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From the Chairman: RFTW Educational Grant Opportunity

Greetings from Texas y’all!

I am very proud to announce that Run For The Wall will be offering a $3000 Educational Grant opportunity that will be awarded in Ontario this coming May.  My wife and I have been deeply involved with coordinating Route sponsored Educational Grants with RFTW for many years aimed at supporting graduating High School Seniors from schools visited along the respective Routes.  This one is different in that it is directed at supporting a family member of RFTW participants.

This Educational Grant was developed to support 2 primary objectives.  First, to encourage our younger generation of Patriots to engage and grow from a service opportunity that will give direct support to a deserving Veteran or group of Veterans.  The Mission of RFTW is already aligned with that objective but deciding on and developing their own Veteran Support Project will give Young Patriots a real sense of ownership in that Mission.  Secondly, RFTW has long supported the continuing education of Young Patriots in their college careers.  This $3000 Educational Grant will help support that career success.  These two objectives of accomplished service and educational success will surely help prepare a Young Patriot with important tools for life beyond school.  Now for the details…

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible, an applicant must be the child, grandchild, or great grandchild of one who registered and participated in the RFTW Annual Run in at least one of the two years previous (2023 or 2024) to the current upcoming event (2025).  An applicant may also be considered eligible if they personally registered and participated as noted above.  Eligibility under either of the above requirements is also subject to the following additional criteria:

    1. Must be Sponsored under one of these categories:
        • 1a.  Applicant must be the child, grandchild or great-grandchild of a sponsor who registered and participated in the RFTW Annual Run in 2023 or 2024.
        • 1b.  A minor applicant may be sponsored by a non-participant parent or legal guardian if that minor applicant was personally registered and participated in the RFTW Annual Run in 2023 or 2024.
        • 1c.  An adult applicant (age 18 yrs or older) may self-sponsor if they personally registered and participated in the RFTW Annual Run in 2023 or 2024 and provide a Project Witness signature on the Application Form
        • Registration and participation for 2023 and 2024 Runs will be confirmed by valid registration and check-in status on those year’s registration databases.
    2. Provide a completed Application Form signed by the Sponsor (or Project Witness) identified above.
    3. Applicant’s current status must be one of the following:
        • 3a.  Be a Graduating High School Senior and accepted to a post-secondary educational institution
        • 3b.  Be a continuing post-secondary freshman (1st year in a post-secondary school)
    4. Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher (3a. High School Transcript or 3b. College Transcript)
    5. Provide documentation certifying completion of the above requirements 3 & 4
    6. Perform a minimum 4 hour Veteran Based Community Service Project and submit 500 Word Essay following the Criteria & Requirements detailed below.

Veteran Based Community Service Project

Select a Community Service Project that directly or indirectly provides support or service to a Veteran or group of Veterans.  The Project may be coordinated through a Veterans Hospital or Veterans Home, or in Support of a local VFW Post, American Legion Post or with a similar Veteran based organization.  The project may also be done with a specific Veteran or Veteran Family in need of support.  The project may be conducted along with other people or in conjunction with an established organization’s planned event.  Coordinate with your sponsor for assistance or suggestions.  Your participation in the Project should be over a minimum of 4 hours as certified by your sponsor’s signature on the application or a Project Witness if the applicant is self-sponsored.

Essay Criteria & Requirements

The essay should be a minimum of 500 words, submitted in a Word or pdf format, with double spaced lines.  The essay will be judged primarily on content, but considerations will also be made for spelling, grammar, and presentation.

The Essay should describe your Veteran Based Community Service Project, and include a discussion of your thoughts and observations on the following topics:

        • The situation prompting your selection of this project and why it is important
        • The tasks that were necessary for accomplishment of your project
        • The actions undertaken to accomplish your project and the final result
        • Description of the Veteran, Veteran’s Family or general group of Veterans serviced by your Project
        • Introduction of who you met and the things you learned about them and from them
        • The part of the project of which you are most proud
        • Your thoughts on or intentions to follow up with other service projects

NOTE:  The essay should be your narrative description of the event including but not limited to the information suggested above, not necessarily in the order shown.  A bulletized list of topics with descriptipons will not be accepted as an essay.  Advanced automated tools (artificial intelligence or machine learning tools such as ChatGPT, Grammarly, or Dall-E 2) may not be used in the generation of this essay.

Selection Process

The Panel of Judges will be made up of Directors, RCs and ARCs from all Routes.  The BoD Chairman will act as Grant Coordinator and will not be on the Panel of Judges.  The selection of the Grant Recipient will be based on completion of the requirements noted above and the blind judging of the submitted Essays by the Panel of Judges – that is, the applicant’s identification will be redacted from the Essay.

Timeline for Grant Award

Following are the milestones dates for the Application, Submittal, Judging and Presentation of the Educational Grant award:

    • 01 MAR 2025 – Educational Grant opportunity, eligibility and criteria to be announced via RFTW Newsletter
    • 13 APR 2025 – Deadline for candidate submittal of application, essay and eligibility documentation. Chairman will distribute identification-redacted essays from eligible recipients to Panel of Judges.
    • 27 APR 2025 – Deadline for Panel of Judges to return their votes. Chairman will tally all votes and report the results to the Panel of Judges.
    • 02 MAY 2025 – Chairman will certify recipient’s info to the President and Treasurer for further processing and coordinate with selected educational institution for Grant Check Routing.
    • TBD in Ontario – President announces Grant Award Winner at All Rider Assembly.

Contact Info for submittals and Questions

Prior to starting with the process, all potential applicants should coordinate with their Sponsor (or Project Witness) and write to the below e-mail address to confirm eligibility and request the Application Form.

Once completed, essay submittal will also be sent directly and only to that e-mail address.  Questions, comments, and requests for more information may also be sent to that address.

Final Thoughts…

The Directors, RCs and ARCs are very happy to support this Educational Grant opportunity which we hope to make an annual event.  I look forward to learning of the creative and interesting Projects developed by our Young Patriots and helping to provide this Grant opportunity to a deserving candidate.


Billie "Bugs" DunlapBillie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator


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From the Chairman: What Does “The Mission” Mean to You?

The Mission of Run For The Wall

We’ve had some great RC Motto’s over the years… “Mission > Self”, “Mission First”, “Remember the Mission” and “CHARLIE MIKE – CONTINUE the MISSION” among others.  But what does “The Mission” mean to you?  We should all be familiar with the Mission Statement of Run For The Wall:

  • To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends;
  • To call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA);
  • To honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars; and
  • To support our military personnel all over the world.

Since the first Run in 1989, our Mission Statement has expanded to ensure that everyone understands that we promote, honor and support all associated with our Armed Forces.  But the fact remains that our Mission originated and still has a primary focus “To call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA).”

Learning about The Mission

Very early in my participation with Run For The Wall, my RFTW big brother, James “Stoney” Stone introduced me to our Founder, James “Gunny” Gregory, USMC(Ret).  Over those first couple years, I was honored to have the privilege of speaking with Gunny privately on several occasions to get a first-hand telling of the story of Run For The Wall and the issues, events and people that brought it together.  If you haven’t recently, I strongly encourage you to (re)read the short History of RUN FOR THE WALL that you will find in the opening pages of your Itinerary Book or here.

How it Started

The primary motivator at that time was the MIA families looking for answers and doing their best to press our government to act based on intelligence that there were still living POWs in Vietnam.  In 1988, Marion Shelton, the wife of Col. Charles Shelton, USAF was one of the early advocates.  Col. Shelton was shot down on 29 APR 1965 flying a RF-101C Voodoo over Laos.  Mrs. Shelton’s situation and her call for action to the veteran and biker community was an early instigator to set Gunny in motion.  Read the history in your Itinerary for the rest of the story.

What’s being done now?

Per the DPAA, in 1973 when accounting started, there were 2641 Missing in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.  As of today, there have been 1064 accounted for leaving 1577 still missing.  The DPAA is still actively engaged in search and recovery operations and reported in an online article that “…in fiscal Year 2023, the agency recovered the remains of 127 service members:  88 from World War II, 35 from Korea, and four from Vietnam.” The article by C. Lopez is worth a read and is linked here:  DOD Won’t Stop Looking Until All POW/MIAs Are Home.

So, what does “The Mission” mean to me?

At the heart of every tenet of the RFTW Mission Statement you’ll find People.  Promote healing among People.  Honor the memory of People.  Support our People.  And most importantly, Call for accounting of our PEOPLE!  In other words, LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND!

We promote healing by ensuring those veterans, families and friends know that there is a strong community of Patriotic Americans who love and support them and will NOT give up on accounting for the ones they love.  We honor those killed in action by keeping the memories of their service and sacrifice at the forefront of our words and deeds.  We support our military personnel with our positive, peaceful and focused Patriotic activism that highlights our CAUSE and not our emotion. Finally, all three of those statements come together as we commit ourselves and our Run to The Mission of ensuring the Accounting continues UNTIL THEY ARE ALL HOME!

What does “The Mission” mean to you?

We all experienced a great homecoming through one of our own a few months ago with the return of Capt. Ronald Forrester, USMC who was accounted for on 04DEC2023 after almost 51 years MIA.  Those of us who were able to attend his Celebration of Life experienced an extraordinary event – Capt. Forrester’s presence in and around Karoni Forrester and the rest of the family was intense.  There are many others in our RFTW family who deserve that homecoming and there are hundreds in our extended family who deserve the same.  Our Mission – The Mission is to ensure our government “Won’t Stop Looking” until 1577 becomes 0.

Unfortunately, Marion Shelton passed away in October 1990, a few years after meeting with Gunny and the beginning of Run For The Wall.  Col. Charles Shelton, USAF is still MIA, officially “Unaccounted For” with Active Pursuit. As is LCDR Dennis Pike, USN.  As is Col. Oscar Mauterer, USAF. As is SSgt Gregory Benton, USMC.  Others just need better answers, like the family of Sgt Joseph Matejov, USAF. And there are hundreds more.  These PEOPLE are our family.  We don’t give up on family.

So, I ask again…

What does “The Mission” mean to you?


Billie "Bugs" DunlapBillie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator


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RFTW BoD Town Hall Zoom II – Video Recording Now Available

Greetings from Texas!

Last Thursday’s RFTW Board of Directors Town Hall Zoom Call proceeded without a hitch, mostly due to the outstanding technical support and hosting of Denise “Zoom” Murray who provided all the background logistics that made it seem easy.  Supporting her was Mike “Bonehead” Kyzer who provided backup and also coordinated the drawing for our end of meeting door prizes.  BIG THANK YOU to both of you!

We started the meeting with a brief welcome from the Board President, John “Turkey” Staub followed by a couple of announcements regarding the induction of the RFTW Founder, James “Gunny” Gregory into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame and for the Celebration of Life for Karoni Forrester’s father, Capt Ronald Forrester, USMC who is finally coming home after being shot down and “unaccounted for” over 50 years ago.  More info on both these items is available on the RFTW Facebook page.  Next, the 4 RC’s each presented a discussion of their individual Routes to give all participants an idea of how the various Routes execute the Mission.  Finally, I provided a presentation of current Registration Data, as well as a walk through of the Registration process including the Day Rider Registration process that will come online in two days on 01 February.  We wrapped up with a prize drawing by selecting 3 participants on the call to win items from RFTW Merchandise.

The video recording for the Town Hall meeting is now available for viewing.  It will be soon loaded onto our server so that it will remain available but until then I want to get it out quickly as possible for those who may have missed the meeting:

RFTW BoD Town Hall Zoom Call Recording

Thursday, 25 JAN 2024 @ 7pm Central

Feedback has again been overwhelmingly positive for this second Town Hall event.  And again, your participation and interest made that meeting a success – just like it’s your efforts that make our Run a success.  As always, it’s the Board’s job to make it available, but it’s your job to make it happen!  Is it May yet?


Billie "Bugs" DunlapBillie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator


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RFTW BoD Town Hall Zoom Call – Focus on Registration

99 RFTW Participants – registered or not!

RFTW Registration is going well, and we are within 1% of the number registered at this time last year.  Early Bird Registration ends in just 14 days after which the regular fee structure will go into place.  If you are planning to join the Run for 1 leg, 1 day or all the way, you should register now to to take advantage of the reduced fee and to help ensure the State Coordinators early planning numbers are accurate.

We would like to offer another Town Hall Zoom Call before that changeover with a focus on current registration status, the registration process and to answer your questions about the process.  At this meeting I will present current info and data analysis on our participant demographics, with comparison to 2022 and 2023’s data along with a very detailed rundown of the registration and check-in processes.  I’d also like to hear your comments and suggestions about the registration process as we continuously try to make it more user friendly and efficient.   Our Director of Risk Management (and Registration), Lance “Batman” Wheeler wrote a very informative newsletter about the Day Rider Registration Process (linked here) – the details of that process will also be presented.  Finally, we’ll talk about participant check-in for Ontario and on the road.  Below is a snapshot showing some of the data we’ll be covering:

If you’ve ridden only one Route, how much do you know about the great Mission contributions made across the others?  As an added bonus for this Town Hall Zoom Call, the Route Coordinators for each Route will present some interesting info about their Routes that you may not know.  Together, all the Routes broadcast, amplify and promote across the country our Mission of honor to our Missing, support for MIA/KIA families, care for our Veterans, loyalty to our current Service Members.  One Family, One Heart, One Mission, Four Routes.

Here are the details for the date, time, and place for this RFTW Board of Directors Town Hall Zoom Call…

RFTW BoD Town Hall Zoom Call
Thursday, 25 January 2024
8pm Eastern / 7pm Central / 6pm Mountain / 5pm Pacific
ZOOM Meeting Link:  CLICK HERE

The Meeting will start promptly on time and is expected to run about 90 minutes.  We are all looking forward to a very positive meeting with good discussions on how we can all work together to make RFTW XXXIV the best Run ever!  I hope to see you all online for the call!


Billie "Bugs" DunlapBillie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator


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RFTW BoD Town Hall Zoom – Video Recording Now Available

Greetings from Texas – again!

The RFTW Board of Directors Town Hall Zoom Call attendance had as many as 117 unique sign-ins with many more people in attendance.  We had a brief participant limit glitch that unfortunately prevented some people from logging in – I sincerely apologize for that and hope that you’ll watch the video.  Overall, the meeting was a great success with very direct presentations and discussions, followed by some very pointed questions.  If your question wasn’t addressed or you would like more info, PLEASE write directly to one or more of the Board members and they will write you back.  You can find the full list of BoD members along with their e-mail addresses here.  We’re already looking forward to do another Town Hall sometime after the first of the year to keep you all informed on current preparation and planning.

The video recording for the Town Hall meeting is now available for viewing.  It will be soon loaded onto our server so that it will remain available but until then I want to get it out quickly as possible for those who may have missed the meeting:

RFTW BoD Town Hall Zoom Call Recording

Feed back received so far has been overwhelmingly positive for the event.  Your participation and interest is what made that meeting a success – just like it’s your efforts that make our Run a success.  As was mentioned at the meeting, it’s the Board’s job to make it available, but it’s your job to to make it happen!  Is it May yet?


Billie "Bugs" DunlapBillie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator


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RFTW BoD Town Hall Zoom Call – the Details

Greetings from Texas – again!

The RFTW Board of Directors Town Hall Zoom Call is just a few days away and folks have been asking for the details – here they are…

RFTW BoD Town Hall Zoom Call
Thursday, 02 November 2023
8pm Eastern / 7pm Central / 6pm Mountain / 5pm Pacific
ZOOM Meeting Link:  CLICK HERE

The Meeting will start promptly on time and is expected to run about 90 minutes.  We are all looking forward to a very positive meeting with good discussions on where we are, where we’re going and how we can all work together to get there.  I hope to see you all on line for the call!


Billie "Bugs" DunlapBillie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator


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A letter from the Chairman – Communication is the Key!

Greetings from Texas!

Recent social media posts have highlighted some carryover communication shortfalls that this RFTW Board of Directors is enthusiastic about changing.  Many of those posts listed drastically incorrect information, presented as fact, leading others to make more assumptions that eventually spiraled further and further from truth.  Others apparently hold serious grudges against the current Board of Directors for incidents they found personally harmful but occurred over 10 years before any of the current members were seated.  While we can’t change the past, we are all firmly committed to doing the best job possible for the future of this Run and the Mission.

Just as a reminder, the Board of Directors is made up of Riders from all Routes.  They are all dedicated and caring individuals who selflessly donate 1000’s of hours annually in support of RFTW Mission and Objectives.  The Board of Director’s key focus is Strategic, in that the actions considered, and decisions made are intended to support and preserve the long-term success of RFTW as a whole.  However, consideration of all the things important to the Riders, to the Run and to the Mission as well as the near-term impacts go into those actions and decisions.  Sometimes those decisions are unpopular (e.g., loss of the Forum) but I can assure you they are not made without the due diligence of research, consultation with experts and consideration of available alternatives.  (Call in to the Town Hall Zoom meeting on 02 NOV for further details on the Forum issue).

As a lead-in to the Town Hall Zoom Meeting next week, I respectfully submit the following.  This list of inquiries was sent to me indirectly by an undisclosed requestor.  Rather than send this info into the unknown, I thought to publish the unedited questions as I received them and the responses for each.  Hopefully the unknown sender is tied into RFTW info streams well enough to see these, but I will ensure the intermediary that sent them to me informs them on where to find these answers.

Here we go…

– The board ask and begs for AAR but why are there not any replies to them? 

  • The After-Action Report is a valuable tool for feedback to the Board and to the RCs for specific Routes.  Every AAR is seen, read, and seriously considered by every Board member and automatically forwarded to the RC of a Route if specified in the AAR.  We see hundreds of AAR’s – each one is greatly appreciated and very many of them receive specific and direct replies.  It is presumptive to assume that “not any” of them receive replies.  Just as the AAR’s are not published nor attributed to their author, neither are the replies.

– CB radios becoming obsolete? 

  • CB Radios are actually not “becoming obsolete.”  However, the mobile, hands-free and motorcycle versions are not as easy to find and expensive to install.  The Board and the RCs are feeling the strain of this trend and are considering ways to mitigate the issue.  The Central Route has taken the lead to conduct a trial run of an alternate radio system this coming year (May 2024) and we all look forward to hearing of their results.

– When I was researching for another website 1 year ago. Whom am I. I compared it with the site was hosted in another country. Why? 

  • Not sure what you looked at but a review of for ownership of clearly indicates it is owned by Run For The Wall, Inc administered by our Director of Public Affairs out of Arizona, USA.

– Volunteers will do a lot for a little if they believe in the organization and ask for little or nothing in return. With rftw lots of individual cost; gas hotels food, to and from the run, plus cash donations. Why can hats and patches not be provided. Ie now I have heard outreach hats if used are route or individual. Ie I do sight visits and over night to some place, twice a year, 250 miles 1 way from my house. Yet was asked to use a prior year hat and then didn’t request a state coordinator hat. 

  • It’s hard to pick out a question there, but I will address the issue of Hats.  RFTW has been spending thousands of dollars each year on a new hat for everyone in a leadership position.  Every year I hear people talk about how many hats they have and never wear as they revert to wearing the one they already had because it is comfortable and they prefer it.  We have recently realized cost savings by making the positional hats the same across all Routes with no year or Run number embroidery – thus allowing us to use any excess purchases for the next Run.  The next step of the new process is that the RC assesses the need for new and replacement hats for their respective leadership teams – including State Coordinators.  We then purchase only those needed in excess of current stock as coordinated by the RC’s.

– Within the nonprofit world. Donated funds are asked for and give for certain reasons. Ie per route, gas, schools, etc. Designated Funds. If not used for that reason. The funds should be held for that purpose, returned to donor or ask the funder for permission to redirect funds. Why does the board transfer any funds over a certain amount from routes to the board. Upwards of multiple 10s of thousands of dollars. 

  • All Designated Donations made directly to Run For The Wall are absolutely used as directed.  The majority of Designated Donations are to support a specific Fuel Stop on a specific Route and that is where those dollars are spent.  All other non-designated funds are used to provide for operations and expenses that support the overall Mission and to keep all Routes active, protected and on the road.  To be clear, Run For The Wall is a single operating 501(c)(3) and 100% of the money received is for direct and indirect support of advancing the Mission.  Funds remaining at the end of the Run become seed money for next year’s Run and year-round expenses with designated amounts applied to further seed each Route.

– Have board meeting cost gotten out of control?

  • Actually, it’s just the opposite.  The Board of Directors meets upwards of 2 to 3 times per month year-round – that’s approaching 40 times per year.  Almost all of those meetings whether in General Session with the RC’s or in Executive Session with Directors only are conducted on Zoom.  In years past, the BoD would hold a semi-annual face-to-face meeting that covered two days of intense meetings spanning 8-10 hours per day at a site central to the geographic spread of directors’ locations.  Contrary to some peoples’ characterization, these meetings are not a vacation – that is unless those people like to spend their vacations locked into a windowless conference room discussing the intricate details of logistics and planning for a massive cross country motorcycle event involving people from all over the world.  Nor does the BoD pay for spouses or guests to travel to the event – some choose to come along for the weekend, but at their own expense.  Finally, as an additional control to rising costs of travel, the Board has decided that the winter face-to-face meeting will this year be conducted via Zoom.  That means the same length of time spent in the meetings, but those 8-10 hours will be looking into a small screen rather than the faces of the decision makers planning the final stages of our annual event.  It will likely be much less effective than in person but should be an acceptable alternative in light of the cost savings.

– How does giving from one non-profit to another (ie the house project) help the mission of rftw? 

  • Occasionally, RFTW receives donations that are designated for specific charities or organizations that directly support Run For The Wall or have a Mission similar to ours.  Those donations are provided through RFTW by the original donor to show gratitude for their actions in support of the Run and its Mission, e.g. Homes For Our Troops.  The regulations governing 501(c)(3) giving stipulate who we can donate to and for what purpose we can donate.  A non-profit that is struggling in its mission to support a veteran or educational cause that meets our mission scope is within the allowable donations.  To that end, RFTW has made donations to many AM Vets, American Legions, VFWs, and other likeminded organizations that are working very hard to support our mission.  In accordance with those 501(c)(3) regulations, the individual Route RC’s will often provide donations from their undesignated funds in support of organizations along their Routes that support them, the Mission or specifically support veterans or veterans’ families, all in alignment with the RFTW Mission statement.

– Why does rftw not provide an annual report to donors, volunteers and the public?

  • As a non-profit 501(c)(3) with no actual members, membership requirements or stockholders, there is no actual obligation or requirement for a formal Annual Report.  Honestly, the time, cost and effort needed to create and distribute such a report is outside the scope and bandwidth of the volunteer Board already donating 1000’s of hours in support the organization and the Mission.  Instead, the Board President provides regular newsletters reporting on the event and issues of interest to the regular participant.  All activities of the Board and the annual event are conducted in accordance with IRS and other regulations governing non-profit charitable organizations.  Each year, RFTW submits IRS Form 990 detailing the operations of the organization and its financial interactions – please note, it can take over a year after filing before the latest Form 990 is available online.  Also, no Director or RC realizes any profit or financial gain from any of the activities of the Board or any Board approved activity.

– Why is the rftw rating 45 out of 100 on or charity

  • There are several Charitable organization rating websites out there and we cannot govern the diligence with which they seek to ensure their information is current and accurate.  That being said, we have in the past several months been working with Charity Navigator to update and correct their old and incorrect info (they still showed our website as  When we get that one straightened out, we will turn our attention to some of the others as we find them (thanks for pointing out those two).

For more information on some of these topics as well as many other ongoing issues, please join the RFTW Board of Directors for a Zoom Town Hall Meeting at 7pm Central, on Thursday, 02 NOV 2023.  There will be a question-and-answer session following presentations and comments from the Directors.  I’ll look forward to seeing you there!


Billie "Bugs" DunlapBillie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator


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Registration Fees Increase on May 1st

Register for Run for the Wall

Greetings again from Weatherford, Texas!

For those of you familiar with the writings of Douglas Adams, you know that the number 42 has very significant meaning.  It’s significant for me today because 42 years ago today (17APR1981), I signed on the dotted line of enlistment that led to becoming an Army Infantryman and then on to a flying career in the Navy.  But how does that apply to you?  It’s all about timing and taking advantage of an opportunity while it’s still available.  If you haven’t registered for Run For The Wall, your opportunity is now!

The “Regular Registration” period is still in effect through 30 APR 2023 with registration fees for CA to DC Routes at $60 and for the SandBox Route at $20.  On Monday, 01 MAY 2023, those registration fees will step again to the “Last Minute Joe” rates of $75 and $25, respectively.  Don’t put it off any longer!

Not only will your earlier registration save you some dollars, but it is also a huge benefit to our supporters who put so much heart into providing for you at every stop along the journey.  Your RC receives a Registration Report every week which is turned into updates to your State Coordinators and the participation planning for our supporters.  They can’t plan for you to be there if they don’t know you’re coming!

Finally, your early registration supports the Mission.  Opportunities abound for your participation in direct support to the Mission on the Leadership Teams, on Outreaches, and for projects that may just need your expertise for success.  When you register, the family then knows you’re coming, and you’ll be on the distribution for updates and opportunities as they arise.  So, get on board and get involved – you’ll get more out of your participation if you put more into it!

If you’re looking to participate for only a couple of days on the road, the “Day Rider” Registration may be your best option.  Day Riders may register for up to 2 full days on the road with RFTW and participate in all activities at the three locations that bound those 2 days.  The reduced Registration Fee is equal to the Early Bird rate that was initially offered when registration opened.  Look for the Day Rider option on the registration page where you select your route.  You can find more info on the Day Rider Newsletter here:  Day Rider Registration.

That’s all for now.  It’s almost May and first KSU out of Ontario is just over 4 weeks away.  Are you ready?


Billie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice-President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator

Together We Ride

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Day Rider Registration

We ride for those who can't

Greetings again from Weatherford, Texas!

It’s been a few months (and a lot of miles) since I wrote a newsletter.  My time on the Board of Directors has been interesting to say the least but the most rewarding part has been working with the first line of contact system that greets our Riders in joining the Route – Registration.  We have been working hard to improve, simplify and streamline our registration and check-in system with some great results.  If you haven’t seen for yourself, you need to get registered ASAP.

Although we try to plan and prepare for all major downstream effects, it’s hard to catch everything.  That’s why we greatly appreciate your feedback and suggestions.  An outstanding bit of feedback and constructive suggestion was provided regarding the new graduated fee structure for registration and how it might affect the Day Rider who may decide on short notice to join us on the road.  Knowing that the “Last Minute Joe” fee in affect after May 1st might turn people away, we took that great feedback and turned it into a plan…

Day Rider Registration

A Day Rider will be defined as anyone who rides with or participates in RFTW activities, at or between up to three consecutive overnight stop locations on Central, Midway, or Southern Route or two consecutive locations on SandBox Route.  Following are the ground rules:

  • May be applied to any Motorcycle, 4 Wheel or Auto-cycle Participant
  • Maximum duration: Check-in on the evening of first location, participate through morning of the last location, but does not depart with the pack.
  • The 3 (or less) locations must be consecutive and on the same Route
  • Day Riders will be issued a special wrist band and ribbon to signify their participation
  • Day Riders will have full access for participation on all Route events during their registered period
  • The Day Rider Registration Fee will be equal to that of the Early Bird fee of the respective Route, i.e. $45 for Central/Midway/Southern & $15 for SandBox

Day Rider Registration Extension

If a Day Rider completes their registration period and decides to extend further down the road (yes, it has happened) the Route Check-in Teams will be prepared with a special in-person registration process that will allow the rider to apply their already paid Day Rider fee toward full registration.  After paying the difference in price to current full registration, they will be issued the regular wrist band and ribbon covering the rest of their journey.  This option may be exercised only during the Run.

How the Process Will Work

On 01 FEB 2023, when the fee structure shifts to “Regular Registration” pricing, there will also be a new selection on the registration pages for a Day Rider check box that will allow for the reduced fee as noted above.  To be eligible for Day Rider status, the registration MUST indicate a Ride-to location as either one of the next two overnight stop locations after the Sign-in location on the selected Route.  For example, on Central Route a Day Rider may Sign-in at Williams and Ride-to Angel Fire.  With that selection, they may check-in at Williams (evening or the next morning) and ride with the pack to Angel Fire and even join in morning activities the next day – two full days of the Run.  If they would like to continue on with the pack from Angel Fire, the Registration Extension option will allow them stay on the Run.  The Day Rider Registration Option will be available starting 01 FEB and will be in effect throughout the full execution of the Routes in May.

Don’t wait till May!

If you plan to register as a Day Rider or are coordinating a group of Day Riders, please get everyone registered as soon as possible.  It won’t make a difference in your cost, even if you register today, but it will help our State Coordinators with getting the best attendance info possible to our supporters along the Route.  Our awesome State Coordinators need your support!

The way forward…

Like every organization, Run For The Wall has made adjustments for the changing environment in which we all live today.  Even so, your Board and Route Leadership keep the Mission at heart and keep those people who benefit from their efforts as their focus for all decisions and actions.  Your feedback and constructive suggestions are taken very seriously and will turn into course corrections whenever they reveal a path that better serves both Mission and People.  Every one of the Board and Route Leaders are also participants just like you, and they want to see our Run and its Mission continue long into the future.  Mutual respect and confidence that we will each perform our role in getting there is the fuel that will keep us all moving forward.

I look forward to seeing you all next May!


Billie “Bugs” Dunlap
Run For The Wall
Vice President & Chairman of the Board
RFTW XXXII SandBox Route Coordinator
RFTW XXXI Southern Route Coordinator
Together We Ride!

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RFTW SandBox RC Newsletter – RFTW SandBox RC Newsletter – JUNE 2022 – Bugs’ Last RC Newsletter

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Greetings from Weatherford, Texas!

I would not have believed on 01 JUL 2018 when I became a Route Coordinator the first time that my last Newsletter wouldn’t be published for another 4 years – yet here we are.  It’s one of life’s mysteries.  But as the Admiral said, “The end is inevitable.”  But not till tomorrow.  So, I’ll spend my last night as an RC here at the keyboard, speaking to my RFTW and SandBox Route family one more time. 

Some notes about the Route…

Country Roads – Please raise your hand if you read or heard me say many times over the past three years that we’d be traversing some Pennsylvania country roads on this route.  Although some didn’t get the message, everyone did a great job on the crossing as we completed not only those segments, but every segment with no accidents and no major incidents.  That is a testament to your ability to adapt and to safely and carefully control yourselves and your bikes through challenging conditions.  I am very proud of all our riders who made that happen.

Flight 93 National Memorial – Some folks who talked to the Park Rangers were told they didn’t know we were coming.  What they didn’t tell you (because apparently, they didn’t know) was that your SandBox Planning Team had months earlier attained a coordinated and fully approved Special Use Permit with the National Park Service for staging in front of the Visitor Center and a formal Ceremony at the Memorial Plaza at the south end.  The NPS never coordinated that permit with the on-site Rangers, which resulted in our dismal parking situation.  Now you know.

Long Days – As advertised!  I know that many folks were too spent to attend the after-dinner events on days 1 & 2, and I certainly don’t blame you.  However, those that still had the energy were treated to some of the most memorable ceremonies of the Route.  From the Morning Ceremony in St Clairsville that started our day to the Gold Star Family Memorial Ceremony in Lafayette, this will stand out as one of the most meaningful Memorial Days I have ever experienced.  But the thing that made it really special was experiencing those events with you, my RFTW Family.

Gold Star Family Recognition – We made the honor and recognition of Gold Star Families along the SandBox Route one of our highest Mission priorities.  Although I would like to have done more, and I had a few personal missteps along the way, I believe we as a Route were very successful in that regard.  “Say their names!” was a resounding chant each day as we stood to honor their memory by saying and hearing the names of those who made that ultimate sacrifice.  Those were some of the most special and heart-rending moments along the way.

Now for some Admin…

Leadership Rocker Patches – If you are due one and didn’t get it, please contact your Team Leader to see if they have yours.  If your Team Lead doesn’t have it, they’ll collect your name, and we will ensure you get one.

After Action Reports – Please keep them coming!  I have seen some very insightful comments with constructive ideas for improving our Route.  Those are the ones that your 2023 Leadership team will find the most valuable for their planning and preparation activities next year.

Now for some Recognition…

I spoke at length on the Route of how our Team Leads worked hard over the past three years to make this Route possible.  Then on the Road, they and their teams took all that Planning and Preparation and turned it into Performance to create this epic event.  I won’t try to list them all here (see the complete list at but there is one group that I failed to recognize on the Route, but would like to highlight now as they usually work in the background, and no one knows.  Those are our State Coordinators!

Our State Coordinators are AWESOME!!!  Gail Dippel (DC), Sam Warner (MD), Tom Schultz (PA), David Cain (WV), Brandon McCray (OH), Bryan Courtney (IN), & Ed Samuel (IL).  These folks and their assistants are responsible for coordination of all our stops and the support along the way and you all know we had some fantastic stops.  Thank you all for the hard work, the extra meetings, taking my occasional urgent calls, and for generally creating the framework for our successful Run.  Y’ALL ARE THE BEST!!!

The Mission…

The RFTW Mission Statement provides the base framework for what we do on all the 4 Routes.  The various Routes have their own ways of doing things in serving the Mission and one of our challenges on this melded Route was to bring the best of them all together to bear the load of our Mission.  As we go forward, I challenge all SandBox Route participants to keep in mind that all of us serve the same Mission with “All The Heart”, even if you’re used to seeing things done differently on another route.  Whether it’s Promoting Healing, Calling for an Accounting, Honoring the Memory, or Supporting our Military, all four tenets of that Mission Statement are important and will remain the focus and the binding tie between all our Routes.

Four Years Before the Mast

About an hour to midnight here in Texas now and time to wrap this up.  Whether across 9 years in command in the Navy, several years in civilian management or 4 years as an RC, my intended role has always been that of a Servant Leader promoting a Covenant of Trust with folks on my teams to know that my primary task is to support their efforts in making our organization successful and meaningful.  Another of my goals as a leader is to continually search for my replacement.  Despite the circumstances that led to his selection, I have full faith and confidence that Darin “Lurch” Koch will take up that mantle of leadership and be the SandBox Route Coordinator that this Route and that this Mission needs to be successful as we continue into the next 30 years.

It has been one of the greatest honors of my military and motorcycling experiences to have served with the great Patriots and Veterans of Run For The Wall as a Route Coordinator – I’m doubly honored to have served there twice on two separate Routes.  Tomorrow I step into a new role with new responsibilities but the same goal – to sustain our Run, support our Riders and most importantly, CONTINUE THE MISSION!

I look forward to seeing you all next May! Until then…

Remember, all roads lead to all roads so wherever you go, TOGETHER WE RIDE!


Bugs out!

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RFTW XXXII Sand Box Route Coordinator