Let me introduce myself. My name is Ed Brundage and my road name is Wind Dog. I am honored to have been approved by the Board of Directors to be the Route Coordinator for the Midway route for 2025.
I am a retired Marine Infantrymen and served for 25 years in uniform. In addition, I had a second career in Law enforcement which was sidelined by a little bout of cancer. However, I am currently cancer free and fully retired.
This year is the year of the Vietnam Veteran so I thought I would share my experience as a combat Marine so that you may understand how healing the RFTW journey is for many veterans.
All veterans returning from Vietnam were wounded. If not physical wounds, they suffered from emotional and psychological ones etched into them by the horrors of war.
Like many of those returning veterans, upon my return I was not treated well by some of my fellow Americans. So to diminish the personal pain of that treatment I placed all of those memories of cherished relationships and hardship suffered together by fellow brothers in arms into a mental lockbox. This lockbox was only opened in the presence of fellow veterans who had liked experience.
Life moved on and I suffered in Silence until early in 2008 a very close veteran friend told me about Run for the Wall and its healing properties. I was extremely skeptical but as soon as I rode under that first freeway overpass filled with American patriots waving American flags I felt a pride in my country again I had not felt in years.
The meals shared at the many churches, Harley Dealers and others, the stops at the veterans’ homes, the children’s schools with all of them waving American flags and screaming USA and so much more.
The culmination of all three routes arriving in Washington is celebrated at the Apex of the Vietnam memorial to signify the end of the mission.
With the support of new brothers I had gained along the route, I was able to find the names of my lost brothers whose names were etched into that wall.
I finally was able to release the personal “survivors’ guilt” I had carried all those many years. In addition to the anger that I carried for the minority of Americans who had scarred me with their painful words and deeds.
The first line of the RFTW mission statement Is: To promote healing among all veterans and their family and friends. This ride does SO much more.
Since my first ride I have dedicated myself to supporting the Run for the Wall in any capacity I can to provide that same experience to all veterans and patriots.
Statistics show that too many veterans are taking their own lives at an alarming rate. If we can provide this healing journey and save the lives of some, I believe that is a win.
“Service before self” “ Never forget” “Say their names”
On a different matter, weather permitting, please start riding your bike, longer distances as you can, you will be riding 250 to 400 miles per day on the run and you need to be prepared Physically and mentally.
Please take advantage of the RFTW forum on the website. You will find it at the top of the page as a drop down under Connect. There are many discussions already posted there, and you can ask any question you wish. I have always had many responses from riders on all four routes who have learned many lessons on prior rides that may be very helpful.
To the many FNG’s (Friendly New Guys and Gals) Welcome to the Midway route. Your leadership and I are dedicated to the principle of “Servant Leadership”. We have been working diligently to ensure you can experience the same personal feelings they felt on their first and subsequent runs. The first words that come to mind about what you will experience are Healing, emotional, life changing and fulfilling.
You are part of the Midway family! 102 days to KSU (Kick Stands Up) for you new guys.
We Ride For Those Who Can’t.
Is it May YET?!
Ed “Wind Dog” Brundage
2025-Midway Route Coordinator
2023-2024 Advance Team Lead
2013-2022 Fuel team, Asst Fuel team Lead
2008-2012 Central Route ATW