Hello to All the RFTW Family from Tennessee!
Time is flying October is here and the date for the XXXIII ride is fast approaching, 211 Days, 23 Hours, 08 Minutes counting. I look forward to seeing each of you in May!
RFTW had a good representation at the Key Ceremony for Marine Cpl Yevgeniy “Yev” Shenker when ‘Homes For Our Troops’ presented him with the keys to his new home. A big thanks goes out to our POC Michael “Chatters” Giannetta for the great job he did organizing the ride and to Jim “Bruzer” Bruzewski our Midway Route Coordinator who represented RFTW as a speaker for the event.
Registration is going well as of today our totals are: CR 117; MR 84; SR 101; and SB 107 for a total of 308. I encourage each of you to register as as soon as possible since this helps all RC’s in their Route planning processes from staging, fueling, feeding, platoon count, and hotels. If you’re ready, click here to register Now! (All you need is your motorcycle or car tag number.)
Take advantage of Early Bird Registration today through Jan. 31,2023 for: $45 per person
Don’t forget to complete your Emergency Information Form while there. This a fillable PDF linked to the RFTW website. None of the information is retained by RFTW or the data base. Once you download, fill-out & print the form, all information is lost once the page is closed. Please, give complete information as you fill out this form since it may be invaluable to medical personnel if you are need assistance. Don’t have one done for 2023? Get ready, click here and complete one. Print two, one for your bike and one for your lanyard.
As previously mentioned, RFTW must continue to move further into the 21st century by more efficiently and effectively using its website tools. Our first goal is to minimize RFTW printing by publishing information on the website that has normally been printed in the past. Therefore, riders should review the published RFTW Guidelines: Safety, Standard of Conduct, Fueling, and Statement of Responsibility found under the website TAB, ‘RUN DETAILS’ then ‘Rider Guidelines’. These guidelines apply to all 4 routes. If you haven’t reviewed them click here:
Additionally, our goal is to have a draft version of each Route’s Itinerary Book available for you to review on the website shortly after the 1st of the year, 2023. The final version of each Route’s Itinerary Booklet should be published on the website NLT, 15 APR 2023 and will be available for you to print before coming to CA! Only a limited number of the printed Route Itinerary Books will be available for purchase in each Route’s Merchandise Trailer. Cost is still TBD.
As we continue to experience increased costs i.e., insurance, printing, room cost, contracting and local support, and many others, one of the ways we meet these expenses is through our Merchandise sales. The goal is to have newly designed 2023 Run shirts and other items available before Christmas and on the website under the “SHOP” Tab. We will make a special announcement once this happens. Also, we plan to offer a special design “Black Friday” – Red Shirt Friday special this year. Look for the sale to start soon. More to come! Equally important is your continued support of your routes fundraising initiatives!
I would like to encourage each of you to consider becoming more involved as a volunteer for a position on your selected route. There are many opportunities to become more involved. The life blood of the run is its volunteers since we are all volunteers. By volunteering, you can fulfill a support need for your route and the other riders. We need your skills and effort to make 2023 a success. Please consider volunteering to help no matter how small! Sign-up Here
The BoD and Route RCs are working hard to make 2023 ride a success! I would encourage each of you as you prepare, to focus on your skills to arrive in CA, ride the Ride, and return home safely. It is up to you! Let’s make 2023 our safest year, no accidents or incidents should be our ‘Motto’.
In closing, there is a lot of information yet to be disseminated along with expected changes for 2023. I am hopeful that as we adapt to these changes and move forward into the future together, RFTW will continue to evolve and improve. I especially look forward to meeting and talking with as many of you as possible. Have a Great Day. God Bless you and your family. Always ride safe till then!
Is it May yet?
Ron ‘Sky’ King
President, RFTW Board of Directors