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Volunteer Waiver Clarification

RFTW Feature

Volunteer Waiver Facts

This message is intended for all Run For The Wall Volunteers (those in leadership positions) on all routes.

Recently, there have been many rumors and innuendo regarding the waivers required for all volunteers positions on the Run this year. These rumors are damaging and are are causing problems with no basis. I want to address those and provide everyone with the facts.

The insurance market has become extremely challenging in all lines of business. Some areas are more challenging than others, with motorsports being near the top of that list. Run For The Wall falls into the motorsports category. When we secured the insurance policy for the 2025 Run For The Wall event, the insurance carrier required that anyone in a volunteer position complete an additional waiver of liability. The waiver that we are all being asked to sign is the same waiver all riders sign when they register. Word for word, it is the same waiver language, the only difference is this waiver identifies the person signing as a volunteer, not simply a participant. Our insurance carrier wants to have a separate set of waivers for those who are not just participants, and this includes every member of the Board Of Directors. This waiver has been required of all participants when registering for years.

Understand that this is a non-negotiable stipulation of our insurance policy and without it, not a single kickstand can be raised in support of our mission.

I have received multiple emails and calls regarding legal liability and responsibility. Please know that I have been in constant communication with our broker. My profession is Risk Management in the insurance industry and I work in this space daily and have a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and liability. This waiver does not place any leader or volunteer in a position that would make her or him liable for an incident. Our General Liability policy does not apply to activities on the road, i.e. underway. The General Liability policy is to cover the facilities and places we visit on all routes, in the case our activities at a school gym or museum, for instance, would cause damage to the facility. As it relates to the Run, a rider’s personal insurance is the policy covering any incident. This includes staging, moving down the interstate, in towns, basically any time wheels are turning during the organized event. This is the reason we require all riders to provide insurance that is verified at check in.

As a Risk Management professional, a board member and someone acting in a leadership position on the Run, I have signed the waiver again. I ask that everyone else do the same so we can make this anniversary Run the event it has the potential to be. As a volunteer you certainly have the right not to complete the waiver, but understand that if you choose not to, you must surrender your leadership position. In this case you are still free to ride with RFTW as a participant.


Lance Wheeler – Batman
Director of Risk Management