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Ontario, California. May 17, 2022 – “It Is Time”

Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes.
We have waited.

Tears, sorrow, anxiety, sleepless nights.
We have endured.

Deep Breaths, the flutter of a heart-beat, a twinge of anticipation.
We have prepared.

A Pledge, a Prayer, a folded flag.  TAPS.
We are ready.

It is Here.  It is Time.  A Promise is about to be fulfilled.

The Run For The Wall Mission commences now.

Early in the morning, on May 18, 2022, America will be greeted with the roar of 1500 motorcycles as Veterans and Patriots embark on an annual Mission to honor a promise made over 30 years ago.  The promise was made to a small group of missing Men by a grieving comrade.  The promise was to remember them, and to honor them.  To demand a full accounting of their fate.  To bring them Home if possible.  The promise was made, and kept.

But it grew to include more and more comrades.  It became a rallying point for Heroes that needed to fulfill their OWN promises to their OWN Men.  It became a ritual.

As time marched on, it became even more than that.  As more and more Brothers and Sisters learned of this event, it became a Pledge.  A pledge to not only remember those troops, but to honor their families.  To pay tribute to THEIR sacrifices, and to let them know that they are not alone.

And it continues to grow.  This Mission is about to encompass a new generation.  It will no longer be just for those “old guys” but will formally welcome and include our current young Military Heroes, and will pay honor to the sacrifices that THEY have and are making.  Those Young Men and Women from the “Sandbox” that are experiencing the very same horrors, traumas, and griefs that their older compatriots have experienced, now have their OWN Promise to keep.

But they will not walk that path alone.  They will be able to look behind them and see hundreds of thousands of supporters, friends, families, and patriots walking with them, all ready to lend a helping hand, an attentive ear, a shoulder to cry on, or just a simple word to say “Thank You.  Welcome Home.”  They will not have to endure the shame of a Nation that wanted to forget them.  They will have the legacy of their forebears to lean on and to learn from.

They will survive.  They will carry on.  They will fulfill their promise.

Just as that original Marine did more than 30 years ago.

As you wake on the morning of May 18, please walk outside.  Look around.  Breathe the fresh air.  Take a moment and think about all of the wonderful things that you could do today.  And then think about the current state of World affairs.  Right now, as you are taking that breath of fresh air, someone in another country is breathing their last.  Someone is fighting for the right to do those same wonderful things that you take for granted.  Someone is willing to stand up to a tyrant and say “No More!” even if it costs them everything that they have, including their life, for Freedom.

Remember that someone has paid a very high price so that you COULD do all of these things.  In fact, they were willing to die to give you that gift.  They spilled their own blood upon the ground so that you did not have too.  They gave up everything, forever, so that you could enjoy today.

The Riders of Run For The Wall are going to spend the next two weeks honoring one Mans Promise, but as a Pledge to ALL Americans that we will not forget, and that we will give ALL of our Military Personnel the honor and respect that they deserve.  To do any less would be a disgrace and dishonor.  The riders of RFTW are better than that!

To the Lord God in Heaven above, I ask that you put your hand of comfort and safety on the shoulder of each of our Riders, and guide them across our Country.  I ask that you enhance their skills and abilities past their own comprehension.  I ask that you Bless them with compassion and healing for their wounds, both seen and unseen.  I ask you to bring upon them the Honor and Respect that they so richly deserve for their actions defending our Nation.  And I ask that you bring them Home.  Bring them ALL Home!

Jim “Hoofer” McCrain

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