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Midway Route Coordinator Newsletter – January 2025

A very Happy New Year to you all!  I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season with friends and family.  It is hard to believe we are already into 2025 with just four months until we go kick stands up for the 35th Annual Run for the Wall.

Midway Leadership and State Coordinators continue to work hard on finalizing the planning for this year’s Run.  It is an honor to be a part of such an amazing group and I cannot thank them enough for their efforts and continued dedication.  As a result of your feedback from AAR’s, we have made a couple of changes to fuel stops minimizing the distance from Staging to the facilities.  We have also finalized the logistics around Day 8 after departing Knoxville.  This year will find us stopping in Bristol, VA for our dinner and overnight stop.  The morning of Day 9 we will travel through Virginia and back into North Carolina to our historical lunch stop in Siler City where we will get “back to normal”. Avoiding Asheville was not a decision we intended on making nor was it an easy one however in the interest of safety to the pack it was one that had to be made.  Thank you to all of the Midway Leadership that helped in the monumental task of all that is involved in rerouting a pack!

We are still in need of  a few Volunteers.  If you are interested in participating as an Honor Guard, please contact our Honor Guard Coordinator Roger “Bullseye” Ford at  We are also looking to add a couple of more trained medical personnel for our medical team. If you have an interest to serve in this capacity or know someone who is, please fill out a volunteer application or you may contact me directly. We also need some help with The Merchandise team.  No experience is necessary, training will be provided, and you have an opportunity to take people’s money!   

Registration is still $60 per person through 31 January 2025.  After that, Regular Registration is from 01 February 2025 through 30 April 2025 and will increase to a cost of $75 per person.  If you wait until May, the Last Minute Moe cost will go up to $90 per person.  Your registration assists in the planning of necessary personnel, meals, etc so I would encourage you to go online and register before the Early Bird rate ends. 

Midway has chosen to not increase the Prepaid Fuel cost for this year.  Coast to Coast will be $150 and $25 per day for Day Riders or those that choose not to participate in the Prepaid option.  I would highly encourage you to consider Prepaid.  Not only is it very cost-effective in the big picture, but it also helps provide a safer and more efficient stop at the pumps!  If you would like to go ahead and check this off of your To Do List and your bank uses Zelle, mark your donation to Please be sure to include Midway – Prepaid Fuel in the For line so that we can allocate the money correctly. If you prefer to donate via check please mail it to:

Run for the Wall

50 Fourth Ave Unit 1445

Dayton, NV 89403

Be sure to include Midway – Prepaid Fuel in the For line so we can allocate it accordingly.  If you prefer to pay at Registration Check-In either in Ontario or wherever you join us, please note we will ONLY ACCEPT CASH.  NO EXCEPTION.

 I would like you all to begin thinking about the Breakouts that we will be conducting on our second day in Cookeville, TN.  As in year’s past we will be visiting the following locations:

Breakout 1 – Sunbright Memorial in Sunbright, TN

Breakout 2 – Southside Elementary & Wilson County Veterans Memorial in Lebanon, TN

Breakout 3 – Tennessee State Veterans Home in Murfreesboro, TN

Each one of these stops is special in its own way so no matter which you choose you can’t go wrong!  Lunch will be served at each Breakout, so we need to begin working on a headcount to assist our TN State Coordinator Phil Friedli with the logistics for meals.  We will most likely reach out to you during Platoon assignments to see which one you are interested in participating in.  If you are in Leadership, please reach out to Phil or Ed Butler directly so that they can get you registered on your Breakout of choice.

Topics on the RFTW Forums continue to grow.  I would encourage you to visit there if you are looking for information on things like GMRS radios and setup, advice for FNG’s, meet ups and get togethers in your areas, individuals looking for a roommate on the Run.  Don’t see what you are looking for….start your own discussion. Thanks again to Ted Kapner for all his efforts behind the scenes to get this up and running!  RFTW’s Podcast is another great way to find out more about what makes the Run and each Route so special.  For more information go to Podcast on the RFTW website.

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.

Eric “Pitch” Fort

Route Coordinator – Midway 2025

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Midway Route Coordinator Newsletter – December 2024

The holiday season is upon us.  While it is a season of celebrating for some, it can be a time of sadness and struggle for others.  Please take a few minutes to check in on those loved ones or friends you haven’t spoken to in a while.  It may be the best present they receive!

Two items on my wish list that I would like you to help me check off.  The first is Registration.  If you have not yet registered, especially if you are in a Leadership position, I ask that you to do so today.  I cannot stress how important this is to our planning efforts at every level.  The second is Volunteer.  For the most part our teams overall have filled out well however we still have a few critical positions that remain open.

  • Medical – this role is extremely important to the safety of all on the Route.  If you believe your experience compliments this role, please fill out the volunteer form or you can reach out to me directly with any questions you may have.
  • Registration – we all know the importance this role plays before and during the Run.  I am asking someone please step up to help out. 
  • Merchandise Sales – we currently have a driver to haul the trailer however we need someone else to assist with the setup and sales.  If you enjoy taking people’s money then this is the perfect position for you!

I do not want to seem negative but the fact is these are key positions and we are struggling to find volunteers to step up.

To all of our FNG’s, welcome!  It is exciting to see the next generation of riders join our Midway family.   In the coming weeks you will be hearing from Roger “Bullseye” Ford, Midway’s FNG Coordintor, who will be setting up Zoom calls to help familiarize you with Run For The Wall and what to expect during the ride. Another great resource for information is the RFTW Forum. You can find a number of topics here: from those looking to share a room to help cut travel costs, to general information for FNG’s, to various meetups across the country. Have a question…create a post!  Another great source of information is the RFTW Podcast hosted by Hitch and Boots. They do an amazing job spreading the word about the Run.  Every episode has a new guest which provides different perspectives on the Run and how it is has impacted them personally. Be sure to check out the various episodes on YouTube.

To those that participated in the recent challenge to raise money for MANNA Foodbank in Asheville, NC, thank you.  A check was mailed to them last week with enough funds to help provide over 9,000 meals to those who were impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Helene.  Although this fundraiser has ended I challenge everyone to continue to help support this community that has opened their arms to Midway over the years!

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.  Never give up hope.

Until they all come home…

Eric “Pitch” Fort

Route Coordinator – Midway 2025

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Midway Route Coordinator Newsletter – November 2024

Greetings from the deep South! Other than the time change it is hard to tell that we are nearly halfway through November. Warmer than normal temperatures are still providing many of us with some extended nice riding weather but before we know it winter will be upon us. This is a great time to begin to take inventory of your equipment and gear. You might even find a few things to add to that last minute Christmas wish list!

Planning for 2025’s Run continues to progress well. I cannot thank our key Leadership enough for quickly coming together and assisting with several recommendations to get the pack safely around areas that we would normally travel on the way to Asheville. While we are still ironing out a few of the final details, most of the required changes have been completed and are locked in. Our State Coordinators are hard at work putting the finishing touches on the stops in their respective areas. We even have something new planned for Fort Sill but you will have to keep checking future newsletters to find out more! Your AAR’s from 2024 have also been extremely helpful in making changes and adjustments where needed. A big thank you to our State Coordinators for their continued hard work and dedication in making each year better than the last.

Two months have passed since Registration opened and I am happy to say that Midway’s numbers are inline with where we have been tracking at this same time over the last couple of years. If you have not yet registered, please do so. This not only helps our State Coordinators with numbers for meals, support, etc but also allows our Platoon Coordinator JavaJoe to start working with the Platoon Leaders on Platoon assignments. Click here to register today!

Our teams are shaping up well but we could use a few more volunteers. Staging team, Medical team, Merchandise Team and Registration Team Lead are positions that we need to fill soon. Each plays a critical role in completing our Mission and Midway needs you to help make this happen. To find out more as well as complete the Volunteer Signup Form click here. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have questions or want to know where your skills would best fit. You can find my contact info as well as our Team Leaders here.

A few have asked about hotels. The 2025 hotel list will be released on January 1st. There is a great deal of work and coordination that goes into this.  A huge thank you to the State Coordinators and Jerry “Corps” Wilkins for all you do to make this happen. Jerry has also locked in camping areas however we need someone who is going All the Way and is camping to step up as the point of contact/coordinator to assist our campers. You can sign up here for this role.

To our FNG’s, welcome!  We are excited to have you join our family. In the coming weeks you will be hearing from Roger “Bullseye” Ford, Midway’s FNG Coordintor, who will be setting up some calls to help familiarize you with Run For The Wall and what to expect during the ride. I would also recommend checking out the RFTW Forum. There is a lot of useful information housed here: from those looking to share a room to help cut travel costs, to general information for FNG’s, to various meetups across the country. Another great source of information is the RFTW Podcast hosted by Hitch and Boots. They do a great job and have a mix of special guests that help provide different perspectives on the Run. You can listen to the various episodes on YouTube here. Be sure to Bookmark each for future reference! As you find out more about our Mission you will hear about The Missing Man Formation. “The Missing Man Formation is a rolling salute to honor the memory of the fallen, KIA, MIA, or POW. Five bikes ride in formation with a space where one bike should be, symbolizing the person’s absence. On each leg of each route we honor a different individual in the Missing Man Formation. There is a short ceremony just prior to the departure of the pack and we SAY THEIR NAMES so that their service and sacrifice will never be forgotten.”   If there is a hero you would like to ride for please let your Platoon Coordinator (they will be reaching out to you soon for introductions) know so that they can get you connected with our Missing Man Coordinator Alan “Rocketman” Farmer.

Speaking of the Forum, thanks to Central Route Coordinator Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olson for creating a few videos around setting up and programming the GMRS radios that all four Routes Leadership and Road Guards are moving to this year. If you are a rider and want to listen in, check out the Forum as well for which radios are recommended based on extensive use by a number of riders.

We only have a few days left for the MANNA Foodbank challenge before we send a check to them. MANNA FoodBank, located in Asheville, North Carolina, is a private, not-for-profit service organization working to end food insecurity in the 16 counties of Western North Carolina, including the Qualla Boundary. They have been an integral part of providing meals to those impacted by the devastation from Hurricane Helene. If you have not yet donated, I ask that you please consider doing so. For those who would like to send a check, please ensure that you make it out to Run for the Wall and in the For line put Midway – MANNA. You can mail your check to:

Run for the Wall Inc.

50 Fourth Ave Unit 1445

Dayton, NV 89403

For those whose bank uses Zelle and you would like to donate that way, mark your donation to Please be sure to include Midway – Manna in the For line as well. If you prefer to donate via the RFTW website, please make sure you click on Midway in the drop down as well as check the box for “I wish to make this donation in the name of/or on behalf of another individual” and enter Midway-Manna under “Individual’s Name”. Let’s show Asheville how much they mean to us.

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.  Never give up hope.

Until they all come home…

Eric “Pitch” Fort

Route Coordinator – Midway 2025

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Midway Route Coordinator Newsletter – October 2024

Photo credit to Jim “Hoofer” McCrain

Photo credit to Jim “Hoofer” McCrain

  In the wake of recent events, it is difficult for me to begin this newsletter saying happy October.  Day 8 of the Run finds Midway traveling through the beautiful hills and mountains of North Carolina, stopping at the Tennessee/North Carolina line for fuel and much anticipated ice cream at the Citgo Station before traveling down the twisties of I-40 on the way into Asheville for our dinner stop at Harley-Davidson of Asheville.  Over the years the acquaintances we met have grown into friends and those friends have become part of the Midway family.  Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to not only this area that was hit so hard by the devastation Helene brought but also to those impacted in other parts of North Carolina as well as Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee.  I know you feel the same as I do right now…. what can I do to help?  Sadly, many organizations will pop up claiming to help.  I ask that you do your research before donating anything to ensure that your generosity goes to those truly needing the help. 

  Since last week’s storm I have seen many posts on social media about what Midway is going to do in regard to the route as it relates to the Asheville area.  Please know that your leadership and state coordinators have been in constant contact with one another over the last several days.  While it is still early, we are diligently working on alternate plans and routes to ensure the pack can get safely across North Carolina while still making as many of our annual stops as possible.  Any changes made will be for the good of the route and included in the itinerary when it is released.

  On a positive note, our teams and platoons are shaping up well.  Thank you to our leadership for your hard work and efforts so far and to those who have stepped up and volunteered to serve Midway.  We could not do what we do without each and every one of you!  BUT would it really be a RC Newsletter if I didn’t say…. much like Uncle Sam, WE NEED YOU!  If you have the desire to volunteer and give back to Midway you can visit the Volunteer Sign-Up page to see the positions and their requirements as well as complete and submit your Volunteer Application.  We have two positions that I would really like to fill sooner than later.  Our New Mexico State Coordinator Garland Ray aka GW needs an Assistant State Coordinator. GW does an amazing job setting up safe and enjoyable travels through New Mexico and needs some help with the planning and meetings. If you live in NM and are interested or have questions, please reach out to me via email at I know I speak for GW as well when I say we would love to have you join the team!!

  With registration now open, the second position we need to fill for Midway is Registration team lead. This is a critical role as you are often the first face our riders meet at Run for the Wall. Representing RFTW in a professional and positive manner is a must. You must also be able to go All the Way from CA to DC as registration is conducted not only in Ontario prior to Midway’s departure but also during the Run at our evening stop or in the morning prior to the morning meeting (preferably at the evening stop!) The ideal candidate is one that can not only articulate the registration/check-in process and its requirements but also accurately complete the process electronically and manually if required; distribute registration materials; generate daily reports. This is a quick highlight of the role and responsibilities. If you are interested in this key role or would like further information, please contact me directly at 

  Speaking of registration, as of yesterday our numbers show us to be ahead of where we were this time last year.  Thank you early birds for registering so quickly!  Be sure to register soon and take advantage of the Early Bird price before it goes up on 01 February 2025.  This also helps us from a planning perspective.  State Coordinators can begin to work with our supporters on numbers for meals, etc.  Platoon Leaders can begin reaching out to you for introductions.  Our FNG coordinator Bullseye can begin coordinating calls to discuss what to expect and how to prepare for the Run.  If you have not done so yet go to Registration on the RFTW website.  It only takes a couple of minutes and is one more thing to check off the to do list.  Be sure to take advantage of the prepaid fuel as well.  It is very cost-effective for those going all the way and it also helps provide a safer and more efficient stop at the pumps!

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.  Never give up hope.

Until they all come home…

Eric “Pitch” Fort

Route Coordinator – Midway 2025

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Midway Route Coordinator Newsletter – September 2024

Happy September everyone.  I hope this month’s message finds you safe, well and looking forward to what I am sure we all are dreaming of…cooler Fall weather!

Although this year seems to be moving at an extremely fast pace, the planning and preparation for Midway’s 2025 Run for the Wall has been well underway for several months now.  The Leadership Team and State Coordinators continue to work hand in hand on all the stops, hotels, breakouts, etc. to ensure the best possible experience we can provide on the route.  We have read every AAR that was submitted and are making adjustments where we can based upon your feedback and input.  If you have suggestions or something you feel can benefit the Run, please visit and submit an AAR.  It is never too late!

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far!  Without your dedication and hard work, we could not accomplish our mission.  That being said, there are still open positions to fill.  And much like Uncle Sam, WE NEED YOU!  If you have the desire to volunteer and give back to Midway you can visit the Volunteer Sign-Up page to see the positions and their requirements as well as complete the Volunteer Applications

In case you have not seen the most recent President’s Message from John Staub, this year we will be completing the ride in Springfield, VA.  This is a very positive move as it will give us more updated hotel options as well as easy access on and off the interstate for travel in and around the DC area.  The American Legion post will also be opening their doors to us in much the same way as the Elks have provided for us Ontario.  More to come on these changes as we receive the information.

Registration will open this Wednesday on 9/11 at 08:46 EST.  Although there will be a nominal increase in registration fees this year, it is still a great deal for an 11-day event!  Early Bird Registration is $60 per person for those that registration between 11 September 2024 and 31 January 2025.  After that, Regular Registration is from 01 February 2025 through 30 April 2025 at a cost of $75 per person.  After that the Last Minute Moe will be $90 per person.  Midway has chosen to not increase the Prepaid Fuel for this year.  Coast to Coast will be $150 and $25 per day for Day Riders or those that choose not to participate in the Prepaid option.  I would highly encourage you to consider Prepaid.  Not only is it very cost-effective in the big picture, but it also helps provide a safer and more efficient stop at the pumps!

I would like you all to begin thinking about the Breakouts we will be conducting on our second day in Cookeville, TN.  As in year’s past we will be visiting the following locations:

  • Breakout 1 – Sunbright Memorial in Sunbright, TN
  • Breakout 2 – Southside Elementary & Wilson County Veterans Memorial in Lebanon, TN
  • Breakout 3 – Tennessee State Veterans Home in Murfreesboro, TN

Each one of these stops is special in its own way so no matter which you choose you can’t go wrong!  Lunch will be served at each Breakout, so we need to begin working on a headcount to assist our TN State Coordinator Phil Friedli with the logistics for meals.  We will most likely reach out to you during Platoon assignments to see which one you are interested in participating in.  More to come soon!

The RFTW Forums are now back and live.  There are quite a few good topics and discussions that have already begun…from GMRS radios to advice for FNG’s to meet ups and get togethers.  Thanks to Ted Kapner for all his efforts behind the scenes to get this up and running again!  Speaking of Ted, he along with Hitch just started a Run for the Wall podcast.  They did a nice job introducing RFTW to those that may not know who we are and what we are about.  I’m excited to see what they bring to the official first episode in the coming weeks.  For more information go to Podcast on the RFTW website.

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.

Eric “Pitch” Fort

Route Coordinator – Midway 2025

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Midway Route Coordinator August 2024 Newsletter

Greetings all.  I hope this message finds you well and the nation’s continued heat wave is not keeping you from enjoying some riding time!

It is hard to believe we are already into August.  I don’t know about you, but it seems like 2024 as a whole is flying by.  Planning for Midway continues to progress well.  The State Coordinators are diligently working on the travel and stops through their respective states ensuring we have yet another outstanding and safe year!  Java Joe Booktaub, Midway’s Platoon Coordinator, has finalized our 2025 Platoon Leaders and continues to work through assigning Assistant Platoon Leaders and Tailgunners.  Ed “Wind Dog” Brundage has been communicating with the State Coordinators on our various stops as well as with Gina “Le’Spice” Cutrer on the Staging.  Jerry “Corp” Wilkins continues working with the hotels and camping sites across the country.  Leo Rachmel is starting the preliminary review of updates for the route.  Zoe “Hugz” Martino is working with various people and organizations that are connected to the MIA and Gold Star community so that we can include as many of those families as possible during our stops from California to DC.  As you can see a lot goes on behind the scenes to make the Run a success.  This could not be done without a solid all volunteer cadre that Midway is very fortunate to have!  Speaking of all volunteers…no route can complete the mission without volunteers at every level.  If you think this is something you are interested in doing, please visit RFTW’s website –  The link will take you to the Volunteer page where you can find an overview of some of the positions and their respective prerequisites.  At the bottom of the page is the application where you can submit your information for consideration.  If you have any questions about a certain position feel free to reach out to me or Mike “Heavy” King.

If you have not yet seen the most recent message from Run for the Wall President John “Turkey” Staub you can find it on the website at .   John covers a lot of good and new information so please go check it out!  One that I would like to quickly highlight is AARs.  As you will see from John’s post, every AAR is received and read by all the Board members as well as the respective Route Coordinator and Assistant Route Coordinator.  Please keep them coming.  Your input helps us ensure we continue to make sure what is working does not slip while we focus on ways to improve areas where we fall short.   

You will also see mention of radio comms in John’s newsletter as well as a recent post provided by Central Route Coordinator Kirk “Pretty Boy” Olson.  In late July the Board of Directors as well as RC and ARC’s met for our annual face-to-face meeting.  One of the key topics was communications.  As many of you know, Central Route ran a pilot test during the 2024 Run using GMRS radios vs CB’s.  The results were very positive and provided further range and clearer communications than CB’s historically have.  After much discussion, both pros and cons, all four Route Coordinators unanimously decided that this is the direction to move to for 2025.  As Kirk mentions in the post this means that ALL PACK LEADERSHIP WILL BE REQUIRED to have and use a GMRS Radio in 2025, i.e. All Platoon Leaders, APL’s, Tail Gunners, Road Guards, Chaplains, Medics, and Chase will need a GMRS Radio. Pack riders and FNGs are also certainly allowed to get a radio and listen.  I would highly recommend reading Kirk’s post as there is a lot of information regarding recommended equipment, licensing requirements (for those that will be transmitting), and even the channels that we have the options to use (these are normally programmed by default in the radios) – .  While not required, the BTECH GMRS Pro has been the most popular model chosen so far.  From reliability to functionality to price, this option seems to provide the most bang for the buck and received the highest recommendation from those who have tested them.  BTECH has been generous enough to put together a package deal for Run for the Wall.  If you use Coupon Code: RFTW you will get both the Radio and Wireless PTT button for $140.  This deal available only at the the BTECH website.

As many of you have heard 2025 marks the 35th annual run of Run for the Wall as well as the 50th anniversary of the end to the Vietnam War.  RFTW 2025 is the “Year of the Vietnam Vet.”  We will have several merchandise products such as shirts, pins and patches supporting this theme.  Central, Midway, and Southern routes will also be incorporating Vietnam Vet only platoons.  There are a few more announcements to come regarding this and we will be providing you with updates as the information is made public.

Lastly, I have recently announced an event that I am hosting that hopefully aligns well with this year’s theme.  If you have not seen it please go to to find out more.  To highlight…on Wednesday 30 April 2025 I will be walking 58,276 steps, a step for every name that is on The Vietnam Wall.  I will also be walking an additional 1,575 steps as a reminder of those that are still missing and unaccounted for.  The first name is from 1959 and the last name is from 1975.  This represents 17 years of losses our nation, their families, and their friends suffered.  I will be wearing a 17-pound weighted vested during the walk to be symbolic of the weight this war bore on our nation.  There is no cost to participate.  I am simply asking those that would like to join me (I will be conducting this in Birmingham, AL) to simply make a donation to Run for the Wall.  The amount is their choice, and they can choose to make it to a specific route or the general fund.  If you would like to participate but are not local to the Birmingham area that’s okay.  Do it virtually.  If you would like to participate but for whatever reason you are unable to walk that many steps, that’s okay too.  Pick a year and walk a step for each name that was lost during that time.  Create a team relay and complete it as a collective.  The options are many but the goal in doing this is to remind the nation of the accountability of all POW/MIA while honoring the memory of those killed in action, two tenets within the Run for the Wall mission statement.  It is also a way to educate those who may not know about Run for the Wall and the role we play in support and healing.  If you would like more information on the event or how you can participate, please email me at  Also, general donations for support are accepted!!!

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.

Eric “Pitch” Fort

Route Coordinator – Midway 2025

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Midway Route Coordinator July 2024 Newsletter

Photo Credit to Jim “Hoofer” McCrain


Fellow riders and supporters, let me be the first to welcome you to Run for the Wall Midway Route 2025!  I am extremely honored to have been selected by Don “10-A-See” King and appointed by the Run for the Wall Board of Directors to humbly serve you as the Route Coordinator for the coming year.  It is a position that I take very serious as the bar has been set high by over decade of extremely large Midway boots that I now step into.  Collectively with your support and dedication we will make it another great year.

I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to thank Don “10-A-See” King for all that you have done over the last year to help prepare me for serving Midway as the RC.  You are an outstanding example of what a servant leader is.  I truly appreciate the countless hours of mentoring, input, and conversations that we have shared over the last twelve months.  Most importantly I thank you for the friendship…It’s all good brother!

I would like to thank the Board of Directors for approving my nomination of Mike “Heavy” King as Midway Route’s 2025 Assistant Route Coordinator.  For those that do not know Mike, he has served Midway Route as the Oklahoma State Coordinator and a Road Guard LEO Liaison.  Mike is a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army with 29 years of military service and currently serves as the USAG Fort Sill Director of Emergency Services & Provost Marshal.  He is also a Blue Star father to a daughter serving in the Navy and a son in the Army.  Mike brings of wealth of knowledge, experience, and expertise to RFTW and I am excited to have him as part of our team.  Please join me in congratulating him in the new role!

As many of you know, 2025 is a monumental year for Run for the Wall.  It not only marks the 35th Anniversary since the ’89ers went kickstands up starting this journey but it is also the 50th Anniversary of the official ending to the Vietnam War.  Having just attended the Face 2 Face meeting with the RFTW Board of Directors, RC, and ARC’s I can tell you that the a great deal of effort has been put into “The Year of the Vietnam Vet.”  Much more information will be released in the coming weeks so if you have not yet done so please go to the Contact page on the RFTW website and sign up for email updates.   I would also encourage you to “surf” around the website if you have not done so in a while.  The BOD has been updating several things that I believe you will all find beneficial.  Stay tuned for more to come…

Thank you to everyone that has provided an After Action Report (AAR) so far.  I can assure you that each and every one received is read by not only myself and the ARC but also by the members of the Board of Directors.  We truly appreciate the input regardless of it being good, bad, or ugly.  Your comments not only help us ensure we continue maintaining what is working but also focus on improving the areas we are falling short.  If you have not done so but would like to provide an AAR please go to respective Route Hub and click on After Action Report.  For Midway you can find it at  These can be filled out any time of year as well as during the Run.  You are also welcome to reach out to myself, Mike, or the Board of Directors directly.  Our information can be found on the website.

Run for the Wall is a 10 day mission however we are very fortunate to have the BOD’s support for Midway to leave a day early in order accommodate the logistics around several stops we have along our journey to DC.  Our mission is no different than the other routes but we need the Board’s approval to depart from Ontario a day ahead of the others to make this work.  Please take a moment to thank them for the continued support of Midway’s 11th day!  That being said planning for 2025 is well underway.  The majority of last year’s leadership and State Coordinators are returning but just like Uncle Sam says “I WANT YOU”  Each and every volunteer position is critical to the safety of making it all the way and successfully completing our mission.  You can find out more about each position on the website as well as complete the online application under the Volunteer Sign Up page.  Over the coming months I will be highlighting respective Team Leader and what their crew does but in the meantime if you have questions please do not hesitate to reach out directly.

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.

Eric “Pitch” Fort

Route Coordinator – Midway 2025