Just a reminder that the store will be open again beginning June 15th for shirts and head gear only. All remaining items, including the new 2025 products, will begin selling September 1st. Keep an eye out for some new exciting products that will coming in September!
I also want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the shortages that occurred this year during the Run as well as the feedback given in the After Action Reports. I truly value all of your inputs and take every one seriously. Without going into the reasons, measures will be taken to make changes for next year. In the meantime, while not a fix, I do want to offer everyone a 20% discount (excluding sale items) on all available shirts and headgear, as well as free shipping through the end of the month in June.
Please feel free to reach out to me anytime as I value your feedback on our products and operations of the Store.
Alan “Xbox” Steiner
Director of Merchandise
Run For The Wall
Email: merchandise@rftw.us
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