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President’s Message – January 2025

RFTW Feature Midway Route

As I write this, we are 112 days away from KSU in Ontario.

January begins the “winter” weather season here, and it arrived without hesitation. Texas, Alabama, and Tennessee have received measurable snow this year. It was 0 degrees this morning, and the morning lows are slated to continue in the single digits next week. The power went out at about 0620 this morning and didn’t come back for three hours. But I have it pretty good compared to so many across our great nation.  There are tens of thousands of our fellow citizens that I am sure would gladly trade places with me. Having spent 41 years in the emergency response and disaster management world, my heart goes out to them.  I ask that you also keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

RFTW Mission Statement

To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

RFTW Philosophy

We strive to maintain a safe, supportive and private atmosphere in which all participants can reflect and heal on their journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois in the hope they can return home to a new beginning.

In 2015, Ken “Wish” Hargrove included the following in a newsletter update. I ask that you carefully read it and reflect on each sentence.  It speaks volumes and is as appropriate today as it was then:

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— Six simple words with a very deep and wide meaning. You first-timers, or “FNG’s” as you are known, should be prepared to laugh, to cry, to have your breath taken away and to be humbled.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for the veteran or family member who is unable to make the ride themself, When doing so we are responsible for carrying their need for healing cross-country to The Wall or from Wall to Wall.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for our fellow riders who are in need of healing and in need of support as they are welcomed home, many for the first time ever.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride to bring awareness of the POW/MIA issues and the thousands of our brethren who have yet to be brought back home and to shine a light on the government’s lack of attention to this solemn commitment to leave no one behind.

Let’s talk about getting ready for Run 2025.  I scheduled my bike to go in for regular annual maintenance, tire change, and a general going over to prepare for warmer riding weather, especially the Run.  112 days will go by in an instant, and I can’t wait that long to refamiliarize myself with formation riding, slow-speed riding, riding in twisties, etc.  While it is too cold to ride (at least for me), I try to keep up my mental preparation by viewing training videos at links (not endorsing them) like Ride Like a Pro, Moto Jitsu, and others.  YouTube has many, many training videos available.  And while nothing is better than getting out there and riding and enhancing your skill set through practice, there are alternatives to keep the thoughts flowing during weather conditions.

A couple of rumors are floating around regarding the Vietnam Veterans’ platoons.  Each C2C route will have a Vietnam Veteran platoon as the first element behind the Missing Man formation. The riders in this platoon must be in-country Vietnam Veterans who have been awarded the Vietnam Campaign Service Medal, not Vietnam-era vets. We won’t be checking for the service medal award; everyone is expected to be forthright about their service.

Click here to access the recording of our recent Town Hall. I invite everyone, especially those unable to attend, to listen in. We had over 170 participants. Thank you all for attending and providing feedback. We have already started addressing the takeaways. More to follow.

Let’s take a moment to discuss social media.

The rules for followers on the various RFTW FB group pages are posted on each page and open to review by everyone.  They outline conduct expectations for civil discourse without disparaging comments or remarks toward other participants, leadership, or groups of people.  To be perfectly clear here, we will NOT tolerate any further hatred, vitriol, unfounded nasty comments, etc., on our social media pages. You are NOT free to attack anyone or everyone. We are not silencing anyone but will act to ensure civility and mature conversations that promote the RFTW Mission through temporary cool-down suspensions if necessary. Our admins will offer appropriate assistance if you cannot comply with these rules. If there is an unclear rule, please email an Admin from the page, and they will help you better understand.

Now, let’s get back to RFTW 2025.

The registration fee structure changes on Feb 1, 2025.  If you plan to ride, I invite you to register as soon as possible. If you don’t intend to ride yet and would like to donate your registration fee to RFTW or one of RFTW’s routes, please do so by clicking here.  In the last few years, our RCs and State Coordinators have been challenged by the number of no-shows: 360 in 2023 and 304 in 2024. This also challenges the thousands of nationwide volunteers who work so hard to provide us with donated fuel and food.

As we all prepare for Run 2025, the forum’s How-To videos (How-to VIDEOS for Programming the BTECH GMRS Pro for RFTW—GMRS Radios & Helmet Comms—RFTW Forum) mention a coupon code for direct purchase from B-Tech. The only caveat is that you must use the BTECH online store, not Amazon. The coupon code is good for purchasing the radio and PTT button combined and will get you a 17% discount.

The RFTW Podcast with Boots and Hitch highlights what makes RFTW a special organization. I encourage you to check it out. Each episode addresses a unique aspect of RFTW, with interviews of various folks who made RFTW what it is today.  Check it out!!

Merchandise is still looking for a person to assist on the Midway route.  If you are interested in volunteering, please email

Finally, please remember that we are looking for a new Treasurer. Here is the public announcement. If you meet the qualifications and are interested in genuinely serving RFTW, this might be an excellent opportunity you have been waiting for. We look forward to hearing from you.

I leave you with this:

Whereby our dead shall sleep
In honour unbetrayed
And we in faith and honour keep
That peace for which they paid
         ~ Rudyard Kipling ~

It is not the worst thing to die in war; it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.

No one left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know finds themselves struggling with mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988, then pressing 1, or texting 838255 to speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard