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June 2022 Central Route Coordinator News

Run for the Wall Central Route

Greetings to all of our Central Route Family!

This will be my last official communique as 2022 Central Route Coordinator. When I started this process in 2019, I did not expect it to last so long. We were three years in the making, but in the ten days that we actually executed the run, I can state emphatically that those three years were worth it! I had so much help from so many people, it would be impossible to name everyone, as I would be afraid I would forget someone. I do want to give a shoutout to all the FNGs who started out with us in Ontario, and stayed with us all the way to Washington DC. Together we rode through the wind and rain and the snow in Raton Pass. We dodged both forest fires and snowstorms! You are a very special group, and I was proud to lead you across the country.

Tom "Boomps" Miller

I’d also like to thank those of you who composed and submitted an “After Action Report” (AAR). Know that those reports are read by every board member, and have served to make positive changes to the way we conduct the run. After all, its is your run. If you have thought about submitting an AAR, but have not done so, now is the time. The forms are available on our website. The board still has one more meeting in June, before the new board is in place in July.

Finally, I am happy to report that the board approved Paul Marshall to serve as our Central Route Coordinator for 2023. Paul has worked tirelessly for the last two years, as my Assistant Route Coordinator. The success of Run XXXll was due in no small part to the efforts of Paul. I know he will do an awesome job as our Route Coordinator in 2023.

I hope you have more fun planned for the rest of the summer. Mine includes six weeks camp hosting at Carpinteria State Beach. If you are in the area, stop by to say, “Hi!” I hope to see you in May.

God Bless the United States of America.

Tom “Boomps” Miller
2022 RFTW Central Route Coordinator

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