Dear Participants,
We are about 75 days away from departure and time flies faster as that day approaches.
We have made significant progress toward departure; Midway Route is secure, State Coordinators have worked hard to make this a memorable mission and final draft of our itinerary is being reviewed and will be published to the website there soon after wards.
Most have heard of the recent news about the Moose Lodge in Hopewell, VA. It was destroyed in an early morning fire in late February. This is not just a lodge, but a community center servicing Hopewell. It has a great history of over 65 years in the community. A tremendous amount of history, artifacts and memorabilia was destroyed. The lodge has been a welcomed support to Midway RFTW since inception in 2013. We have some fond memories there with the Tussing Elementary School signing patriot songs, local fire and police support with their vehicles and welcoming bagpipes, and who can forget the Dancing Grandma’s! The staff are an incredible group of people and this has likely been a shock to them all. We will not alter our plans to Hopewell at this time, but may have to look to another venue based upon State Coordinator recommendations. Regardless, we will love and pray upon them and take up a collection of some sort when that time comes. They plan on rebuilding the lodge.
I am very excited about this year’s mission. With a incredible and fine group of people supporting the Midway, how could anyone ask for anything else? I am very proud of the people who have stepped up to serve the RFTW and MIdway Route.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
Glenn “Wombat” Waggoner Jr.,
2019 Midway Route Coordinator
“Our Duty to Remember”