Aloha RFWT ‘Ohana
Just a few things to update you on below.
We are working on a tutorial for the GMRS radios that we will be trying out this year. If you are planning to assist with the trial, Please go to the link below and fill out the survey so we can get an idea of who will be participating and include you in Monthly updates and a Zoom meeting in April to discuss the system.
Pre-Paid Fuel
We will have pre-Paid Fuel again this year. It will be prorated for where you join and where you will end your run. All riders with Pre-Paid Fuel MUST Fill up each night before going to staging in the Morning (Team Leaders will be checking). Those who choose not to use the Pre-Paid option will need cash (NO $1 Dollar bills; $5’s and $10’s ONLY Rounded UP.). This system vastly sped up our fueling times last year giving everyone more time to drink, use the restroom and stretch at each fuel stop. Pre-Paid Fuel sales will start in Ontario at the All Hands Meeting on Tuesday (Time to Be Determined). Prepaid Fuel will be available each Morning BEFORE the Mandatory Morning meeting.
We will be doing a 50/50 draw in advance of May. Proceeds will go to The National Veterans Wellness and Healing Center in Angel Fire NM.
Donations made through the RFTW website and Earmarked for “Central Route 50/50” will receive the following entries based on donation amount. You can also Zelle the donation to and note that it is for the 50/50. If you don’t designate the donation as Central Route 50/50, you will NOT BE ENTERED.
$25 gets one entry
$50 gets 3 Entries
100 gets 7 Entries
The Largest Donor overall will get 2 extra entries into the drawing.
Cut off for this fundraiser will be April 25th. A drawing will be held in Ontario CA. If you are not present we will either send the Money to you via Zelle or a check. We will notify the winner and ask for their preference at that point.
FNG Liaison
As you may know we have an FNG Liaison. Her name is Bernadette “Flat Tire” Staples. Her email is Please reach out to her if you have any questions. She has also started a RFTW Central Route Facebook Group which is a good place to go get information and connect with other Central Route Riders. Please limit posts in this group to pertinent information specific to Central Route.
The Group can be found here.
Please get registered ASAP. The price goes up Next WEEK!
There is a Board of Directors Town Hall Zoom THIS week (Thursday) to talk about registration. Please mark your calendars and try to attend. Link to the newsletter is below with all of the pertinent information.
Our Director of Merchandise is still searching for Team Members. If you would like to volunteer for this important Position, please contact for more information.
Stay Safe and start getting yourself and your Bike ready for the Run.
Nick “Richboy” Hentges
RFTW Central Route Coordinator 2024