All 3 routes meet in the Convention center parking lot. This is truly an organized chaos. The people holding the numbers are the stagers…this is how it gets organized. Each biker gets into the platoon that the registration team assigned them to. This way the platoons are about the same size. Their job is important as we have people being added and leaving every day.

Check out all the bikes. There are about 1000 by the time we leave.
Every year there are many volunteers that show up to cook breakfast. They have a good ole time.
This is Eamon and Terri Tansey. Eamon served in the Australian army during Vietnam War. He was the route coordinator in 2019. Eamon will be the Mentor on the next Run.

Tom Miller will be the Route Coordinator. Tom has been the road guard captain for at many years. He always has a great smile!!

Jean (Sit Rep Reporter) and my husband, Larry, aka Clutch.

At the start of every day is morning pray and the Pledge. This one was amazing.!!!!

Ok Saddle up!!!!! All routes will leave at the same time, then split down the road.

The flag is flying every year as we exit the parking lot. Lots of well wishers as we leave Ontario.

Here are some examples.
First day is one of the longest days of the route. It is about 400 miles. People of Needles are always working hard to give us a great lunch. It is always in the 100s when we role in. They always have plenty of cold water and Gatorade, and ICE CREAM for dessert!!
Head out over the Colorado river into Arizona. Beautiful pic of this country.
Next fuel stop is Kingman, AZ. We are always greeted like this!!! Check this out.
See the pine trees. This is how we know we are getting close to Williams AZ. They smell so good.

Williams is a small town with a great reception. Love to see the kids engaged. This is our future.
Dinner here is at the American Legion. Unlike lunch, it is normally pretty cold by the time we get there. They have great Pulled pork and lots of home-made dessert. Definitely can start gaining weight from day one.
This is how the pork is cooked. Smells so good.
Quote for the day:
Freedom is not free