Howdy from Texas!
How are you feeling? I’m doing great, my family is all well and most everyone I know is going about their daily routine with the usual caution against social illness. All of us face challenges every day, some are small and some aren’t but the common thread to getting past them is belief that you will. When we look across the room (or across the country) at the people in our extended RFTW family and know that they are facing similar challenges as us, then that relationship should foster a sense of understanding for our shared situation. This large-scale challenge which is now classified as a “National Emergency” affects us all personally in much the same way. On the Run, I always stress the need for PMA – a Positive Mental Attitude can be the foundation upon which a plan to meet those challenges may be developed.
My fellow RC’s have published absolutely essential guidance about where to find good information about the precautions you should take against contagion. I’d like to address the Mental and Emotional aspects of how we approach the issue.
Everyone who is personally invested in this Mission is anxious to know how current events affect the Run planning and what the plan is in case of ___________. Some folks actually talk to others about their concerns (phones still do voice calling, right?) and others take to Social Media (SM) to display their serious concerns. In very many cases, the impersonal format of the SM Post emboldens people to post things that may stir emotional responses that may provoke even more emotional replies. Please allow me to assure everyone that your Board of Directors and Route Coordinators are ALL personally devoted to the safe and successful execution of this Mission and are considering every course of action available to make that happen. If you must make SM Posts, please find your personal PMA and keep in mind that whether you are addressing the Board of Directors or just throwing thoughts in the wind, a lot of people will see it. The seed of emotion we sew will yield the harvest of enthusiasm that was planted.
Finally, please be patient and trust that those whom we have entrusted to prepare this 32nd annual RFTW Run for execution have its best interest in mind. You may be confident that they bear the weight of its success and will do everything possible to make it the phenomenal event that we have all come to expect. They also understand that you – the rider and the volunteer – are the heart of this Run. For your part, please stay safe, stay well, stay positive, stay on course and stay prepared to Continue the Mission!
See you all in May!
Bugs out!