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Sandbox Route Coordinator Newsletter- February 2025

Hello Sandbox Family

Less than four months from Kick Stands Up. I am really looking forward to riding across the country and only paying a portion of the amount for gas that I would have to pay if I were riding on my own, and for having donated meals all the way; and for seeing great scenery, and stopping in wonderful places; and for having LEO escort so I don’t have to deal with traffic.

WAIT!!!    You say that isn’t why we ride? 

Of course, this isn’t why we ride. While all these things are nice and we greatly appreciate the generous donations of all our supporters, the reason we ride has so much more meaning.

The following is from a post by an FNG I had the pleasure and honor to meet on the Midway Route last year. Her name is Jessica Bancroft  “Blaze”.


“May is only a few months away, and this morning gave me renewed hope for this Mom and Son intent on The Run…

It’s late January with temperatures that hit single digits as night transitioned to morning over the Arizona desert. I’m sipping steaming hot black coffee as I go through the process of sorting and reviewing paperwork as I’m getting my children bundled up and ready to get to the school bus, thankful that it’s a calm morning and grateful for the warmth of what’s become our family home as sunlight barely crests the horizon.

“Mom?” My soon-to-be 10 year old son Matthew pipes up, stopping halfway through tying his shoes and looking up at me, “Tell me about my Grandfather again?” I smile and set down my coffee cup, sighing as I glance once more at the stacks of paperwork and correspondence on my desk in front of me. I dismiss the fatigued and frustrated feeling it gives me before getting up and stepping away from my desk, settling my gaze on him and smiling.

“His name was William Warner Bancroft Junior,” I say, as I always do when I start to talk about the man that I found out only last year was my biological father. In the back of my mind a memory plays again, and I can see and hear the first moment I stood amongst FNG’s (New Riders) last year at Run For The Wall, a cross county Veteran’s motorcycle run commemorating Vietnam Veterans, and heard everyone repeat very loudly ‘SAY THEIR NAMES!’ …and the memory adds strength to my smile. “He was a First Lieutenant in the US Air Force, a Navigator in the 14th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron.”

“Do you think he was…Nice, or like me, Mom? Like You? Like.. I don’t know what he was like.” He throws his hands up in the air questioningly, cocking one eye brow upward. “Do you know what he was like? Do you think he was a good guy?” His face is quizzically blank yet curious as he asks me, and I freeze – the pain that hits my chest like a freight train when he asks is not unfamiliar, though his question this morning has caught me off guard to say the least.

“Son,” I say softly, taking in a slow breath while sitting up straight in the chair where I’ve taken a seat near him, “I honestly don’t know what he was like. His plane was shot down November 13th, 1970, over Northern Vietnam during the Vietnam War, and he was listed as missing in action – presumed killed in action. I went on Run For The Wall last year as a bucket list thing, trying to find out more – and how I could learn more – about him. I’m still working on paperwork proving that I’m his daughter, finding the name of my mother, and coming to some peace with the younger years of my life spent abused and lied to. I didn’t know him. I’ve told you, he probably may not have known I existed. I didn’t meet anyone on the run that knew him, son. Based on what I can find in research and family rumors, he was thought a little odd for being anti-social, but he was definitely a good guy.”

“Do you think the Army will ever tell you when and where you were born, Mom?” He asks, his eyes widening, and I scrunch my face in frustration, looking back over at my desk. “They should definitely tell you who your mom is at least. It’s not nice for them to know that and not tell you. It’s wrong. Isn’t it?”

“Son, tie your shoes please. We don’t want you to be late for the bus.” I let out a long slow breath as I compose myself and smile at him again, standing up. He ties his shoes and stands, giving me a quick tight hug before putting on his coat and grabbing his backpack. As all my kids scramble about the living room calling out to each other that it’s almost time for the school bus, I do one last children check, making sure that they are all ready to go to the school bus stop. “OK, line up at the door if you’re ready!” I call out.

“I love you Mom.” Matthew says as I place a kiss on his forehead, seeming to know I’m not going to answer his last question.

“I love you too, son.” I say, giving him an extra squeeze.

“We’re going on the mission together this year though, yeah Mom? And I can see him, right? You’ll show me his name on The Wall.” Matthew grins while happily beaming smiles as I stand near the front door, giving hugs and kissing foreheads and reminding them to have a good day at school and stay safe. His three siblings grumble different complaints of it not being fair that he gets to go and they don’t.

“It’s a mission we will go on together, all of us – you guys have to send love and support us from home, and be there when we call each night.” I say, directing the end of my sentence at the three who will be staying home with my sister. “And, Matthew? That’s only if we can make it happen. You have to keep your grades up and I’ve got to still find more sponsors or extra work so we can afford to go on the run. Yes, we’re registered, but we still have a long way to go. I want to show you his memorial stone at Arlington, too, but it’s not free to do this, we’ve still got finances to figure out or it’s a no-go.”

“We’ve got this, Mom!” All four of my children squeal with laughter, “We can make the mission happen!”

“Agreed!” I say, joining the laughter and smiles with confidence of my own, “Now, off to the school bus!””


“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends”

This is why we ride!

I want to once again thank all the great folks that have stepped up to fill volunteer roles on Sandbox including the three people that answered my last newsletter and are now the PL, APL, and TG on 8th Platoon. Just a few more spots need filling. We could use help on the Promotions Team and an Assistant 50/50 Rouser. If you would like to get involved and help out, please fill out a Volunteer Application.

DC Meetings

You have probably heard by now that we will be in a different location in DC this year. The hotels are in Springfield VA and we will be hosted by American Legion Post 176, 6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, VA 22150. Sandbox check-in and all our meetings will be at the American Legion. If you don’t check-in in Ontario, you will be able to check-in on Friday, 23 May from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm and also on Saturday, 24 May from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. We will also be staging and departing from the American Legion parking lot on Sunday, 25 May.

Behind the Scenes

The first person “behind the scenes” I want to introduce this month is Sam Warner, our Platoon Coordinator. Those of you that have met Polar Bear know that it is pretty hard for him to be behind anything (his name isn’t Polar Bear for nothing) and he has one of the toughest jobs on the run. A few years ago, some of the routes started assigning riders to platoons prior to check-in. This is a great idea because it allows Platoon Leadership the opportunity to hold zoom calls with their riders and everyone gets to know the people in their platoon prior to the run. Sam’s job is to go through the registration information (personal private information is redacted) and place riders in platoons according to riding preference (side by side or staggered), riding with friends, two wheels / trike / Canam / trailer, on volunteer teams, etc. This is an exhausting task, but makes things go much smoother at check-in.

The second person I’d like to introduce is Carol Omstead. Many of you already know Carol, but I am just learning about the huge amount of work she does and all the hats she wears. I’m not sure RFTW could operate if it wasn’t for Carol. On Sandbox, she is the Merchandise Team Lead and tows the merchandise trailer (she does this on the Southern Route as well) and helps set up at all the stops. As the Ontario Coordinator, Carol works with all the Hotels and RFTW Leadership, coordinates with local Law Enforcement to get us safely out of town, works with the Elks Lodge to host us, helps stock and prepare all the merchandise trailers and much, much more. When you see Carol, be sure to give her a HUGE HUG and a big THANK YOU.

Continue to reflect on what Run For The Wall is about. The mission is too important and meaningful to not continue.

Say their name, Tell their story, Never forget.

Bill “COB” Brehler

Route Coordinator

RFTW Sandbox 2025