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Midway Route Coordinator Newsletter – December 2024

The holiday season is upon us.  While it is a season of celebrating for some, it can be a time of sadness and struggle for others.  Please take a few minutes to check in on those loved ones or friends you haven’t spoken to in a while.  It may be the best present they receive!

Two items on my wish list that I would like you to help me check off.  The first is Registration.  If you have not yet registered, especially if you are in a Leadership position, I ask that you to do so today.  I cannot stress how important this is to our planning efforts at every level.  The second is Volunteer.  For the most part our teams overall have filled out well however we still have a few critical positions that remain open.

  • Medical – this role is extremely important to the safety of all on the Route.  If you believe your experience compliments this role, please fill out the volunteer form or you can reach out to me directly with any questions you may have.
  • Registration – we all know the importance this role plays before and during the Run.  I am asking someone please step up to help out. 
  • Merchandise Sales – we currently have a driver to haul the trailer however we need someone else to assist with the setup and sales.  If you enjoy taking people’s money then this is the perfect position for you!

I do not want to seem negative but the fact is these are key positions and we are struggling to find volunteers to step up.

To all of our FNG’s, welcome!  It is exciting to see the next generation of riders join our Midway family.   In the coming weeks you will be hearing from Roger “Bullseye” Ford, Midway’s FNG Coordintor, who will be setting up Zoom calls to help familiarize you with Run For The Wall and what to expect during the ride. Another great resource for information is the RFTW Forum. You can find a number of topics here: from those looking to share a room to help cut travel costs, to general information for FNG’s, to various meetups across the country. Have a question…create a post!  Another great source of information is the RFTW Podcast hosted by Hitch and Boots. They do an amazing job spreading the word about the Run.  Every episode has a new guest which provides different perspectives on the Run and how it is has impacted them personally. Be sure to check out the various episodes on YouTube.

To those that participated in the recent challenge to raise money for MANNA Foodbank in Asheville, NC, thank you.  A check was mailed to them last week with enough funds to help provide over 9,000 meals to those who were impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Helene.  Although this fundraiser has ended I challenge everyone to continue to help support this community that has opened their arms to Midway over the years!

“To promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends, to call for an accounting of all Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action (POW/MIA), to honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) from all wars, and to support our military personnel all over the world.”  This is why we ride.  Together let’s make 2025 a year to remember and give our Vietnam Veterans the WELCOME HOME they so deserved 50 years ago.

Say their names.  Tell their stories.  Never forget.  Never give up hope.

Until they all come home…

Eric “Pitch” Fort

Route Coordinator – Midway 2025