Just wanted to throw out a quick reminder for those riders interested but that have not yet registered, the ALL Riders Reunion in Kerrville, TX is coming up quick. This event is open to the entire RFTW Family even if you are an FNG (Funny new Guy/Gal) to RFTW you can still participate in this event!
Place: Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel, Kerrville TX
Phone: 877-967-3767
2033 Sidney Baker Kerrville, TX 78028
Dates: September 27, 2023-October 1, 2023
Room rates per night: Single/double/Triple/quad rate $99.00
Clink HERE to book your hotel reservation online at the Y.O. Ask for the RFTW – Veterans group rate; this block of rooms at this rate will be held until 12 noon 8/20/23.
The Y.O. Ranch Resort is located off Interstate 10; take exit 508. The hotel is south of I-10, approximately 1/2 mile on the left.
To check out the hotel amenities and accommodations go to www.yoranchhotel.com
For those needing RV accommodations:
- Kerrville-Schreiner Park 830-257-5392 (closest to the hotel, city park, call for reservations)
- Buckhorn off I-10 800-568-6458
According to Cowboy and Sam as of September 5, 2023, there are 80 registered participants (and I know that number has already increased) including 13 FNG’s to the reunion!
Sam is also advising that she would still like raffle/auction items if you have those to donate and to remind folks that the “Take/Swap” table will be available too. This table is for you to take or swap items such as Pins, pens, patches, challenge coins, etc.
Cowboy has posted the following Agenda:
9/27 – Wednesday
1800…………Meet And Great Dinner El Jimador Mexican Grill & Bar 1550 Junction
Hwy. For Early Early Birds.
9/28 – Thursday
Early Birds Your On Your Own.
9/29 – Friday
0900………..Pow/Mia Flag Raising At The Entrance To The Y.O. Resort/Hotel
0915………..Registration….Ride Sign Up Opens At The Y.O. Resort Lobby
1000………..Rides – Guided Or Self-Guided – Starting Location Y.O. Resort
Self-Guided Ride Infomation Available At The Registration Table.
1000-1700..Y.O. Resort Visit/Socialize/Sightseeing
1700………..Y.O. Shuttle To VFW
1720………..Y.O. Shuttle To VFW
1740………..Y.O. Shuttle To VFW
1800………..Dinner VFW $12.00…..Call Y.O. Resort For Shuttle Returns
1800 – Visit With Post Members.
9/30 – Saturday
0900………..Registration Y.O Resort For Those Not Registered.
0900……….Rides Guided/Self-guided…..Y.O. Resort
0900-1600. Y.O. Resort Visit/Socialize/Sightseeing
1600……….Registration Ends
1600-1700.RFTW Executive BoD/RC Q&A………….Y.O. Resort Conference Room TBA
1800………Banquet/Roast/Raffles/Auction…..Y.O. Spanish/Cypress rooms. A buffet dinner is being served in a private room for the group. The dinner will include coffee and tea service. Adult beverages will be available from the lounge.
10/1 Sunday
Anytime Coffee/Breakfast On Your Own
Goodbyes until May 2024 and September 27 – 29th 2024 in Kerrville! Until then RIDE SAFE!!!
Additional Registration information:
Saturday’s dinner and a RFTW 2023 Reunion rocker are included in the non-refundable registration fee. For first timers (FNG) to YO RFTW Reunion, a reunion patch is included.
Registration cost: Now until September 20 – $40.00
Registration cost: September 20– September 28 – $50.00
Deadline for the registration is September 26th paid in advance. The deadline is required by the hotel to confirm head count for Saturday’s dinner. Prior registration and payment is required.
(Please print clearly)
Road name(s)____________________________________________________________
Number of Attendees:______________
Full Address:______________________________________________________________________
Email:____________________________ Phone:______________________________
First time attendee Yes_______ No_______
Wednesday evening Los Jimadores Mexican Grill & Bar Yes______ No_____
Friday evening dinner at VFW Yes______No_____
Send checks payable to: R.W. Mead 120 Ridge Grove Rd Kerrville TX 78028 For more info, contact Sam or Cowboy at: rwmead@hotmail.com cell: 830-928-6634 or 915-422-5547
An email receipt will be set upon payment. The email receipt will be your dinner ticket/confirmation.
Just a quick update for the Southern Route – leadership meetings are ongoing, and we are working diligently to make any updates and changes where needed to get “Back to the Basics” regarding our Mission in 2024.
It is still not too late If you have not submitted an After-Action Report (AAR). Please submit reports by clicking here. RFTW leadership reads every AAR in an effort to make the Run the best it can possibly be and we take the AAR’s seriously. Do not be alarmed, the ExecBoD and the RC’s read all AAR’s but we do not respond directly to each AAR submission.
The Southern Route is still looking for additional volunteers! We are currently seeking additional volunteers for Platoon Leadership; Ambassadors; Staging; Fueling; Outreach; and Fundraising – 50/50 Rousers. If you are eligible and would like to volunteer for any of these teams or positions, please complete a Volunteer form. If you have any Medical Training and would like to be a part of our Medical Team, please complete the volunteer form.
I Need YOUR Help!
If you have a Memorial or Outreach Mission that the SR visits and that Memorial or Outreach Mission holds special meaning to you, I would like you to reach out to me! I’d like to highlight each of our Memorials and Outreach’s and share the stories of those remembered at each of them. I want us to Say Their Names, Tell their (and your) stories, and Never Forget!
Leave no one behind does not end on the battlefield!
Veterans Lives Matter – Give a Damn!
If you or someone you know find themselves struggling with their mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988 then press 1 or text 838255 and speak or chat with a qualified responder.
I look forward to seeing you in Kerrville!
Darin “Lurch” Koch
RFTW Southern Route Coordinator 2024