RFTW XXXII 2021 RC Newsletter

November, 2021 FNG Special
Calling ALL FNGs from ALL Routes. Save the Date, Thursday December 16, 2021. Starting at 4:30 PM Pacific Time, the 2022 Run For The Wall Route Coordinators and Assistants from ALL 4 Routes will host an FNG Town Hall on Zoom. This is a great opportunity to find out more about RFTW and get your questions answered. Please send your questions in advance to help us give you the best answer. You can ask your questions anonymously, so feel free to ask what’s on your mind.
An invitation link will be emailed this weekend to all registered FNGs. If you have not yet registered, no problem. Just send me an email and I will be happy to send you the link. If you have questions but cannot attend, please send them along anyway, others may be looking for the same information.
Check your Spam / Junk email Folder sometimes the good stuff ends up there too.
Depending on the number of participants, it may be a bit chaotic. Sometimes unintentional background noise wreaks havoc on the system. I will ask you in advance to mute your microphone unless you are speaking.
We plan to have another FNG Town Hall in late January – early February timeframe.