The end of terms for three of our Board positions are approaching. To ensure continuity across the Board, we are announcing openings for two positions: Director of Risk Management/Registration and Director of Merchandise. We anticipate releasing another announcement for the third position soon.
We are looking for team members that are strategic thinkers and have a dynamic skill set that includes basic proficiency in email, attaching and sending files through email, Microsoft Excel, Word, data analysis, understanding a balance sheet and occasional travel for meetings. Working with others to include BoD members, members of the public, companies and corporations, insurance agencies, members of the riding community, and others is critical to the success of each position.
Director of Risk Management/Registration:
It would be helpful if the Director of Risk Management had a background or experience in looking across a large operation with multiple influences to apply risk management principles. Additionally, the Director of Risk Management must collaborate with the Director of Operations, the Route Coordinators, and the Risk Management Officer from each route to ensure consistent risk management principles and reporting are carried across all four routes. Timely and accurate reporting of incidents is critical to the success of RFTW, and the Director of Risk Management must ensure that each route RMO is fully trained and capable of preparing requisite reports and completing incident reporting in a consistent and timely manner. Additionally, the RM director must deal with the annual insurance requirements for our event(s).
Registration involves all the annual registration processes, many of which are now automated. While registration is mostly done online, Registration is an important function while we are in Ontario immediately prior to the Run. Registration also involves data analysis in that weekly reports and trends are prepared form the available data for the BoD. This important trend analysis supplies the RCs critical information necessary for proper logistics planning at each of our stops.
Director of Merchandise:
The Merchandise Director is a challenging position, but one that is uniquely critical to the success of RFTW. We need someone with the above Excel and data analysis skills, experience with Point of Sale (POS) systems, inventory management experience, and experience in developing seasonal marketing programs. This position performs critical functions to help ensure the continued financial success of RFTW. Additionally, this person will process and ship online orders several times a week. Merchandise inventory can be stored in each of the three trailers used for sales across the four routes, or, at an indoor location.
The Merchandise Director is also responsible for ensuring the 3 trailers are properly maintained and prepared for the annual Run with a well inventoried, targeted stock of merchandise. This person is also the lead for ensuring each of the Route Merchandise Leaders is properly trained on our POS system, trained in and understands the requirements for strict inventory management and accountability, and understands their financial and fiduciary responsibilities to RFTW, Inc. Additionally, they will coordinate with route Merchandise Drivers, to ensure they can safely tow and operate a large trailer across their respective route, have the proper licenses and insurance.
We are currently accepting resumes for both positions. Please forward your resume to todd.taylor@rftw.us. Please ensure you indicate which position interests you, and specifically outline your qualifications for the desired position.
The application period will close on 17 February 2023.