Where has the year gone? It’s December, and Christmas and Hanukka are right around the corner. Happy Holidays to all!
Our state coordinators are busy with last-minute details to secure our hotels. There’s also good news to report: where we have a new lunch stop on day 6 in Jackson, Mississippi. The Harley Davidson Dealership we used to stop at had been sold, and the new owner is still organizing the store. Our state coordinators have lined up the Shriners (Wasabi Center), and they have graciously stepped up to host us.
We still need trained medical personnel for our medical team. If you’re interested or know someone who is, please fill out a volunteer application or contact me directly. The Merchandise teams on all routes also need help. No experience is necessary, and training will be provided. If interested, contact the Merchandise Director, Alan “Xbox” Steiner, at merchandise@rftw.us or fill out a volunteer application.
Remember that registration prices go up in February, so if you haven’t registered, do so today. Not only will it save you a little money, but it will also help all the RFTW volunteers and our community partners plan and prepare meals.
In closing, remember to check on family and friends you haven’t spoken with for a while. We’re a community and checking on each other is important.
“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.” This is why we ride.
“Say Their Names, Tell Their Stories, Never Forget”
To Honor and Remember Their Sacrifice
Merry Christmas,
Lennie “Big Red” Hodson
Southern Route Coordinator 2025