February was a busy month on so many fronts. As we experience each year, the planning processes are underway on all our routes, and our RCs and their teams are working hard to create a good Run. We recently completed our weekend Zoom marathon meetings instead of a face-to-face meeting. There will be a lot of information forthcoming, both in this newsletter and from each of our Route Coordinators, so please stay tuned.
RFTW Mission Statement
To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.
Following is an excerpt from an April ’24 newsletter written by our Board Chairman, Billie “Bugs” Dunlap:
So, what does “The Mission” mean to me?
At the heart of every tenet of the RFTW Mission Statement you’ll find People. Promote healing among People. Honor the memory of People. Support our People. And most importantly, Call for accounting of our PEOPLE! In other words, LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND!
We promote healing by ensuring those veterans, families, and friends know that there is a strong community of Patriotic Americans who love and support them and will NOT give up on accounting for the ones they love. We honor those killed in action by keeping the memories of their service and sacrifice at the forefront of our words and deeds. We support our military personnel with our positive, peaceful and focused Patriotic activism that highlights our CAUSE and not our emotion. Finally, all three of those statements come together as we commit ourselves and our Run to The Mission of ensuring the Accounting continues UNTIL THEY ARE ALL HOME!
What does “The Mission” mean to you?
We all experienced a great homecoming through one of our own a few months ago with the return of Capt. Ronald Forrester, USMC who was accounted for on 04DEC2023 after almost 51 years MIA. Those of us who were able to attend his Celebration of Life experienced an extraordinary event – Capt. Forrester’s presence in and around Karoni Forrester and the rest of the family was intense. There are many others in our RFTW family who deserve that homecoming and there are hundreds in our extended family who deserve the same. Our Mission – The Mission is to ensure our government “Won’t Stop Looking” until 1577 [now 1573] becomes 0.
Unfortunately, Marion Shelton passed away in October 1990, a few years after meeting with Gunny and the beginning of Run For The Wall. Col. Charles Shelton, USAF is still MIA, officially “Unaccounted For” with Active Pursuit. As is LCDR Dennis Pike, USN. As is Col. Oscar Mauterer, USAF. As is SSgt Gregory Benton, USMC. Others just need better answers, like the family of Sgt Joseph Matejov, USAF. And there are hundreds more. These PEOPLE are our family. We don’t give up on family.
So, I ask again…
As I write this, we are 78 days from KSU. My bike just returned from the dealer with new tires and a good going-over to ensure it was ready for May. I, too, am working hard to ensure I am ready for the rigors presented by participating. If you haven’t yet started prepping, now is the time. We encourage some form of exercise to help you better deal with the stressors we encounter daily while on the Run.
As we all prepare for Run 2025, the forum’s How-To videos (How-to VIDEOS for Programming the BTECH GMRS Pro for RFTW—GMRS Radios & Helmet Comms—RFTW Forum) mention a coupon code for direct purchase from B-Tech. The only caveat is that you must use the BTECH online store, not Amazon. The coupon code is good for purchasing the radio and PTT button combined and will get you a 17% discount.
The RFTW Podcast with Boots and Hitch highlights what makes RFTW a unique organization. I encourage you to check it out. Each episode addresses a unique aspect of RFTW, with interviews of various folks who made RFTW what it is today. Check it out!!
The BoD is still looking for a new Treasurer. You can review the public announcement here. If you meet the qualifications and are genuinely interested in serving RFTW – the Run and the Mission, this might be the opportunity for which you have been waiting. We look forward to hearing from you. The sooner we find someone, the sooner we can bring that person on board and provide some overlap. This overlap will help ensure a smooth transition.
Registration remains slightly lower than last year; we are about 5% below last year’s numbers and a surprising 34% below 2022. Additionally, we are nearing the closure of our block of rooms in both DC and Ontario, and our registration numbers for those departing from Ontario are much higher than the number of hotel rooms booked. We lost one major hotel in Ontario because they insisted on an attrition clause in their contract, with which we cannot agree. We work very hard to establish room blocks and favorable rates, but as always, each rider is responsible for their own lodging and expenses. We strongly encourage you to book your rooms to take advantage of the discounted RFTW rates. For those camping, the Arlington Assembly of God will continue to support our campers while we are in DC.
I’m sure we have all heard of the devastating wildfires in California. While they were some distance from Ontario, goodness abounds throughout. Following the complete renovation of our host hotel, all the old furniture is going to a church that is aiding and assisting fire victims. We appreciate the continuing efforts of organizations and businesses we support giving back to their own communities. It is what we do. There is almost always someone less fortunate than us, and by helping others, we lift the spirits of those experiencing difficult times.
I recently had to travel on the PA Turnpike, and each time, I received a fraudulent text demanding payment of the tolls. On the last trip, I received three different texts demanding payment. As we travel to CA and perhaps while on some of our routes, please be aware that this scam seems very prevalent. The text’s phone numbers came from the Philippines but may differ in other states. Please be aware that the PA Turnpike Commission will NOT text you with a bill. If you don’t have an EZ-Pass, in PA, you should receive a bill by mail, or if you so desire, you can go to Pay a Bill | PA Turnpike and see if you have an outstanding bill using your license plate.
While we are in Ontario, we will ride to visit Riverside National Cemetery. More will follow, but right now, the Elks Club will be our staging point. They will have an early breakfast for our riders so that you don’t have to scramble to eat and then depart. The ride is currently scheduled for Tuesday, 13 May. Breakfast at the Elks is at 0700, staging at 0730, and KSU at 0800. We anticipate everyone being back in Ontario by 1200.
Ed Wehner, the DC coordinator, has secured a time slot for us to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This process isn’t as simple as it was in the past, and Ed put a lot of time and effort into securing this opportunity. Unfortunately, we are limited to 75 bikes. Your RCs have all the information and are working on the details, so look for more information. I anticipate they will “encourage” those 75 bikes to have someone in each seat so we can get 150 into the cemetery.
Suffice it to say Saturday in DC will be a busy day. Our photo time at the Mall is at 0900, with a 0930 Mission Accomplished ceremony at the Vietnam Wall. As was the case last year, we must check our voices and maintain a reverent silence at the Mall for the photo. The construction is ongoing, and the Park Service warned us that chants, group singing, etc., are prohibited and will not be tolerated. Failure to respect these guidelines may prevent us from gathering for a photo in the future. People who violate these guidelines could very well cause the Park Service to deny us a permit in the future. We are under their permit – we need everyone to respect their rules and remind others who start getting loud. The wreath-laying ceremony will be held at ANC at 1315 hrs. For those not selected to ride in, you can ride up to the parking lot area, process into ANC as a regular visitor, and either walk or take the shuttle to the Tomb. The ANC staff has limited us to 300 attendees.
Your RCs will provide more information regarding this year’s routes into and out of DC. The Fairfax County Police Department will escort all routes into DC and to our host hotel. Arrival at the host hotel will differ slightly, but I’ll let the RCs work out those details. The same goes for Sandbox Route departure. FCPD will provide an escort out of the host hotel area, and then we are on our own.
On Saturday afternoon, the Hogs and Heroes Foundation is sponsoring a bash at Old Glory Harley, 11800 Laurel-Bowie Road, Laurel, Maryland, from 1000 to 1800. Molly Hatchet will be the premier band during the event. General admission is free; VIP tickets are $65 in advance and $75 at the gate. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit https://www.eastcoastthunder.com. RFTW will have a small presence there, including a merchandise trailer and information booth. A special thanks to Hitch for volunteering to staff the info booth.
The Hogs and Heroes Foundation is also working with Ed Wehner and AmVets to secure our Rolling to Remember riders’ priority staging for RTR. This opportunity looks pretty good, and more information will follow as we get closer. For those not departing with Sandbox, we are working on once again expanding the opportunity to participate in the RTR protest. Your RCs (or platoon coordinators) will likely be asking for the names of those wishing to join RTR, as we are working on an escort to the staging area, departing the host hotel immediately behind SB at 0730 Sunday morning. Please keep your eyes open for more information as we finalize the details.
Along with the reduced number of registered riders, some routes are experiencing a shortage of volunteer leaders and team members. Midway is still looking for volunteers to fill critical roles. If you are interested, please ensure you fill out a volunteer form. These forms are available at RFTW.us; hover your cursor over Routes, select your Route, and click Volunteer Signup. Once completed, the form goes to your RC for consideration.
Recent events on the RFTW social media pages have caused us to reinforce adherence to the rules of conduct posted on each page. These guidelines are not difficult to follow, and the overwhelming majority of our visitors have been very respectful of those guidelines and other people on the pages. I encourage you to review the rules the next time you visit one of our pages. If you wish to bring an issue forward, we ask that you use the RFTW forums or direct contact via e-mail for more info before posting (Board member names & e-mail addresses are all here). There is no excuse for a lack of civility on a public forum like Facebook. The First Amendment prevents Congressional Abridgment of your Freedom of Speech, but just like any other page you go to, the RFTW FaceBook Page user agreements and rules of conduct must be followed if you wish to speak there. Please, keep it civil.
I leave you with this:
Whereby our dead shall sleep
In honour unbetrayed
And we in faith and honour keep
That peace for which they paid
~ Rudyard Kipling ~
It is not the worst thing to die in war; it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.
No one left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know finds themselves struggling with mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988, then pressing 1, or texting 838255 to speak or chat with a qualified responder.
POW/MIA Recovery Update: The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) continues its dedicated efforts to recover and identify remains from all conflicts. Since the beginning of this Fiscal Year in September, they have accounted for 58 individuals lost in conflicts since Word War II with 43 identified from that war. In addition, there were 13 accounted for from the Korean War and two from the Vietnam War – that leaves 1573 still missing in Vietnam, most of whom still have families looking for answers. Our four-part Mission begins with the call for accounting – those families are our families, and they deserve our support.
Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!
Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.
Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.
Is it May yet?
John “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard