What a fantastic mission we had last month in May 2019! With the new State Coordinators, they had our best interest in hand. With all the changes made in the route, stops and time allotted everyone adjusted well. The best part of the ride is that we were incident free! This is kudos to all riders and participants paying attention and riding their ride. We paced the packs with safety in mind and it paid off very well. Everyone adjusted accordingly. You did us all proud!
I am truly humbled to have served as your 2019 Route Coordinator. I had the distinct privilege to meet and greet many of you. Your names I cannot recall, but the memories won’t leave me.
Remember next year your new leadership. Ken “Six Strings” Dugas has been nominated to take over the helm as Route Coordinator. Please continue to support the Midway Route and leadership!
There are too many thank you’s for me to say them all, but what a fantastic team of State Coordinators, Support Leadership, Ambassadors, Platoons, Staging, Fuel, Advance, Chaplains, Chase, Hydration, Registration, Merchandise and our amazing and fearless Road Guards.
Until next year, God Bless you all and safe travels.
Glenn “Wombat” Waggoner Jr.,
2019 Midway Route Coordinator
“Our Duty to Remember”
I live in Huntington, WV 25705. And am a Vietnam vet. 67-68. I have a 2019 FXBB Street Bob.
I want to ride The Run To The Wall 2020. Who do I contact?
(304) 972-2777 cell