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Important Announcement Regarding Proposed Route Changes

Run For The Wall 1989 Feature

To all RFTW Participants and Supporters.

Since we released the 2027 route change announcement on January 9th in a Special President’s Message we have received a lot of input, comments and feedback via the RFTW Forum, social media, email, phone and text. We hear you! The good, the bad and yes, the ugly. We have taken all of your input under serious consideration. While the “Valor Route” scenario is one potential option, we have also come to acknowledge that there may be other options that deserve deeper study and consideration.

2025 is a historic opportunity to make the 35th Run For The Wall the best run yet, and we can only make this happen by coming together with 100% focus and unity.

Any changes to future route structure are hereby tabled until the conclusion of this year’s run. Beginning in July 2025, we will restructure the Sustainment Committee to examine the “Valor Route” scenario as well as other possibilities. This deep examination will include conducting rider surveys (similar to what we did in 2022) so that you, the RFTW Family, can have an opportunity to provide your input.

Now is the time to zero in on RFTW 2025 without distraction. United, we honor the legacy of RFTW and carry out our Mission: To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

Change is inevitable. RFTW must continue the Mission for generations to come. And we want to be sure that we have considered all options and make the right change(s) to ensure this outcome. There will be more on this to follow, but for now we need to come together to make RFTW 2025 a run to remember for all the right reasons.

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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President’s Message – January 2025

RFTW Feature Midway Route

As I write this, we are 112 days away from KSU in Ontario.

January begins the “winter” weather season here, and it arrived without hesitation. Texas, Alabama, and Tennessee have received measurable snow this year. It was 0 degrees this morning, and the morning lows are slated to continue in the single digits next week. The power went out at about 0620 this morning and didn’t come back for three hours. But I have it pretty good compared to so many across our great nation.  There are tens of thousands of our fellow citizens that I am sure would gladly trade places with me. Having spent 41 years in the emergency response and disaster management world, my heart goes out to them.  I ask that you also keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

RFTW Mission Statement

To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

RFTW Philosophy

We strive to maintain a safe, supportive and private atmosphere in which all participants can reflect and heal on their journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois in the hope they can return home to a new beginning.

In 2015, Ken “Wish” Hargrove included the following in a newsletter update. I ask that you carefully read it and reflect on each sentence.  It speaks volumes and is as appropriate today as it was then:

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— Six simple words with a very deep and wide meaning. You first-timers, or “FNG’s” as you are known, should be prepared to laugh, to cry, to have your breath taken away and to be humbled.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for the veteran or family member who is unable to make the ride themself, When doing so we are responsible for carrying their need for healing cross-country to The Wall or from Wall to Wall.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for our fellow riders who are in need of healing and in need of support as they are welcomed home, many for the first time ever.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride to bring awareness of the POW/MIA issues and the thousands of our brethren who have yet to be brought back home and to shine a light on the government’s lack of attention to this solemn commitment to leave no one behind.

Let’s talk about getting ready for Run 2025.  I scheduled my bike to go in for regular annual maintenance, tire change, and a general going over to prepare for warmer riding weather, especially the Run.  112 days will go by in an instant, and I can’t wait that long to refamiliarize myself with formation riding, slow-speed riding, riding in twisties, etc.  While it is too cold to ride (at least for me), I try to keep up my mental preparation by viewing training videos at links (not endorsing them) like Ride Like a Pro, Moto Jitsu, and others.  YouTube has many, many training videos available.  And while nothing is better than getting out there and riding and enhancing your skill set through practice, there are alternatives to keep the thoughts flowing during weather conditions.

A couple of rumors are floating around regarding the Vietnam Veterans’ platoons.  Each C2C route will have a Vietnam Veteran platoon as the first element behind the Missing Man formation. The riders in this platoon must be in-country Vietnam Veterans who have been awarded the Vietnam Campaign Service Medal, not Vietnam-era vets. We won’t be checking for the service medal award; everyone is expected to be forthright about their service.

Click here to access the recording of our recent Town Hall. I invite everyone, especially those unable to attend, to listen in. We had over 170 participants. Thank you all for attending and providing feedback. We have already started addressing the takeaways. More to follow.

Let’s take a moment to discuss social media.

The rules for followers on the various RFTW FB group pages are posted on each page and open to review by everyone.  They outline conduct expectations for civil discourse without disparaging comments or remarks toward other participants, leadership, or groups of people.  To be perfectly clear here, we will NOT tolerate any further hatred, vitriol, unfounded nasty comments, etc., on our social media pages. You are NOT free to attack anyone or everyone. We are not silencing anyone but will act to ensure civility and mature conversations that promote the RFTW Mission through temporary cool-down suspensions if necessary. Our admins will offer appropriate assistance if you cannot comply with these rules. If there is an unclear rule, please email an Admin from the page, and they will help you better understand.

Now, let’s get back to RFTW 2025.

The registration fee structure changes on Feb 1, 2025.  If you plan to ride, I invite you to register as soon as possible. If you don’t intend to ride yet and would like to donate your registration fee to RFTW or one of RFTW’s routes, please do so by clicking here.  In the last few years, our RCs and State Coordinators have been challenged by the number of no-shows: 360 in 2023 and 304 in 2024. This also challenges the thousands of nationwide volunteers who work so hard to provide us with donated fuel and food.

As we all prepare for Run 2025, the forum’s How-To videos (How-to VIDEOS for Programming the BTECH GMRS Pro for RFTW—GMRS Radios & Helmet Comms—RFTW Forum) mention a coupon code for direct purchase from B-Tech. The only caveat is that you must use the BTECH online store, not Amazon. The coupon code is good for purchasing the radio and PTT button combined and will get you a 17% discount.

The RFTW Podcast with Boots and Hitch highlights what makes RFTW a special organization. I encourage you to check it out. Each episode addresses a unique aspect of RFTW, with interviews of various folks who made RFTW what it is today.  Check it out!!

Merchandise is still looking for a person to assist on the Midway route.  If you are interested in volunteering, please email

Finally, please remember that we are looking for a new Treasurer. Here is the public announcement. If you meet the qualifications and are interested in genuinely serving RFTW, this might be an excellent opportunity you have been waiting for. We look forward to hearing from you.

I leave you with this:

Whereby our dead shall sleep
In honour unbetrayed
And we in faith and honour keep
That peace for which they paid
         ~ Rudyard Kipling ~

It is not the worst thing to die in war; it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.

No one left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know finds themselves struggling with mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988, then pressing 1, or texting 838255 to speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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Special President’s Message

RFTW Feature Midway Route

2027 Route Change Announcement

As we have all observed, our riders’ dynamics and demographics have changed over the last several years. This is especially evident when we review the median age of our participants. We are losing our older riders and not attracting new, younger riders sufficiently to make up the difference. I was speaking with an old friend, also an RFTW rider and leader, and as we discussed some of these issues, he suggested that perhaps RFTW has “reached its shelf life.” I prefer to think that RFTW, as it stands today, might need a bit of realignment, as the Mission remains as relevant today as it was in 1989. There can be no “shelf-life” for taking care of our veterans and their families. There can be no shelf-life to calling for attention to their needs.

The BoD has been monitoring this trend along with other trends for the last few years and, in response, reestablished the Sustainment Committee about 12 months ago. This committee comprises riders recommended by the RCs from all routes and represents a varied demographic of all segments. We tasked the committee to look at all things RFTW. Nothing was sacred; nothing was beyond examination. Everything was on the table.

The committee decided to informally survey younger riders to seek their thoughts and observations and see what they needed from the Run. Several broad topics were brought to our attention, including the need for a social media director, the need to develop better leaders within our routes, the need to make the run more open to the needs of all of our veterans, and the fact that there are too many “hats.” We must build better leaders; those in leadership must know and understand their role, responsibility, and authority. We need to improve communications with our FNGs. We need to work to make FNGs feel more welcome. We need to foster more local and regional informal “lunches” to keep the RFTW camaraderie alive during the year.

Some of the committee’s recommendations included streamlining the lines of authority within a route. For example, the Platoon Leaders (PL) now report to the Platoon Coordinator (PC), who reports to the RC. The PC is responsible to the RC for platoon assignments, platoon composition, moving riders from one platoon to another, etc. We adopted this change so that decisions affecting the route are made at a level appropriate to where the action occurs. The PC must ride a two-wheel motorcycle; they can no longer be on a trike or in a cage. The committee also recommended that we declare that we are a 10-day MOTORCYCLE event. While cages and non-motorcycles are welcome, they cannot ride safely with our teams or in the pack. Two items all committee members brought back were the need to improve Sandbox cohesiveness and allow more riders to participate in Rolling to Remember.

Many riders have commented that despite our exceptional RCs’ best efforts, Sandbox has never developed its own personality and unique cohesiveness typical of the other three routes. Some other reasons are listed:  1) the route is too short – 2½ days does not allow enough time to develop the camaraderie and fellowship experienced on the other routes. 2) SB is not self-sustaining – most of the leadership comes from the other three routes, and trying to assimilate three different types of operational leadership has proven challenging. 3) Younger riders do not want to ride to D.C. to turn around and ride 2½ days to the Middle Eastern Conflicts Wall Memorial (MECWM) and then home.

With the building of the Desert Shield/Desert Storm Memorial, the BoD, too, was conflicted. The planned memorial in D.C. only recognizes those who served during the Gulf War, while the MECWM commemorates all who have lost their lives in Middle Eastern conflicts since 1967.

The committee began looking at ways to address those issues and continue the mission of RFTW. RFTW has always been about promoting healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world. As we travel across this great nation of ours, we are met with and greeted by thousands of patriots from all walks of life, reminding them of our motto, “We Ride For Those Who Can’t.” Another thing to remember is that those 89ers also traveled to D.C. to participate in the Rolling Thunder protest, now renamed Rolling to Remember. RFTW started to bring attention to and commemorate the service of our veterans and their families and to focus on their continuing needs.

Considering those thoughts, including our ever-changing demographics, the committee devised a plan and recommendation for the BoD to bring us all “Back to Basics” as we pass the baton to our younger riders. The BoD returned to the committee thoughts and considerations, the committee reworked those suggestions, and the BoD accepted the committee’s final recommendation.

Effective RFTW 2027, we will combine the Midway and Sandbox routes to create a new route named the Valor Route. This new route will travel part of the old Midway Route (Ontario, CA to Ft. Sill, OK) and then move Northeast through Springfield, MO to Marseilles, IL, conduct a ceremony at the MECWM much as we do today, and then travel on to Washington, D.C. on Friday and meet up with all the other routes.  On Saturday, we will place a Mission Accomplished plaque at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall and a Mission Accomplished plaque at the Gulf War Memorial, along with the traditional photo shoot at the National Mall and, if possible, a wreath-laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. RFTW will again act in unison and as a single entity with a dedicated focus on our Mission.

Please remember that we are NOT moving away from who or what we are – instead, we are incorporating two routes into one – a route that encompasses the emotional and healing power of two pivotal memorials from our nation’s history. This realignment of routes accomplishes several other things: 1) We are better able to provide a route more attuned to the needs and desires of our younger veterans. 2) We will return all Routes to our fundamental Mission. 3) The new Route will be able to develop its own “personality” and sustainability, much like the other C2C routes. 4) We, as RFTW, again all meet and depart CA together on our 10-day Mission.

The Recon for the new route will be in 2026, and the route change will become effective in 2027. We are planning a small Recon with 25-30 experienced riders, many of whom have served in various leadership roles, so we can critically examine the new route and finalize first-year plans accordingly. More to follow on how you might apply to participate in the Recon.

The Board of Directors believes these changes are necessary and will significantly benefit our veterans, families, and friends.

We have an open Town Hall planned for the evening of January 15th at 7:00 p.m. CST. To address as many questions as possible regarding this upcoming change, we have created a topic in the RFTW Forums so that you can post questions before the Town Hall.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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President’s Message – December 2024

Presidents Message, Huey

I hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving. Winter has arrived in south-central PA; morning temperatures are in the upper teens, with wind and a little snow. As we move into the traditional holiday season, please continue to be generous with your time and gifts to those less fortunate. In the true RFTW spirit, as so many do, helping those in need, whatever that need may be, keeps us in the spirit of why we ride. The entire BoD wishes and hopes that you and yours find joy and peace in the upcoming holiday season and that your peace will be shared with and benefit others.

RFTW Mission Statement

To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

RFTW Philosophy

We strive to maintain a safe, supportive and private atmosphere in which all participants can reflect and heal on their journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois in the hope they can return home to a new beginning.

In 2015, Ken “Wish” Hargrove included the following in a newsletter update. It speaks volumes and is as appropriate today as it was then:

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— Six simple words with a very deep and wide meaning. You first-timers, or “FNG’s” as you are known, should be prepared to laugh, to cry, to have your breath taken away and to be humbled.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for the veteran or family member who is unable to make the ride themself, When doing so we are responsible for carrying their need for healing cross-country to The Wall or from Wall to Wall.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for our fellow riders who are in need of healing and in need of support as they are welcomed home, many for the first time ever.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride to bring awareness of the POW/MIA issues and the thousands of our brethren who have yet to be brought back home and to shine a light on the government’s lack of attention to this solemn commitment to leave no one behind.

Whereby our dead shall sleep

In honour unbetrayed

And we in faith and honour keep

That peace for which they paid

         ~ Rudyard Kipling ~

As we all prepare for Run 2025, the forum’s How-To videos (How-to VIDEOS for Programming the BTECH GMRS Pro for RFTW—GMRS Radios & Helmet Comms—RFTW Forum) mention a coupon code for direct purchase from B-Tech. The only caveat is that you must use the BTECH online store, not Amazon. The coupon code is good for purchasing the radio and PTT button combined and will get you a 17% discount.

Our Director of Merchandise put together some great merchandise that may help fill your Christmas gift list. Our store offers the entire RFTW shopping experience, including bundles, collectibles, headgear, and clearance items. While you are there, check out the new flags, including the exclusive RFTW flag!!

Speaking of merchandise, Alan is still looking for some sales help on the Midway and Southern Routes.  If you are interested, for more information, email Alan at

I had the opportunity to attend the DC/VA/MD RFTW lunch held at the American Legion post in Springfield, VA., our new DC landing zone. The members of the Legion threw open the doors so we could familiarize ourselves with the location and property. I’ll tell you, over the years, I’ve visited a lot of places and met with a lot of people, and very seldom have I ever felt as welcome as here.  The leadership and membership are enthused and are looking forward to our arrival!!  We discussed several things, and Ed Wehner, our DC/Arlington coordinator, is working diligently to get his arms around the new digs.

The RFTW Podcast with Boots and Hitch highlights what makes RFTW a special organization. I encourage you to check it out. Each episode addresses a unique aspect of RFTW, with interviews of various folks who made RFTW what it is today.  Check it out!!

We want to share some registration data we use. With the advent of electronic registration, we can better identify and analyze trends on the Run. As of 1 December 2024, we show:

As we examine the data and trends, along with your AARs, emails, comments, and discussions with riders, we consider ways to serve better those who ride for those who can’t.  Our sustainment committee, which comprises riders from all routes, has put together several suggestions that the BoD is considering. But as you can see, our numbers continue to decline and fluctuate. While our riders’ age is trending slightly downward, the number of younger riders is not “filling the gaps” left by our older riders who are aging out. This is a bit disconcerting, and when compared with our overall registration numbers, especially those before the pandemic, sustaining the mission is the topic of many conversations. Considering this as we continue working toward getting “back to basics,” keeping the mission sustainable and attracting newer, younger riders leads to some interesting conversations and debates. More will follow on these issues in the coming months.

Operational planning and support issues continue to crop up, adding to the complexity of conducting our annual Mission. As we work to “stomp out these ground fires,” we will continue to consult with the RCs for suggestions and workarounds. As always, please continue to have faith that the RCs represent the interests of each route and that your voice is heard through them.

Speaking of our RCs, they continue to call for quality and qualified volunteers to fill key leadership positions. Each of their newsletters lists positions for which they need support. If you are interested in helping move our Mission into the future, I ask that you review the newsletters and consider your qualifications against their needs. Most of the past newsletters can be found here.

With the switch to the GMRS radio system, podcasts, electronic registration, and many other things, RFTW, like our society, must be postured to respond and react to changes that influence our Mission. There are significant differences between veterans across the various wars, cultures, and conflicts, and the Board of Directors is continuously working towards securing the future of the Run. Remaining stagnant is not an option; we will continue to work towards keeping the Run alive.

Finally, please remember that we are looking for a new Treasurer. Here is the public announcement. If you meet the qualifications and are interested in truly serving RFTW, this might be a great opportunity for all. We look forward to hearing from you.

I leave you with this:

It is not the worst thing to die in war; it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.

No one left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know finds themselves struggling with mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988, then pressing 1, or texting 838255 to speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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President’s Message – November 2024

And just like that, it is already November.

As we experience the back-and-forth of temperatures common during the fall/winter transition, I am taking advantage of those lovely days to get out and work on my riding skills. I continue to exercise not only to prepare for May but also because it positively impacts my daily life. What are you doing to prepare for Run 2025?

As we move into the holiday season, I ask that we take a moment and give thanks for the blessings we receive and continue to pray for those whose lives have drastically changed over the last year.

RFTW Mission Statement

To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

RFTW Philosophy

We strive to maintain a safe, supportive and private atmosphere in which all participants can reflect and heal on their journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois in the hope they can return home to a new beginning.

In 2015, Ken “Wish” Hargrove included the following in a newsletter update. It speaks volumes and is as appropriate today as it was then:

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— Six simple words with a very deep and wide meaning. You first-timers, or “FNG’s” as you are known, should be prepared to laugh, to cry, to have your breath taken away and to be humbled.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for the veteran or family member who is unable to make the ride themself, When doing so we are responsible for carrying their need for healing cross-country to The Wall or from Wall to Wall.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for our fellow riders who are in need of healing and in need of support as they are welcomed home, many for the first time ever.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride to bring awareness of the POW/MIA issues and the thousands of our brethren who have yet to be brought back home and to shine a light on the government’s lack of attention to this solemn commitment to leave no one behind.

I hope you have read in the RFTW forums and various RC newsletters that all routes are switching to GMRS for route communications. Kirk Olson, the CR RC, posted helpful videos on the forums to aid those needing assistance making the switch. I ride a 2015 Honda Goldwing and recently installed a Sena Freewire to connect with my Sena 50s, my phone, my GMRS, and the media system on the Wing.  It took a bit of patience along with some trial and error, but making that switch now and being able to test it all helps ensure I will be ready for Run 2025. Be prepared for some anomalies; for example, if I am talking on my phone, I cannot hear or transmit on the GMRS.  But then again, I don’t answer my phone while on the Run, so it is no big deal. I don’t typically carry my GMRS except while on the Run, so that nuance really has no impact.  However, installing and setting up the system now gives me plenty of time to work through the changes, so using it will become second nature.  BTW, there are links in the forums for discounts on the Baofeng GMRS radio and wireless Push-to-Talk switch.  This is not an RFTW endorsement for a particular manufacturer but a helpful link when searching for GMRS devices we tested and know work. Your mileage may vary.

Speaking of the forums, there are a few threads on regional or area informal meetings for RFTW-minded folks. This is a great way to maintain those friendships we establish as we continue to perform our Mission and yet another way to demonstrate our dedication to our veteran community publicly. I try to attend the monthly meetings in the Northeast (well, DC, VA, MD, and central PA) and encourage you to do the same.

Boots and Hitch continue to produce high-quality podcasts to reach out to folks and help explain the history and intricacies of RFTW. If you haven’t yet tuned in, I invite you to do so. The latest session, which focused on the first-ever father-son RCs, can be viewed here.

I want to mention again that Midway RC Eric Fort has set up a fundraising event called A Step to Remember. You can support Eric’s efforts through this Facebook event. I invite you to look at this event and consider contributing to this superhuman effort. This is truly personal for Eric, and his contribution to RFTW in remembrance makes this very special. Just a reminder, any fundraising events must be approved by the RC.  The RCs are responsible for reviewing and approving official RFTW fundraisers.  You need RC approval before launching the event if you use any RFTW intellectual property (logo, name, motto, etc.).

The practice session in Lot D last year was such a success that Batman and Flat Tire (Lance and Bernadette) are working on plans to do it again last year.  The feedback we received through your AARs was very positive.  More to follow as we get closer to May.

Speaking of Run 2025, you can now register here.  Our new 2025 merchandise is in the store, so while you are registering, consider purchasing some new swag.  Remember, if you are not going on the Run and want to register to show support for the Run, we ask that you go to our donation page and donate the amount of your registration fee instead of registering.  This helps keep our registration records clean so that our dedicated volunteers can better plan for the needs of our riders.

Much like the switch to the GMRS radio system, podcasts, electronic registration, and many other things, RFTW, like our society, must be postured to respond and react to societal changes.  There are significant differences between veterans across the various wars, cultures, and conflicts, and the Board of Directors is continuously working towards securing the future of the Run. We continue to read and analyze your AARs, emails, registration statistics, etc., to help ensure we focus on meeting all our riders’ needs.  Remaining stagnant is not an option; we will continue to work towards keeping the Run alive.

I leave you with this: It is not the worst thing to die in war; it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.

No one is left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know finds themselves struggling with mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988, then pressing 1, or texting 838255 to speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

Posted on

President’s Message – October 2024

While the doldrums that were early September turned into rain and drizzle for south central PA, south of us, Hurricane Helene left death, destruction, and devastation behind. With nearly 300 dead and 600 still missing and towns completely blocked off due to roads being washed out, some of the challenges faced by responders, friends, and family are mind-boggling. As I write this, Hurricane Milton, now a Category 5, is forming in the Gulf and heading right toward Tampa, FL.  Many of you have lived through hurricanes, tornados, and similar events and understand how lives can be instantly shattered. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all suffering through this latest disaster.

RFTW Mission Statement

To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

RFTW Philosophy

We strive to maintain a safe, supportive and private atmosphere in which all participants can reflect and heal on their journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois in the hope they can return home to a new beginning.

In 2015, Ken “Wish” Hargrove included the following in a newsletter update. It speaks volumes, and is as appropriate today as it was then:

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— Six simple words with a very deep and wide meaning. You first-timers, or “FNG’s” as you are known, should be prepared to laugh, to cry, to have your breath taken away and to be humbled.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for the veteran or family member who is unable to make the ride themself, When doing so we are responsible for carrying their need for healing cross-country to The Wall or from Wall to Wall.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for our fellow riders who are in need of healing and in need of support as they are welcomed home, many for the first time ever.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride to bring awareness of the POW/MIA issues and the thousands of our brethren who have yet to be brought back home and to shine a light on the government’s lack of attention to this solemn commitment to leave no one behind.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride out of respect and support for our current serving military who are in harm’s way and who are at the beck and call of our nation’s needs.

Remember – There remain 1575 still missing which means more than 1575 families who are still looking for answers…Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget

Reports on both the Angel Fire and Kerrville reunions are positive.  These unofficial gatherings unite like-minded people to spend quality time doing things that add meaning to their lives.  It is a good thing for us to get together and reminisce, to bring new folks into the fold, to have open Forums to improve the communications processes, and to get the word out.  I hope these unofficial events continue for years to come.  Many thanks go out to the volunteers who work so hard to make these events happen!!

In my last message, I discussed the challenges the Board faces regarding price increases and obtaining those critical services needed to execute our Mission successfully.  Our Directors, RCs, and hundreds of volunteers continue assembling the elements necessary for each Route.  With some of the more recent challenges due to Hurricane Helene and perhaps even more as the next hurricane approaches the Florida coast, I ask that we all exercise patience as we continue our planning processes.  We already know Midway is working on deviations for their route, so please stand by as your leadership team continues to work on these issues.  I encourage you to look for your RCs newsletter each month so that you can stay up to date on the latest developments.

With the advent of electronic registration, we can more closely compare run demographics across multiple years, age groups, etc.  This information review reveals some interesting trends, especially in the age of our riders.  When looked at alongside our AARs, the BoD is taking a very close look at ways to improve the processes of our Mission and continue working towards our Back-to-Basics mandate.  As our society changes, we must be prepared to adjust.  We can ill afford to become irrelevant.

Speaking of registration, you can now register for Run 2025.  Our new 2025 merchandise is now in the store, so while you are registering, consider purchasing some new swag.  Remember, if you are not going on the Run and want to register simply to show support for the Run, we ask that you go to our donation page and donate the amount of your registration fee instead of registering.  This helps keep our registration records clean so that our dedicated volunteers can better plan for the needs of our riders.

The podcast “Run for the Wall with Boots and Hitch” has generated much interest for those who have not heard of it. In their latest podcast (click here to view), they interviewed “Gunny” Gregory and provided an interesting perspective on the history of RFTW.  Thanks, Boots and Hitch, both of whom volunteered to develop and post these podcasts.  If you are not following them, I encourage you to do so.

As mentioned last month, Midway RC Eric Fort has set up a fund-raising event called A Step to Remember. You can support Eric’s efforts through this Facebook event. I invite you to look at this event and consider contributing to this superhuman effort. This is truly personal for Eric, and his contribution to RFTW in remembrance makes this very special. Just a reminder, any fundraising events must be approved by the RC.  The RCs are responsible for reviewing and approving official RFTW fundraisers.  You need RC approval before launching the event if you use any RFTW intellectual property (logo, name, motto, etc.).

I, along with many others, was blessed to be able to attend the funeral services for U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Ronald Forrester, father of our own Karoni Forrester.  I truly believe that RFTW helped her family over the years and was there to show the world that “We Ride for Those Who Can’t” is more than just a motto.  This is why we ride!  Never forget!  Say their names!  Welcome home, Captain Forrester.  Welcome home.  While this funeral closes the circle of loss, missing, and repatriation for one family, there are so many others who still need our support.  I ask that you keep all in your hearts and prayers.

Finally, I hope you have received word that the RFTW forums are again open and ready for use. We encourage you to use this community, as threads are much easier to follow. Please do so if you have not yet looked at the new forums.

I leave you with this: It is not the worst thing to die in war; it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.

No one is left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know finds themselves struggling with mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988, then pressing 1, or texting 838255 to speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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President’s Message – September 2024

Run For The Wall® We Ride For Those Who Can't

Happy September Run for the Wall riders!! As we slip into the doldrums of late summer/early fall, I sincerely hope this finds you and yours doing well!

RFTW Mission Statement
To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

RFTW Philosophy
We strive to maintain a safe, supportive and private atmosphere in which all participants can reflect and heal on their journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois in the hope they can return home to a new beginning.

In 2015, Ken “Wish” Hargrove included the following in a newsletter update. It speaks volumes, and is as appropriate today as it was then:

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— Six simple words with a very deep and wide meaning. You first-timers, or “FNG’s” as you are known, should be prepared to laugh, to cry, to have your breath taken away and to be humbled.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for the veteran or family member who is unable to make the ride themself, When doing so we are responsible for carrying their need for healing cross-country to The Wall or from Wall to Wall.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride for our fellow riders who are in need of healing and in need of support as they are welcomed home, many for the first time ever.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride to bring awareness of the POW/MIA issues and the thousands of our brethren who have yet to be brought back home and to shine a light on the government’s lack of attention to this solemn commitment to leave no one behind.

“We Ride for Those Who Can’t”— We ride out of respect and support for our current serving military who are in harm’s way and who are at the beck and call of our nation’s needs.

Remember – There remain 1575 still missing which means more than 1575 families who are still looking for answers…Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget

Ann and I, along with many others, attended the Angel Fire reunion and as always, it was a memorable event. 138 RFTW riders and friends from all four routes came together to perform maintenance and lay 537 remembrance bricks at one of the most moving monuments in the country. We said each of their names, their stories were shared. We collectively helped ensure they will not be forgotten. I know many of our riders attend similar events at other locations. If you weren’t able to attend the Angel Fire reunion this year, perhaps you can attend the upcoming event in Kerrville, TX, another great event.

With that in mind, I would like to remind folks that we receive many positive comments about the regional/state lunch or dinner get togethers. These have proven to be a great way to keep the spirit alive and get the word out; some even take practice formation rides post lunch just to keep the skill set active. If you are considering hosting one of these events, we heartily encourage doing so. Just because it isn’t May doesn’t mean we can’t keep the message alive. And if you need assistance in contacting RFTW riders in your area, please send an email to and Lance can assist in providing names and email addresses to support your efforts. Please note that we do NOT and will NOT release registration information other than names and email addresses for those in your area. Once released, that information may be used only to support RFTW focused events.

If you have been to our website recently, you’ll notice that we now have recurring donations in addition to one-time donations. Donations from our website go to RFTW or to a route, and may not be directed to a team or segment of a route, nor used to purchase pre-paid fuel.  The donation links are intended to provide you a convenient direct method of donating to RFTW or your favorite route.

As our registration director was drilling down into the 2024 registration, we again found a significant number of people who were no-shows. As may occur life sometimes interferes with our best plans. If after registering, you find that you will be unable to participate, the donation of your fees will be very much appreciated.  But there were several responses to the survey sent out that indicated that someone  registered simply to “donate” their registration fee to the Run. While we certainly appreciate them, we really need dedicated donations to be made through the donations portal. Our State Coordinators rely on registration numbers in their planning processes, and no-shows can become quite costly to those who are so generously donating food.  If it looks like you will not be able to make the run, please send an email to Lance can then adjust the route numbers, and we can have a more accurate count for planning purposes.

Registration will open on September 11th. Merchandise is working on some “bundle” packages, and our Run 2025 shirt will be available. Remember early registration saves you money.

As much as I hate to be the bearer of not so good news, I need to inform you that our registration fees are going to increase this year by $15. Coast to coast Early Bird registration starting on September 11th is now set at $60 per person (for a complete list of registration fees, click here). Our insurance costs went up nearly 40% this year; we are trying to advertise more on social media to attract new riders, and we are working to keep our merchandise up to date; but rising costs impact nearly every facet of the Run. Considering what a registered RFTW rider receives on a Coast-to-Coast route this amounts to only $6 per day. When compared with other cross-country rides, RFTW registration is thousands of dollars cheaper. We have to respond to these rising costs as we cannot continue to lose money. Keeping RFTW alive and financially solvent since COVID has been and continues to be an uphill battle.

Eric Fort, our Midway RC for 2025, has set up a fund-raising event called A Step to Remember. You can support Eric’s efforts through this Facebook event. I invite you to look at this event and consider contributing to this superhuman effort. This is truly personal for Eric, and that he is contributing to RFTW in remembrance is very special.

New DC Landing

View on Google Maps. In case you have not yet heard, we will be landing at new host hotels in D.C. in 2025. We simply cannot depend on the availability of the former host hotel any longer, and to be quite honest, I, along with many others, was disappointed in the condition of the hotel and the service and menu selections in the dining room. The other three hotels in Arlington were willing to pick up the slack, but room/parking costs and the lack of a place to “land” drove our decision to move. The new hotels, located in Springfield, VA, are very near an American Legion that is within walking distance. Getting onto the interstate to travel to the Mall and ANC is very easy. The AL post is already opening their doors to us, much like the Elks do in Ontario. They plan on serving meals, etc., even to the folks leaving for Sandbox on Sunday. Room rates will follow soon. Here is a link to Google maps showing the location of our DC landing area:

As discussed in my August newsletter, the Board, in concert with our 2025 RCs, found the need to clarify some operational procedures and instructions. We need our riders to understand that first and foremost, RFTW is a MOTORCYCLE event. While cages and Slingshot-type vehicles are welcome, they CANNOT ride as part of the pack or as part of a team. Similarly, if you are a team lead, you must be on a motorcycle riding with and leading that team. If you are in a cage or Slingshot-type vehicle in support of a team, you CANNOT ride with that team; you MUST ride either well-ahead or behind the team. Our RCs will be enforcing these practices as cages and other non-motorcycle vehicles have been observed on multiple routes riding far too close to our motorcycle groups. Doing so is an unsafe practice that is simply not acceptable.

Like the proliferation of cages and non-motorcycle vehicles, dogs seemed to be a bit problematic in 2024. Between unleashed pets bothering people who were trying to eat and owners not cleaning up after their dogs, we have received multiple complaints. Why some folks think it is okay to let their dogs run loose around a large group of people is beyond me. As such, all dogs must always be kept on a leash and under the direct control of the pet owner. No exceptions. Please keep your pets on a leash and under control.

Finally, I hope you have received word that the RFTW forums are again open and ready for you to use. We encourage you to use this community as threads are much easier to follow. If you have not yet taken a look at the new forums, please do so.

I leave you with this: It is not the worst thing to die in war, it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.

No one left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know find themselves struggling with their mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988 then press 1 or text 838255 and speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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President’s Message – August 2024

I hope this message finds you doing well. The late spring and summer months have been tough, with the passing of dear friends, the nearly uncontrollable wildfires across the country, the heat in some areas and the torrential rain in others. Let’s take a moment to take stock of what we are grateful for, and as we do on the Run, reach out to those less fortunate in their time of need.

 Mission Statement

To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.

RFTW Philosophy

We strive to maintain a safe, supportive and private atmosphere in which all participants can reflect and heal on their journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois in the hope they can return home to a new beginning.

As I write this, Gunny Gregory and a whole host of riders are traveling to Sturgis. Gunny is being inducted into the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame for his lifelong contributions to motorcycling. In support of this, our Merchandise Director designed and is selling a commemorative shirt based on the original 89’er shirt. If you would like to purchase a limited-edition shirt, just click here. We do not plan on any additional production of this shirt; when they are gone, they are gone.

At the recent Board Face-to-Face Conference, we reviewed the Central Route experiment on using GMRS in lieu of CB radios. The experiment was pretty successful, so much so that the BoD added a change to the SOPs allowing, at the RCs discretion, use of GMRS in lieu of CBs on the RFTW 2025 Run. We anticipate GMRS being the required standard in the next couple of years. Each RC will release more detailed information specific to their route in the very near future.

I recently participated in a podcast covering Run For The Wall. The organization, One Gang Worldwide, asked detailed questions covering many aspects of our Mission and Run.

If you feel it warranted, please feel free to post this to various groups and pages. Please also consider subscribing to their channel. They are ardent supporters of veterans, RFTW, and motorcycle riders, and all-around good folks.

Our calls for AAR’s post Run resulted in our receiving a record number of submittals. Even our FNGs sent AARs – please keep it up! But one word of caution; we often follow-up on AARs, so please ensure they are fact-based and include examples of YOUR observations. I ask this because all too often when we discuss the particulars of an AAR with someone, the feedback we receive is second or third hand.

The content of AARs was also a topic of discussion at the recent Face-to-Face (F2F) conference in Dallas where we covered a lot of territory in a short period of time. I’d like to take a minute to discuss a couple of the prevalent areas of concern, both from a rider’s perspective and the RC/BoD perspective.

One of the things that we find most disturbing is ATTITUDES. I ask that you take a moment and reread the Mission Statement and the RFTW Philosophy shown above. Nowhere does it imply it is okay to bring or display an attitude on the Run. They simply are not acceptable and are inconsistent with both Mission and Philosophy. Far too often we hear of hats publicly berating and even yelling at someone. There is a difference between trying to be heard over the noise of 300 motorcycles and publicly and loudly berating someone. The former is to be expected, the latter – never! Check your attitudes at the door. If you are struggling, seek the private counsel of one of our chaplains, talk it over with your leader.

One of the other issues is the failure of a few Platoon Leaders to properly brief their riders on the daily issues affecting the ride. RCs cannot cover every detail, so they rely on their Platoon Leaders (PL) to take responsibility to ensure their platoon is briefed DAILY. From a review of the AARs, it seems like this mandatory requirement is sometimes glossed over. That omission cannot continue. It is the charge of our PLs to meet and get to know the members of their platoon. You are there to help ensure they and their bikes and gear are ready for the challenges ahead. You are there to help ensure their Run meets the Mission and Philosophy we adhere to.  I’m not suggesting all PLs failed in this area; the numbers are actually quite small. But this was noted on AARs across the routes. One of the items we are currently working on is an RFTW Leadership Guide with expectations of our various leaders outlined along with sample briefing sheets. We hope to have this finalized and published in the next few months. Suggestions in the form of an AAR are always welcome.

There are some forthcoming changes to our organization structure. We’ve redefined the position of Platoon Coordinator and increased the responsibilities of that position, while reducing the administrative demands on the RC and ARC. Your RCs will brief you on these changes and how they are going to implement said changes on their routes.

We also heard quite a bit about meetings in Lot D, and how the information and messages oftentimes did not change across the various groups being addressed. We had a fruitful discussion with the RCs on ways to reduce the number and length of meetings and of the need to focus each meeting on issues impacting the group you are meeting with. Leaders do not need to hear the FNG briefing; in point of fact, much of the leadership meetings can be conducted via Zoom before we ever reach Ontario. Targeted discussions along with more interaction between FNG Coordinators and FNGs seem to be the messages in the AARs.  We hope to meet that goal.

One final note on an issue with which we need your support. Without your ideas and fundraising efforts, RFTW would cease to exist. But we also encountered a couple of frustratingly negative fundraising actions this past year, both of which were conducted by long-time riders. Our fundraising rules exist so that we can protect the interests of RFTW. Fundraisers are RFTW centric or Route specific; you cannot conduct a fundraising activity under the guise of RFTW and then use the money as you see fit. That simply isn’t acceptable and cannot be tolerated. All fundraising activity requests must be sent to the RC, who will in turn coordinate the request for approval in compliance with RFTW By-laws and IRS Charitable organization requirements. Funds raised by a route through the efforts of a volunteer must go directly to the finance person on that route, and from there to the Treasurer.  The funds CANNOT be deposited in a private account and then a check written against that private account to the route finance or the Treasurer. The IRS does not allow or condone that practice. I know it is frustrating, but we can ill afford to come afoul of the IRS.

Also at the F2F, we asked our Secretary to begin breaking apart the SOPs so that the RCs can provide relevant information and expectations to each of their leaders. I know Corey is working on that along with many other things, but we do anticipate this being complete in the next couple of months. More to follow.

On a much brighter side, as you have heard by now, in a special tribute to our origins, RFTW 2025 is the “Year of the Vietnam Vet”. We have special shirts, pins and patches in design and production, along with some other merchandise products supporting that theme, and some potential changes to our route structure for 2025.  On the route structure changes, we asked the RCs to work on developing a Vietnam Vet-only platoon on each route.  This platoon will ride as the first element behind the MMF, led by Vietnam Vets specifically for Vietnam Vets, on the Coast to Coast (C2C) Routes. Also, our Missing Man Formation (MMF) bios on the 3 C2C routes will focus on those who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam. We are also working on a special guest speaker for our departure from Lot D. While it is too early to announce as we do not yet have a firm commitment, we hope to make RFTW 2025 a memorable anniversary year.  Keeping this in mind, 2026 will be the 35th Anniversary of Operation Desert Storm and we are already working on plans for that Run.

On the really good news front, there are a couple of announcements that are forth coming on some long-awaited topics. I don’t want to steal the thunder of the directors working on these projects, so they will be posting individual announcements in the near future.

I leave you with this: It is not the worst thing to die in war, it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be forgotten in War.

No one left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know find themselves struggling with their mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988 then press 1 or text 838255 and speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us dedicate ourselves and our efforts and remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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President’s Message – June 2024

Run for the Wall®

Well, Run 2024 is in the books and from all indicators we see, it was quite a year!! Now, those long, hot summer days have kicked in, bringing perfect weather for outdoor activities. Please be safe as you enjoy the outdoors and just like on the Run – STAY HYDRATED! Heat stroke and dehydration are serious medical emergencies, but prevention will ensure they don’t ruin your summer!

As happens each year, the Run 2025 RCs were nominated by their respective RCs, the Board met, voted and we are pleased to announce our Run For The Wall XXXV RCs are: Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olson for Central. Eric “Pitch” Fort for Midway, Ken “Radar” Ley for Southern and Bill “COB” Brehler for SandBox. We look forward to working with them as we begin preparations for Run 2025. We will soon meet and vote on their respective ARC nominations, so watch for another announcement soon.

Each new RC will soon begin the process of building their leadership teams. We received many insightful and constructive comments about leadership on the Routes this past year. If you find it in yourself to volunteer, there are multiple opportunities to step up and assist. Whether you help in actual platoon or route activities, chase or hydration support, merchandise assistance; all are essential to having a successful Run 2025. If you wish to volunteer, please go to your favorite route hub (click here for Central, click here for Midway, click here for Southern, click here for Sandbox) and fill out a volunteer form. If you wish to volunteer for merchandise support, please send an email to

I want to send out a huge thank you to all our riders who sent in AARs. The Board and the Route Coordinator/Assistant Route Coordinator review every AAR so that we can understand this issue(s) presented and consider your comments, both favorable and those not so favorable. If you have yet to send in an AAR, click here to do so now. Please keep those comments coming in.

We are only 327 days out from KSU for Run 2025, the Year of the Vietnam Vet. As we prepare for our upcoming Face-to-Face with the new RCs and ARCs, Run 2025 promises to be both significant and historic. We have special shirts in design, special pins are ordered, a special FNG patch is in design, and following our F2F, we hope to have additional announcements about plans for 2025. We are already looking at Run 2026 also, so if you have thoughts or ideas, please click here to send in a contact form.

You may have heard that we moved a couple of director positions around. As has happened in the past, the workloads for the different positions vary, and in trying to find balance, Todd Taylor has moved from Operations to Purchasing, and Mike Turner has moved into Operations. As announced before the Run, the BoD will meet at the end of June to discuss and perhaps vote on a new Public Relations/Communications director. If you wanted to apply and haven’t yet done so, click here to review the announcement and information on how to apply. The deadline is 30 June. Following the July F2F, we may have a slight change in some Director duties; more to follow on that.

So many wonderful things happened to make Run 2024 a success. Everything that made each Route successful happened because of our cadre of volunteers. It truly takes an entire Army to make each Run happen, and I am at a loss for words when it comes to praise for all of those who make it happen each year. My hat is off to one and all. If you know a volunteer, give them a hug. They certainly deserve it!

As you may have heard, it is likely we will be moving to a new DC host hotel in 2025. The Holiday Inn is soon going to be sold to condominium developers, and while there are no guarantees that will happen, we simply cannot make plans when facing an uncertain future. Our new DC/Arlington coordinator is already on top of the issue, so keep an eye out for more information as we make decisions on where to land Run 2025.

That’s about all I have for now. I would like to leave you with a couple of thoughts. At each of his morning meetings, CR RC Nick Hentges read a saying that I thought was particularly poignant, and I wanted to share it with you. It reads:

It is not the worst thing to die in war, it is not the worst thing to be missing in war. The worst thing is to be Forgotten in War.  Say their names, tell their stories.  Never Forget.

No one left behind is more than a standard we all live up to. It is a way of life. It is part of our Mission. If you or someone you know find themselves struggling with their mental health, please know you can contact the VA Veteran’s Crisis Line by dialing 988 then press 1 or text 838255 and speak or chat with a qualified responder.

Let us remember to keep our focus on the Mission. It is why we ride!

Say Their Names – Tell Their Stories – Never Forget.

Back to Basics. Back to the RFTW Mission.

Is it May yet?

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard

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Special President’s Message

Run for the Wall®

Here is a very special announcement for those Run 2024 participants.  Mark Ruffalo, a Central Route FNG this year and the owner of California Harley-Davidson, is offering a RFTW 24 Hero 2023 Model Blowout Sale!!

Contact Mark Ruffalo via text message at 949-610-9484 with your name, 2023 model and color preference, and he will check availability while supplies last.  These are 2023 models at dealer cost!!

Thank you Mark for riding with us this year, and especially for your support to our riders!!!

TurkeyJohn “Turkey” Staub
President, RFTW, Inc.
2011- CR FNG
2012 – CR Participant
2013 – CR Staging Team
2014 – 2015 – CR Staging Team Ass’t. Lead
2016-2017 – CR Staging Team Lead
2022 – CR Platoon Coordinator
2023-2024 – CR/SB Road Guard