Greetings RFTW Midway Family,
I am writing this newsletter to give everyone an update concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19) and RFTW. Social media is exploding with posts and comments about this virus. I understand that many of you have questions about how this virus will affect Run for the Wall. I truly understand the desire to get answers. Unfortunately, no one has a crystal ball and the Run is still two months away. This situation could change drastically by the time the Run begins. However, I do want to let you know that the BOD and Route Coordinators are aware of the situation and are taking this very seriously.
Tonight, the BOD had a meeting and the coronavirus (covid-19) was the topic of discussion. We will be monitoring the CDC’s recommendations and guidelines. The Route Coordinators will be staying in close communications with the State Coordinators to get an understanding of the situation in each state. We will be monitoring for any changes in our route status as well as reaching out to all our hosts that take care of us to monitor any changes that may affect them.
Rest assured that I will do my best to keep you all informed of any changes that may take place, once said changes have been confirmed. I will also keep you informed of any additional precautionary health and/or sanitary policies and procedures that may be implemented to address this concern.
Please keep in mind that RFTW BOD, RCs or any other person with RFTW cannot assure your personal health this year or any year. Your choice to participate in RFTW is personal and best decided based on your personal condition and consulting with your doctor. Again, this is not unique to this year and this virus situation. Your health decisions should be between you and your physician.
I believe that prayer is always the answer. I invite you to join me in praying that this virus situation is over and gone very soon!
Until then, I encourage you all to follow the CDC’s recommendations. You can find out more on their website,
Wishing you all good health and happiness.
Ken “Six String” Dugas
Midway Route Coordinator – 2020