mission on why we ride and be kind to each other. I encourage all of you to refresh your memory on our mission and history as well as the Rider Code of Conduct.
Ride, practice and be safe out there!
Alan “Xbox” Steiner
Director of Merchandise
Run For The Wall