Greetings RFTW family!
It is now November and excitement is growing as we focus on our Midway plans for our 2022 mission. I recently held a zoom meeting with our State Coordinators and their Assistant SCs. It was great to see them again and discuss our route plans. After our 2 years of cancellations, as expected, we will be having to make a few changes to our route. Plans are progressing well. I want to thank the State and Assistant Coordinators for all that they do. Our route and mission could not happen without them!
The State and Assistant Coordinators are some of the most critical, vital, important, hardworking, dedicated…. (did I leave any adjective out?) positions that RFTW has. They are so underappreciated by most, because so much of their work is done “behind the scenes”. I wanted to feature them in this newsletter, because I have so much appreciation for what they do, and want to let everyone know how valuable and important they are for our mission.
Midway has a need for an Assistant State Coordinator for Arizona. In addition to that, we need someone to step up to take over as State Coordinator for New Mexico. Tina Reeves has done an amazing job for us as our New Mexico State Coordinator. However, this will be her last year. She is looking for an assistant to work with to take over for her next year. She has great contacts and will do a great job in preparing the next person to take over. If you are willing to step up and take on one of these essential positions, please contact me and I will put you in touch with the right person. If you live in these states and are all in for RFTW, please consider volunteering to take on this great responsibility.
Midway is determined to make 2022 happen. No one knows what the Covid situation will be. We have submitted an alternative route plan to the BOD at our last meeting should restrictions prevent us from going to some states. The BOD was very supportive of us continuing our efforts. I feel everyone is committed to making 2022 happen, even if it might be different from previous years. All routes are working on alternative plans. ………..IS IT MAY YET!
All team leaders should be confirming that their teams are in place and ready to go. Please let me know if you have any positions that need to be filled.
As we are approaching Veteran’s Day, I want to say thank you to our veterans for their service to our country. WELCOME HOME!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting all of our new FNGs!
Have I told you lately?……………………….I love my RFTW family!
Honor, Hope & Healing.
Ken “Six String” Dugas
Midway Route Coordinator