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Midway Route Coordinator – Newsletter- April 2020 #2

Happy Easter RFTW Family!

RFTW 2020 is alive and well on Midway.  What do we do best?  We adapt and overcome!  I know I am biased; however, I must say again, I am so proud of our Midway team and excited to announce our new initiative lead by our outstanding Outreach Team!  The postponing of RFTW XXXII is not stopping our mission in 2020.  What do we do?  “WE RIDE FOR THOSE WHO CAN’T”.  What will we never do? “WE WILL NEVER FORGET”! 

Instead of riding for our 10-day RFTW mission this year, we are inviting our entire RFTW family (not just Midway) to adopt a” Bio” and ride for that person all year long!  Ride for as many as you would like.  Here is what we propose:

I have created the following link which will take you to a folder on our RFTW Google drive:

There you will find hundreds of bios that have been created and uploaded to our “Bios–we will never forget” folder. We will continue to add more. Choose the one or ones you would like to print and keep with you on your bike.  (I would suggest laminating them.)  If you do not find someone you are looking for, let our Outreach leader, Vickie “Needy” Meyer know, and she will get it for you.  (  I have requested permission to have this link added to our RFTW.US website and, once approved, should be up soon.  I will pass on more info as we develop this concept.

Our first post: “Needy” rode 120 miles today for Lee Dufford Harley. We will never forget!

This will be a great reminder and will do us all good to look through these bios and see the faces and read the stories of these lost heroes. A high price has been paid for our freedom!  We will never forget.  Our goal is to have people take pictures with their bios and bikes when they go on nice rides. You may want to print a new bio for every trip you make and ride for different people throughout the year.  Please share those pictures on RFTW’s Facebook page to keep everyone reminded that we will always “ride for those who can’t”.   You will motivate others by sharing and keep our mission in everyone’s thoughts.  If you will be returning to RFTW in 2021, bring the bios of those you have ridden for with you and take them to the “Wall“and/or Middle East Conflicts Memorial.

I thank the Outreach Team for their work on this.  It is just another example of how we are better when we work together.  I love this idea and hope you will join me in supporting this.  It will keep our mission alive all year long.  Great job Midway team!

Please do not forget about our Tennessee ALL ROUTE reunion in July! 
You may register for this event on our RFTW.US website under the Midway Hub.  The following link will take you to the registration:  

Tennessee Tornado Relief Fundraiser update:  We have currently raised $2,081.00 to help veterans devastated by the tornado.  If you would like to contribute to this fundraiser, you may go to the RFTW.US website and click on the red “donate” button.  Please make sure that you put “tornado relief fund” in the note section or your donation will not go to this cause.  We are planning on personally delivering some of the funds to the recipients in Cookeville during our reunion.  Thank you for your support!

IMPORTANT:  Midway is looking for someone to take on the responsibilities of State Coordinator for Oklahoma.  The State Coordinator position is vital to the success of our mission and requires a strong commitment to do whatever it takes to make our route a success.  Dennis “Okie-D” Freie has done a remarkable job in the position from the start of the Midway route and has things in very good order for Oklahoma.  However, he feels that it is time for us to find someone for him to work with to transition this responsibility to.  I will always be grateful to Okie-D for all he has done for our mission. If you are in Oklahoma and would be interested in finding out more about this need and opportunity, please contact me.  Thank you.

I wish you all a Blessed and Happy Easter!

Have I told you lately?……………………..I love my Midway family!

Is it July yet?

Honor * Hope * Healing

Ken “Six String” Dugas
Midway Route Coordinator

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