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Midway Route SitReps 2017 Day 5

Day 5 Sunday May 21, 2017

Do you remember the tornado warning a couple years ago in Shawnee that made us all evacuate to the lower floor in the middle of the night? Well, no such warning last night thankfully. The weather was great today. We seem to be in between storms as we are traveling east, a great place to be when you’re riding on a motorcycle for hundreds of miles.

After packing and breakfast we gathered in the Walmart parking lot for a short worship service. Our chaplain gave a very encouraging talk about how the things we say and the things we do have a ripple effect that can make people around us feel better or worse basically. The idea I drew from this is we should say and do things that help people feel better. When people feel better, they may be able to help others feel better as well.

Our platoon gained a couple more riders this morning, so we covered all the bases with them and we all set out for our first fuel stop in Sallisaw, OK. It was a little chilly, but not freezing. Of course, if you have electric gear like some of us do, it can be as comfortable as you want. The welcome into town was tremendous. There was a large American Flag hanging from a fire truck over the road and the truck had its siren going as we pulled in for another sponsored fuel stop. Thanks again. Dennis Okie-D Freie the Oklahoma State Coordinator pulled out all the stops. The people there at the gas stop were warm, inviting and happy for us to visit again.

Then, another welcome LEO escort. Our next fuel stop was only a short distance, and again it was sponsored. So far I think all of our fuel stops have been sponsored. Practically like being paid to ride a motorcycle. That’s got to be the best job in the world. Someone might argue my point, but I don’t think I’ll let them. Anyway, I am certainly grateful as I know everyone else is to have fuel donated. The Fuel Team is really thankful. It makes their jobs much easier not having to count cash and all. The entire Run has been a marvelous experience.

On a personal note: It appears to me that most of our FNGs have become rather adept at riding in formation. I think my platoon has improved a great deal. No one seems to be nervous about riding up close to one another or next to someone. I think that’s great. It helps increase the safety factor for sure. It doesn’t mean that you are safe however. We all are behind the controls of our own machine (except passengers of course). Ride with confidence, but also ride with awareness.

Soon we exited Oklahoma and entered Arkansas where LEO teams swapped around and the escort continued. We were on our way to the little city of Ozark and then to the VFW Post 8532 in Coal Hill, OK. This was a nice change since most of our riding has been on the “slab” as we call the interstate. I thought the narrow sweeping roads were a welcome change. The Staging, Fuel, Road Guard and Ambassador Teams were all at the entrance of the VFW and saluted when we arrived. Very sharp and very professional! They do the same thing at our other venues. We love these guys and gals on all our teams. The welcome by the VFW members was also wonderful and the food was marvelous. The food is always great, but the BBQ chicken was to die for, a nice smoky, sweet, savory taste that made your mouth smile from ear to ear. I needed a few extra napkins. While we were having lunch, Bandit brought in a special guest, Diesel. We all stood and applauded. He made the trip up from Louisiana to see us. We were happy to see him as well. Some special presentations were made and then we were given 10 minutes until we had to depart. There were some long lines at the bathrooms. I wonder how many actually got to go. Oh well. We were off again to our next fuel stop in Maumelle off again, this time to Forrest City and the Ridgewood Baptist Church. A couple years ago it was pouring rain here, but this year it was sunny and dry, lovely riding weather. Again all our teams were there to welcome us including many members of this wonderful church. Members, servers and cooks all greeted us with open arms. The food was great just like last year, fried chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, rice, green beans, and biscuits. Bandit asked Good Wrench, our Chaplin Corp Leader to offer a blessing and we ate. There were plenty of deserts as well. After many plaque presentations, this time by Diesel, we were privileged to hear from one of Arkansas’ Senators. He talked about how great it is for the service we do to help other veterans and to serve in whatever capacities we do to help make our country great. He then presented Bandit with a certificate to RFTW stating our mission which is for healing of our veterans of all wars, for requiring accountability for our POWs and MIAs, for honoring our KIAs and for supporting out military wherever they may be serving. Seems to me we are the grateful ones, yet we were honored to be thanked for what we do. After this we were excused to our hotels.

On a side note: I received an inquiry from a young man in Cookville. He wanted to show his patriotism by thanking us when we arrived. He’s deaf. He wanted to know if “Talking Hands” (Laurie Waggoner) would be with us. I texted back she would. He has been grateful for the SitReps I’ve written and he loves following our progress toward the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall. He’s really happy we stop in Cookville and wants to express his appreciation to us somehow. His name is Michael Hill. You won’t miss him I’m sure. Just look for the guy in red, white and blue. His call sign is Mr. Patriot. Say “Hi” to him. I don’t know how to sign myself, but I understand saying “hi’ in sign language is pretty similar to a salute. With your hand up to your temple in the form of a basic salute extend it forward. So when you see Michael, say “Hi”.

**** Number of names on The Wall for Arkansas (592), for Forrest City, AR (2) ****

Day 5 is in the books. The run is half over. Does it seem like it is already? There’s still a lot of great stuff ahead.

We Ride For Those That Can’t

Tom “Twotone” Lystrup / Platoon 6 Leader / SitRep Writer /

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Midway Route SitReps 2017 Day 4

Day 4 Saturday May 20, 2017

What a fantastic day. Great weather! A little cold to start and a little windy, but we’re under a high pressure area. Know what that means? No rain. The high pressure is pushing the rain east. God is blessing us just as our Chaplain’s Corp has prayed for. Thank you Heavenly Father. I’m sure the weather is helping us travel safely as well as all your prayers. Thank you. Everyone made it to Shawnee in one piece. We had LEO escort throughout our trip through Oklahoma.

The morning started with the usual mandatory meeting, except that the Outreach Program director Vickie Meyer “Needy” got up and read us a couple stories of fallen heroes, more specifically one Missing in Action and one Killed in Action. The Outreach Team will be visiting their families today. God bless them. Then High Maintenance read another bio of a fallen hero. These stories are touching and bring emotions sometimes uncontrollable. Rightly so. This is why we ride and we will Never Forget.

We started out from the Sam’s Club parking lot again like last time. The overpasses were covered with patriots waving flags and saluting as we passed under. Again our fuel stops were sponsored in Oklahoma. We were scheduled to stop in Clinton at the Veteran’s Center, but for some reason we couldn’t and arrangements were made for us to stop near the Stafford’s Air & Space museum for lunch. These arrangements were made by local folks with only a few days’ notice. We sure did appreciate their service and the great food we received there.

While were having lunch, I talked with Laurie Waggoner “Talking Hands”. I told her I was writing up the Sit Reps and she mentioned a lady that is traveling with us. She said at age 70 she decided to get a tattoo and buy a motorcycle. Her family didn’t know about this idea. They thought she had lost it when they finally heard. This is her 77th year and she still rides. In fact, she’s going all the way to DC with us. Her name is Karol Oules and she rides in my platoon. If you happen to see her, recognize her for her efforts. This is one amazing lady. Thank you Karol for stepping up your game to include Run For The Wall. I think you show remarkable resilience and gumption not present in the ordinary. You are unique. Truly a one-off gal and I’m thankful to know you.

We had a few minutes to spare so we headed over to the museum. “The Stafford Air & Space Museum is located in Weatherford, Oklahoma. The museum features exhibits about aviation, space exploration and rocketry, and a collection of over 20 historic aircraft. Displays include artifacts from the Space Shuttle program, Hubble Space Telescope and the Mir Space Station, a Moon rock, a Titan II missile, a Mark 6 Re-entry vehicle and a Gemini spacecraft”. (Thanks Wiki).

On our way to Oklahoma City, traffic got plenty worse but riding with LEO made it much easier. Still there was some rubber-banding and the occasional vehicle that needed on or off the interstate, so we made room for them. That’s really not an option since most of the time motorcycles lose. One of our Road Guards, Peter Green “Gearshift” noticed a driver in a cage determined to merge into our pack while the platoon was unaware of her presence. He pulled in front of this car in a somewhat safe manner, so the driver would know not to proceed, all the while keeping the pack safe. I’m not sure others know that although the Road Guards are not to endanger their own lives, what they do is dangerous and they are all appreciated by our riders and our leadership. They do keep us safe and their mission is to get us to DC in one piece. They do a dang good job of it as well. Thank you my brother Gearshift.

We made it to downtown Oklahoma City under full LEO escort and without much effort we arrived at the Oklahoma City Memorial and spent some time there. A ranger for the memorial was on hand to explain the design of the memorial. It’s quite an amazing story and all aspects of the design have meaning, from the Gates of Time (9:01 to 9:03), to the Reflecting Pool, the Field of Empty Chairs and the Survivor Tree. It is a wonderful memorial to a devastating attack against the American people, women carrying unborn children, mothers, fathers, children, families, all innocent people. These words are on the wall behind the Survivor Tree.

Team 5 4-19-1995
“Search for the Truth.
We Seek Justice.
The Courts Require it.
The Victims Cry for it.
And God Demands it”.

At 0902, a rental truck packed with explosives detonated in front of the nine-story Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. The powerful explosion blew off the building’s north wall. Emergency crews raced to Oklahoma from across the country, and when the rescue effort finally ended two weeks later the death toll stood at 168 people, including 19 young children who were in the building’s day care center at the time of the blast. More than 650 other people were injured in the bombing, which damaged or destroyed more than 300 buildings in the immediate area. The Survivor Tree and many buildings in the area still bear the scar of the horrific event for what happened here twenty two years ago. Lives were forever changed. Our country was forever changed, but we will NEVER FORGET”. You know, I’m not even sure it’s any consolation that the perpetrator of this crime paid with his life June 2001. We know his name, but I’m not mentioning it. Only those whose lives were taken away from us are worth mentioning. Their names are under the chairs in the Field of Empty Chairs. Nineteen of which were children. God grant peace to their families and to the community of Oklahoma City. Our hearts go out to them all and to the thousands that came to rescue hundreds of survivors. The American Spirit lives on.

We arrived in Shawnee and headed to the VFW for dinner. A most excellent meal was provided by the VFW. Following the meal there were probably the usual awards, plaques and certificates graciously handed out, but I had to depart early so I only suspect this occurred. Feeling a little under the weather, I asked Bandit if it was okay to leave early and was granted his permission. For better or worse, the mission goes on and I will be there to continue it to completion.

Day 4 is done. Onto Day 5, the half way point.

Tom “Twotone” Lystrup Platoon 6 Leader / Sit Rep Writer

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Midway Route SitReps 2017 Day 3

Day 3 Friday May 19, 2017

We had a late meeting start so we could sleep in early. Yay! Over at the Rich Ford Dealership, breakfast was served. What a spread! They had everything. The bacon, sausage, eggs, fruit, biscuits and gravy was all great and there was much more.

Mandatory meeting time again, but it didn’t start until 0800. Nice. After the usual stuff, several items were raffled off and one lucky winner of the fifty-fifty chose to donate the cash he won back to Run For The Wall. What a kind gesture. He was applauded. Then the Platoon Leadership briefs. We had a new rider join our platoon, so we covered everything and then some. We were out of there at 0900 under LEO escort and headed to the little town of Moriarty not for a fly-by, more like a ride-by. When I hear that name, it reminds me of the Sherlock Holmes nemesis in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes series. It’s the only other time I’ve ever heard the name. Anyway, we rode slowly through this little town waving at some of the residents obviously there to watch us ride by. It was great to see then and to be welcomed by them. Quickly we were back on I-40 with LEO escort that seemed to not have cruise control. Maybe he had the cheaper model. Platoons were constantly changing speed to match that of the cruiser. No big deal, but it was a little bothersome to the riders.

Next stop Santa Rosa for another donated fuel stop (this is becoming a regular thing, thank you again to our donor), then the long trek to the Blue Hole (all of three miles). I’ll bet Ken posts some pics of the Blue Hole on his website at It’s really something else 61 degrees year round. It’s a natural spring of fresh water which is often used for diving. It’s also used for the occasional jumping in of one or more of our Run For The Wall riders. Lunch was great. While in line talking to Top, I told him that before I stated doing Run For The Wall I weighed 120 pounds. He laughed so hard. Others around us cracked up as well. Yeah, we have a tend to put on weight doing Run For The Wall. Cause? All the great food. One place serves steak with homemade ice cream and homemade peach cobbler, it’s all a diet’s nightmare. It’s always great to sit down to a meal next to fellow riders on the Run and talk about everything. Books could be written of topics covered at these venues. Several plaques and certificates were handed out again. Each venue this occurs. There must be about 10 boxes of these things in back of the service vehicle. Everyone and every organization that contributes to the Run are appreciated for good reason. As Bandit says, “we cannot do this without them”. Bandit sees to it that all are appreciated with a huge dose of love and hugs and thanks to all that help. On top of that, he gives credit to Mark “Diesel” Breland who is not on the Run with us for health reasons. At the last minute, Mike Huber took the slot of Route Coordinator and is doing a magnificent job for the limited time he had to prepare.

As we left the Blue Hole, somehow I got mixed up and ended up leading our platoon out before our turn. The staging team told me where to park earlier and I parked there and my platoon was behind me. When the riders in from of me left, I followed, but I guess I was supposed to wait for 5th platoon to depart before me. Oops. What are they going to do, tell me I can’t volunteer anymore? Take away my birthday? Send me on a WestPac? (Navy jargon) Anyway, I apologized to the Platoon Leader who is supposed to be before me, but he was having none of it. He is a great sport and thankfully he felt it was no big deal. Stuff happens right?

On the way to our next fuel stop we ran into a bit of rain. It wasn’t bad and by the time we made it there we were dry again. At the truck stop (which has a great, free of charge, car museum inside) we were treated to another full tank of premium fuel. Thank you. The beverage and snack truck were also there for a while. As we gathered in the parking lot, we noticed that the rain we previously went through was quickly catching up with us. Then the 15 minute warning was given as it started to drizzle, then the 10 minute warning as it started to rain, then the 5 minute warning as we started to get wet again, then we were off again as it really started coming down. No problem however, we dried off in the wind before our destination in Amarillo. As we crossed over into Texas there were two planes overhead to greet us releasing streamers as they flew. We saw many overpasses with lots of patriots on them cheering us and waving flags with a few very large flags hanging from the overpass or from fire engine ladders high in the air, an amazing and very patriotic, very American sight for us to see. Do you know we have a special team celled the Ambassadors whose responsibility it is to visit these patriots and thank them with pins and other items they bring for them? They do a lot of other great stuff as well.

Through downtown Amarillo we were escorted by LEO right to our venue at the Christian Heritage Church again. We where we were greeted by many patriots with flags and a huge flag draped between two fire engine ladder trucks. The food line went fast and we were all seated inside. The ribs were so good and they loaded us up with them. All the food was great and there was homemade peach cobbler! A member of the Christian Heritage Church opened with a blessing for us to be safe on our ride. We will of course always take any divine help we can get. The Star Spangled banner was sung by a sweet girl and we all stood and saluted. There were a few guest speakers including a representative of the mayor’s office who read a proclamation regarding Run For The Wall which was presented to Bandit. Several Purple Heart recipients were recognized and applauded. The servers were all thanked and hugged and hugged again. I think we all love coming here to Amarillo and to the Christian Heritage Church, most especially for the love the community pours out on each of us riders on the Run For The Wall. I know these people truly love us also. They plan far in advance for our arrival and see to it everything is prepared for the event and what an amazing event it is. I can’t wait to be back again next year. We’ll be back again next year and the next.

Tonight I am staying at the Host Hotel tonight. I wonder if this will be a memorable experience. You know what experience is right? Experience is what you get, when you didn’t get what you wanted.

**** Number of names on The Wall for Texas (3415), for Amarillo, TX (52) ****

Day 3 is in the books.

We Ride For Those That Can’t

Tom “Twotone” Lystrup / Platoon 6 Leader / SitRep Writer /

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Midway Route SitReps 2017 Day 2

Day 2 Thursday May 18, 2017

Thankfully I got a little more sleep last night in Flagstaff, but the morning was a wide awakening to 30 degree temperatures. My bike had a layer of frozen water on it. The locks were even frozen; had to pour some water in them just to get them open. It’s nice that hotels provide rags for us to clean our bikes with. A couple of them made quick work of disbursing the frost. Thankfully my bike started okay as well. I have an electronic starter in case it doesn’t and as long as I happen to have some warm water on hand, I can open the lock to the saddlebag where I keep it.
Mandatory meeting time. Geez. Do I need to say anything? Well a couple things. Each morning part of this meeting is a prayer. That’s a big deal for me. One of our Chaplain’s Corp offers thanks for our safety and health and prays for good weather and for us to be awake and to ride safely and for our motorcycles to operate properly. I must say that there is a God. He does watch over us and blesses us on our ride, I mean mission. We sometimes call this blessing “traveling mercies”, and we receive them, thank God. No rain, a little wind, a little fog, a little cold, but certainly nothing to complain about. If anyone complained at today’s weather, I ask them to quickly sell their motorcycle and get a freakin’ car, seriously. One other good thing to mention about the Mandatory meeting is the reading of a bio belonging to someone either a POW/MIA or KIA. They can hardly be read without emotion, or listened to without emotion for that matter. I love this moment and like it has been said already many times “this is why we ride”.

Gas stops. Fuel paid for again, thank you and free breakfast burritos this morning thanks to Cisco Foods. Our fuel team does such an incredible job. They are so nice and often ask us how our ride, I mean mission is going. I wonder if they know how appreciated they are. I tell each of them that help me, but I’m just one guy. Our staging team is awesome. They get us exactly where we need to be. Sometimes we balk, but they know it’s just the way us older generation guys are. I gave the stager for our platoon a bad time for not holding up his number and saying all kinds of derogatory stuff, in jest of course. Another rider next to me was making all these moaning sounds but I saw our stager’s face and he was laughing and I was smiling. He knew I was far from serious. He came over and we hugged. I love this guy. It was a great moment for both of us. Oh I forgot to mention we were counseled this morning to leave our poor attitudes in Flagstaff and only bring our good attitudes with us. I hope no one thinks I have a bad attitude or I might have to return to Flagstaff and drop it off.

Did I mention LEO supported us leaving Flagstaff until we were safely all on the interstate? No? Well, they did. When we crossed into New Mexico, LEO was there to escort us from the beginning and they are with us to escort us completely through the state.

Lunch was at Milan Elementary School, in Milan, New Mexico (you were thinking Milan, Italy maybe, am I right)? The children were outside to welcome us chanting “USA, USA, USA…” We all took our turns riding around the cul-de-sac and waving while chanting USA with them. We parked and I got out all the stuff I had determined to bring with me to hand out to the children. I had cut-out American Flag stars from retired flags. I took RFTW 2017 pins, lots of them. I took beaded key chains I made. I took glass beads with flag symbols on them. I kinda clogged the hallway handing them out, but the children loved all the stuff. I wonder if they love us as much as we love them. I think their love for us is much more in my opinion, but we sure love them tons.

We were led to the auditorium where some introductions were made followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Then the children gave the Arizona State Pledge followed by the verse I shared with you last night. I had printed my copy out and read it with them while tears filled my eyes. Some children and a few of our riders turned to look at me. I wasn’t ashamed, just very, very grateful for their words and their code and their patriotism. Maybe next year we will be a little more prepared to cite the children’s code of conduct.

Then the usual certificate and plaque awards. Then the unusual happened. Senator Clemente Sanchez was present and spoke to us on how much the community appreciates us visiting them. I’m sure the appreciation is mutual. For a US Senator to show up at our little gathering meant the State of New Mexico appreciates our presence there. I think that’s exactly what it means.

Lunch was amazing. Enchiladas, beans rice, tortillas, chips, salsa and cake. The Red sauce enchiladas had a little kick. I liked them, but the chicken ones were really good as well. Thanks for those that prepared and served our meal to us. We are so grateful. After I ate, I went over to the wall the children had prepared for us. I don’t think many of our group noticed what they did, but there was a map of all the places we will stop at on our way to DC. There were also about 40 or more of these Thank You cards the children made pinned to the wall. The outside was nicely colored with the words Thank You and inside were sentiments that choked me. Inside they had written things like: Thank you for making me feel safe, for saving our country, for saving the world, for making me free, for loving us by going to fight for us, one said for being willing to die for us, another for saving me and my family. Then the 10 minute horn sounded. I didn’t have time to read all the cards, but I wanted to. Thank you to all the Milan Elementary Children and to their great teachers that help instill patriotism in their students. I love going there so much.

A short drive to the next fuel stop (you guessed it) then over to the casino parking lot. We watched as several LEO on motorcycles gathered and talked a while. Then they mounted up and we headed into Albuquerque. Absolutely no one else was on the interstate clear into downtown to the Duke City Harley Davidson shop where dinner was on the grill for all of us. Later there was cake. Then the usual plaque and certificate ceremony for those that contributed to our activities in New Mexico. A very special thank you to all the officers that guarded all the roads and on ramps and kept us safe all the way into Albuquerque. What an amazing job and equally amazing experience for all us riders. I think our FNGs may have been somewhat impressed perhaps. As we entered the HD facility I saw all the Leo in formation down the street as if you say mission accomplished. I waved. Later I talked with one officer and offered my appreciation to him.

**** Number of names on The Wall for New Mexico (395), for Albuquerque, NM (111)

Day 2 is in the books. Tomorrow: The Blue Hole and Amarillo. Watch for the 10 half buried Cadillacs in the field to the right just before Amarillo.

We Ride For Those That Can’t

Tom “Twotone” Lystrup / Platoon 6 Leader / SitRep Witer /

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Midway Route SitReps 2017 – Day 1

Day 1 Wednesday, May 17, 2017

And we were off like a heard of turtles. Well not quite. Today was the start of the ride or race across the US. To most of us it’s a mission; one we’ve done plenty of times. Up at 0430. Packed the night before thankfully. Breakfast started at 0600 at the hotel. So after pounding some of the usual fare we headed over to the staging area. Our platoon got quickly arranged and we made the usual introductions. This year I have all the riders with trailers and all our platoon members, except leadership are FNGs at least to start off with. I was all smiles. It was great to have all of them.

Then the boring and excruciatingly long “mandatory” meeting. Will they ever be even slightly shorter or a little more practical? Doubtful. As if we couldn’t brief hand signals better or faster at the platoon level, we were dragged through the corn field yet again. I love the FNG introduction, colors, prayers, singing of the National Anthem with signers participating, thanks given to everyone involved in RFTW, flyovers, especially the flyovers, but sometimes enough is too much. Sorry to sound like complaining here. It’s one thing I’m good at.

Platoon Leaders had all of 10 minutes to brief riders on everything they needed to know to be safe on the road riding together in a group. Regardless, we abandoned the Radisson and downtown Ontario and headed up Cajon Pass …in the fog. Anyone plan for riding in the fog? No, didn’t plan on that. Our platoon performed even better than expected with only a 10 minute brief. In fact, they looked quite good riding together, especially after they caught up. Did someone forget to sound the 5 minute horn? Anyway we all made it to Barstow for a drive by of the MCAS Logistics Base. Many people greeted us including several fire truck units with sirens. Thank you MCAS Logistics for your patriotism and allowing us entrance to your facilities. We thank you.

We then headed to Ludlow for fuel. The cost of fuel had been donated. We have the best supporters and sponsors on the Midway Route. After Ludlow, we left California and the windy high desert behind and headed into Arizona for our first fuel stop. It was two years ago I met a friend here at the Havasu Standard Station, I hadn’t seen in 50 years. When I walked past him he called out my name. When I turned he said his name and we embraced. What a blast from the past. We grew up neighbors and friends and both attended the same high school and were on the swimming and water polo teams together. He is also a veteran, a Navy SEAL and Army Ranger. It was great to see my buddy again. We made plans to meet again before next year’s run.

Before entering Kingman our Arizona State Coordinator, Queen Bee had made arrangements for the Highway Patrol and Kingman Police to escort us to our fuel stop. First they thought we needed to be briefed on how that would happen. So we spent 30 or so minutes (maybe it was only 20) riding up and down a side road then parking and chatting a while, then finally getting back on the Interstate, heading pell-mell into Kingman.

Another donated fuel stop. Thanks again. At Mother Road Harley Davidson we were treated to a great lunch and the usual thanks from Bandit to contributors. There were a lot. Queen Bee took up most of the plaques to be handed out later.
We departed for our fuel stop in Williams. As we did I noticed what I thought was a problem with my bike so I stopped to check it out. The oil temperature gauge was pegged. According to the reading, my engine oil was 360 degrees. I knew that couldn’t be the case, so after checking it, I decided to ignore it. I’ll look at it when I have more time. It took me quite a ways to catch up to my platoon. I announced my arrival and my Assistant Platoon Leader allowed me to slip back in formation.

Our fuel stop in Williams was again donated, our thanks once more. A few miles down the road we turned off and were escorted into Flagstaff to the VFW by LEO again this year. What a warm welcome we received there. The Mayor of Kingman showed up to welcome us as well. The Boy Scouts of America took great care of us. Everyone was quickly served, and seated. Again, thanks to all participants were announced by Bandit with the usual plaques being handed out. Then seconds were announced. Yum. Is it possible to pass up a second sloppy joe? From here we were given the rest of the night off.

Tomorrow we head into New Mexico. We will visit Milan Elementary School. Last year, the children recited a second verse after the end of the Pledge of Allegiance. It goes like this:
“I pledge to be a person of character;
to help others when they need it;
to treat others the way I want to be treated;
to be caring, respectful, responsible;
be a good citizen;
be fair and trustworthy.
I count! You count!”

Wouldn’t it be great to hear everyone recite this verse with the children?

**** Names on the wall for Arizona (619), For Flagstaff, AZ (16) ****

Day 1 is in the books

We Ride For Those That Can’t

Tom “Twotone” Lystrup / Platoon 6 Leader / SitRep Writer /

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Midway Route SitReps Day 0

Day 0 Tuesday, May 16, 2017

What a great start today with the trip to Riverside National Cemetery led by Jim “The Mayor” Frost, a detachment of RFTW Road Guards and many Law Enforcement Officers (LEO) of the Ontario Police Department. We all lined up on the east side of the host hotel. After a technical and somewhat tongue-in-cheek brief from The Mayor and Pledge of Allegiance, we mounted up and followed our escort to I-60. LEO blocking intersections as we went.

We arrived at RNC and headed to the Medal of Honor Memorial area where Pete Young the Director of Riverside National Cemetery spoke to us briefly. He mentioned that when several planned sections of the cemetery are completed, RNC will be the largest National Cemetery exceeding Arlington. Currently RNC is the busiest National Cemetery in the United States with an average of 35 internments per day. Last year there were more than 8500 internments. Gene introduced Louis Lee Millett Jr who spoke briefly about the memorial upon which his father’s name appears. Next Gene Goldware spoke in detail about the Medal of Honor Memorial design and told many stories of the heroes whose names line the walls of the Memorial. Next we headed to the Veteran’s Memorial and the POW/MIA. First I walked through the Killed in Action Memorial depicting a fallen hero with his face covered by his rain poncho and his helmet at his feet, one arm hanging down; a touching and moving image. I think this memorial gets overlooked a lot, but should be recognized and respected. Next time you are at RNC pause to remember our fallen. RNC is a beautiful cemetery and it is run efficiently; sometimes managing as many as 80 or more burials per day. The cost of freedom is high. I wonder if we realize the tremendous price paid for the liberty we enjoy.

I talked with Louis Millett Jr a moment. I’ve described the memorial in detail before, best to see it for yourselves. Plan to be in the group that visits RNC next year. You’ll be glad you didn’t miss it. Louis mentioned some ways his design of the POW Monument was changed to make the wording of the monument a little more politically correct. Ask him about this sometime. He has some interesting stories for sure.

I talked with my friend Joe “Gump” Hudson for a while at the POW monument. Being a POW himself he connects with this monument like no one I know. I’ve heard several stories he told me about being a POW. He is a great guy with a load he carries that few know of. Ask him sometime about his connection to Lori Piestewa and Jessica Lynch. Gump, Jerry (photographer on the Southern Route) and I rode back together, with them following me. I did okay until getting off I-15 onto I-10 when I nearly missed the interchange. Sorry guys.

Around 1530 the 3rd Marine Air Wing Band played for us. I thought they were great; very precise. Directions from their conductor were followed perfectly. If I listened carefully I could pick out individual players, but they all played in harmony and did a magnificent job. When the anthem of our service was played we stood and saluted. I’m a Navy guy, but I think the band played the Marine Corps anthem the best.

The meet and greet dinner was typical burgers and dogs like previous years. Hey, what do you want for free? I thought it was great, especially the cookies. The lines moved fast enough and tables were prepared for all of us to sit and enjoy a dinner together. Well most of us. Some had to hold up the walls. Following dinner, Harry “Attitude” Steelman spoke to us and presented many plaques to contributors that make RFTW possible. Mike Cash was honored for his many contributions to Run For The wall and to the Combat Bike Build. Since today is his birthday, we sang Happy Birthday to Mike. Les “Easy” Williams spoke to us about Harry leaving RFTW after many years of dedicated service and indicated he would be stepping up to take on the responsibility for RFTW operations as President of the BOD. Thanks Les. You get my vote Easy. A song was sung with guitar accompaniment for Vietnam Veterans that never received a welcome home; a great song. I think the words are on the Forum if you’re interested in looking them up. John “Hard Charger” Barker presented several plaques for those that donated to help with the Combat Heroes Bike Build. This year Ken Kraft, an injured Iraq soldier was honored with the completed custom Harley Road Glide and trailer. The Harley was made into a “one off” trike completed by a couple of different designers and fabricators working together to complete this radical ride for Ken. Ken indicated he would be going on the Run next year with us. Pick the Midway Route Ken!

Day 0 is in the books. Tomorrow The Run begins. We’ve been waiting a long time.
Please email me with your comments or with anything you think needs correction or that needs inclusion.

“We Ride For Those That Can’t” and like Hard Charger says sometimes “We help those that can’t ride, ride for themselves”.

**** Number of names on The Wall for California (5575) for Ontario, CA (14) ****

Tom “Twotone” Lystrup – Platoon 6 Leader / Midway Route SitRep Writer /

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Midway SitReps 2017 – Day -1

Day -1 Monday, May 15, 2017

Welcome to the Midway Route SitReps of Run For The Wall XXIX.  I hope you will enjoy reading this account regarding our eastward trek across the United States to visit the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Wall and all that goes with that.

You probably already know what you will find here if you read the SitReps I recorded last year or if you know something about Run For The Wall already.  I imagine there will be a lot of the same stuff as last year but I’ll try to make these SitReps seem new and entertaining for you.

Today many riders were showing up for The Run at the host hotel in Ontario and other area hotels.  Many showed up yesterday and even more riders will be showing up tomorrow.  Some don’t show up until Wednesday morning when we begin, and others will join along the way, but all of us have been looking forward to making this ride a reality for a long time, many since this time last year.  This is my six year, but many others have been doing this ride for much longer than I.  Did you know that so far we have 109 FNGs (that’s Friendly New Guy or Gal) signed up to ride on the Midway Route this year?  That’s about one third the total number of riders signed up to take the Midway Route so far.  Amazing isn’t it!  However, we need more.  We need many more new folks to hear about the Run and decide to take it with us and to step up and begin helping with leadership or on one of the advanced teams or in any of the other volunteer capacities.  We’ll take all the new comers we can.  So please talk to your fellow riders and tell them about Run For The Wall or make the decision yourself to help out in some way.

Today was an easy day for many; nothing really to do but show up and register.  I guess in that sense it was easy for me as well, but it was a very hard day for me and for many others that have left loved ones behind and will not be seeing them again for at least a couple weeks or longer.  My wife wants me to be done making this trip, so it’s hard to leave her behind and for me to be away from her.  I’d love to bring her, but she’s not a rider.  She lets me ride however even though it’s hard.  She has my heart, but my heart is in making this trip also.  It is in seeing so many friends and getting hugs from all of them.  Yes, us crotchety ol’ veterans as hardened and salty as we are, love hugs and at times shed tears of joy and love.  So get used to that.  For our loved ones left behind, we miss you already and we will after the mission is over, return to your loving arms for a warm welcome home.  God willing.  We pray that he will be.

Run For The Wall is about many things.  We have a mission statement that mentions healing, receiving a full accounting of all our POWs and MIAs, honoring those killed in action and showing respect to all our military.  This is just a portion why we ride, there are many other reasons.  Our motto is “We ride for those who can’t”, but this is not all.  Ask anyone why we ride and you are sure to get many more perfect reasons.  I know one person that would say “because I can”.  He knows who he is.  I must admit, that is a perfectly good reason.  What’s your reason?

The weather leaving the high desert was great.  A little windy, but it almost always is.  I rode in with my buddy Buck who will be a tail gunner in our platoon this year.  We had a great ride.  Since it looked like rain just before we headed down the Cajon Pass, I put on my rain gear.  My buddy decided he’d be okay.  At first it looked like it wouldn’t be bad and then we turned more west and it started coming down like mad.  We got to our hotel, mostly dry in my case.

I had arranged with my buddy Bruce to have Sena install a new blue tooth system on my bike and helmet.  Until now I’ve been pretty happy  just plugging my helmet in and letting the cord dangle down and slap me in the chest as I ride, but I must say cordless is a much better way to go.  The Sena 20S is a great product and easy to install and configure, even for me.  I have a buddy that would testify that nothing is easy for me.  He’d be right.  This Sena system has everything.  I’ll check it out thoroughly tomorrow, but so far all my communication devices are connected as before and now I even have bike to bike coms without having to use my CB.  If you’re at all interested in a blue tooth system, check with the Sena folks and they’ll give you all the details on their products.  They have technicians on hand to install any of their great products.

Today was the Leadership meeting for the Midway Route.  Our Route Coordinator “Bandit” opened the meeting and informed us that he considered Diesel as the RC still since he put the whole thing together for this year.  However Diesel is not able to attend the Run this year and his presence will be missed by us all.  Bandit stepped up basically at the last minute to be our Route Coordinator and I have every confidence in him.

During our meeting we covered many aspects of riding as a group.  Our Road Guards will ensure we make it to DC in one piece if we follow their instructions.  We also talked about attitude.  We all have one to some extent; some more than others as in my case.  We need to remember that we are all representatives or ambassadors if you will, of Run For The Wall and we all need to act accordingly at all times to prevent the wrong impression being made of our great association.   Listen to and follow your Platoon Leadership and “keep your head in the game” at all times.  Maybe you’ve heard it said, “this is not just a motorcycle ride this is a mission”.  That’s true.  We all need to make it to DC together for the Run to be fully successful.

Tomorrow is the Ride into Riverside National Cemetery.  If you have not done this in the past, it is highly recommended.  I’m not going to explain why.  If you go you will know why.  Maybe I will see you tomorrow.

Day -1 is in the books.

Please email me with your comments or with anything you think needs correction or that needs inclusion.

“We Ride For Those That Can’t”

Tom “Twotone” Lystrup –
